There really is no IRS scandal

The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..

The difference between Clinton "firing" attorneys and Bush firing attorneys is enormous.

The Bush administration ordered the attorneys to file cases against political enemies. When the attorneys refused, they were fired.

Do you get that?
The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..

The difference between Clinton "firing" attorneys and Bush firing attorneys is enormous.

The Bush administration ordered the attorneys to file cases against political enemies. When the attorneys refused, they were fired.

Do you get that?

The IRS was ordered by your two Democrat Senators to review and hold up Conservative 501Cs.. NOW WHAT BIG MOUTH?
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Actually..there is a scandal.

A VERY big scandal.

All political action committees granted 501 (4) status?


And NO ONE in congress wants to do anything about it.
you know republicans and breaking the law... as long

as it fits their agenda no prob-blim-o ...
This thread is about "THERE IS NO IRS SCANDAL" and yet we know two powerful Democrat Senators ordering the IRS to come down on Conservative 501cs
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Nope. There really WAS a scandal else the Libwits wouldn't be scrambling to hide the evidence and Lerner wouldn't be pleading the 5th. Run along now.
From those letters:

We write to ask the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) to immediately change the administrative framework for enforcement of the tax code as it applies to groups designated as “social welfare” organizations. These groups receive tax and other advantages under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter, “IRC” or the “Code”), but some of them also are engaged in a substantial amount of political campaign activity. As you know, we sent a letter last month expressing concerns about the 501(c)(4) issue; an investigation this week by the New York Times has uncovered new, specific problems on how c)4)s conduct business. We wanted to address those new concerns in this letter.

IRS regulations have long maintained that political campaign activity by a 501(c)(4) entity must not be the “primary purpose” of the organization. These regulations are intended to implement the statute, which requires that such organizations be operated exclusively for the public welfare. But we think the existing IRS regulations run afoul of the law since they only require social welfare activities to be the ‘primary purpose’ of a nonprofit when the Code says this must be its ‘exclusive’ purpose. In recent years, this daylight between the law and the IRS regulations has been exploited by groups devoted chiefly to political election activities who operate behind a facade of charity work.

The letter closes with this:

“The IRS should already possess the authority to issue immediate guidance on this matter. We urge the IRS to take these steps immediately to prevent abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election activities. But if the IRS is unable to issue administrative guidance in this area then we plan to introduce legislation to accomplish these important changes.”
This is such bullshit. No one should get a exemption on income taxes. There is no way to stop corruption within the IRS with the way it is run now. only everyone pays and not thru income, Fair tax or some other tax based on spending is the best way to take politics out of this. And I mean everyone on there spending to include Churches, schools, charities and so on., only way for it to not be abused by politicians.
There is nothing to argue. The behavior of the IRS since these hearings began is indicative of serious malfeasance afoot. It's more obvious than the hole in your ass and as a wise man once suggested, I won't waste my time arguing with an idiot.

But what Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...Which ones?
We'll wait for your answer

Granted, virtually everyone understands the broad strokes of what happened at the IRS over the last few years, yet Democrats keep dredging up false equivalencies — so it’s useful to trumpet additional data like this. Via NPR:

A House Ways and Means Committee staff analysis of the applications of 111 conservative and progressive groups applying for tax exempt status found conservative applicants faced, “more questions, more denials, more delays,” says committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich. That is, when the IRS sent groups letters asking for further information, conservative groups were asked more questions — on average, three times more. All of the groups with “progressive” in their name were ultimately approved, while only 46 percent of conservative groups won approval. Others are still waiting for an answer or gave up.
Right-leaning groups were asked triple the number of questions (like this, and this), and ended up getting shot down more than half the time. Lefty organizations skated by with fewer inquiries and were all approved. Let’s examine the raw numbers:


To recap: Conservatives won the “who got scrutinized” category 104-7, the “who got rejected” column 54 percent to zero, and the “still in limbo or gave up” tally 56-0. Indeed, as this controversy unfolded, a USA Today analysis determined that over a 27-month period, not a single Tea Party tax-exempt application was given the green light, while “dozens” of liberal applicants were rubber-stamped. The “both sides were targeted, and Issa lied!” crowd can huff and puff all they want, but they can’t change these facts. There’s also the tiny details that (a) the IRS conducted its own internal investigation prior to the IG audit, and reached very similar conclusions, which (b) is why they admitted to and apologized for the improper targeting of conservatives. Meanwhile, the leaders of several established right-leaning groups are now alleging that the IRS abruptly began challenging their previously-granted tax statuses during this same time frame, thus forcing their organizations to divert significant resources to legal fees. Chairman Issa has asked the Inspector General to broaden his probe to include these new accusations. Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings — who went from being “outraged” at the IRS, to declaring the issue “solved,” to demanding further investigations — has objected to Issa’s request. Has Cummings re-embraced his “problem solved” posture, perhaps? For a “phony” scandal, this story sure seems to have an awful lot of loose threads.

heres then problem with your so-called accurate post ... I went to the IRS site there weren't any such listing on how many 501c 4 were question about their status ... the information in your graph are based on how many applied themselves ... which shows more for the Tea baggers being question then any other group... be cause they applied more ... it would only seem they were being targeted because more applied then the liberals, more applied then the conservatives, you doltz ... your graph really doesn't show bias it show how many applied and how many were question ...
Is that why the I.R.S. apologized for it? Why the President claimed he was outraged over it when the story first broke? So the I.R.S. apologized for something that didn't happen and the President was outraged over something that didn't happen yeah okay.

But which groups were denied? None?
Then what are the hearings for?

Check with FOX and get back to me

The claim was never that they were denied the claim was that they were given extra scrutiny which they were and that there applications were delayed sometimes for years which they were things that did not happen on anywhere near the same scale with liberal groups. Get off MSNBC and try getting your facts right in the future you will look less foolish I will be happy to continue this with you but I will have to pick up a copy of how to argue with idiots first.

you know before you call some one a idiot, you need to see how many Liberals groups applied, and how many tea baggers applied ... for ever 1 liberal group that applied, their were 15 tea bagger groups that applied ... as for years ??? really years??? is this what you want to go with??? tea baggers ran for office in the 2010 election in the next election the 2012 they were ragging about being subjection to being question by the IRS ... now mind you this was the 2012 election and you say they were given extra scrutiny for years!!!!! really !!!! you want to go with that exaggeration here ??? really !!! years !!!! I guess the real idiot would be you for believing it was for years ....
The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..

The difference between Clinton "firing" attorneys and Bush firing attorneys is enormous.

The Bush administration ordered the attorneys to file cases against political enemies. When the attorneys refused, they were fired.

Do you get that?

The IRS was ordered by your two Democrat Senators to review and hold up Conservative 501Cs.. NOW WHAT BIG MOUTH?

got a name for those two ??? they need to get a medal ....:D:D:D
This thread is about "THERE IS NO IRS SCANDAL" and yet we know two powerful Democrat Senators ordering the IRS to come down on Conservative 501cs

got a name for those so-called powerful Democrat Senators ordering the IRS to come down on Conservative 501cs or are you just blowing smoke up every bodies butt

Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee who this week is calling for hearings into IRS activities, specifically called on the IRS to engage in that very conduct back in 2010. And he wasn't the only one. Just last year, a group of seven Senate Democrats sent another letter to the IRS urging them to similarly investigate these outside political organizations.

and this is a problem with you having them have hearings into IRS activities ??? really IF it is then I guess we should stop the hearings into IRS activities too ...
Last edited:
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show
You missed a spot...

Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Nope. There really WAS a scandal else the Libwits wouldn't be scrambling to hide the evidence and Lerner wouldn't be pleading the 5th. Run along now.

and you know for sure that Lerner is a Libwit ??? you've seen her voting record??? if it were I, I too would plead the 5th ... why would I say this??? because if you made a mistake on anything you say, you can be held for lying under oath ... not a oops I made a mistake ... they won't buy it
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Nope. There really WAS a scandal else the Libwits wouldn't be scrambling to hide the evidence and Lerner wouldn't be pleading the 5th. Run along now.

and you know for sure that Lerner is a Libwit ??? you've seen her voting record??? if it were I, I too would plead the 5th ... why would I say this??? because if you made a mistake on anything you say, you can be held for lying under oath ... not a oops I made a mistake ... they won't buy it

I do know for certain that she's a Libwit. A Conservative would never have willingly gone after other Conservatives.
Nope. There really WAS a scandal else the Libwits wouldn't be scrambling to hide the evidence and Lerner wouldn't be pleading the 5th. Run along now.

and you know for sure that Lerner is a Libwit ??? you've seen her voting record??? if it were I, I too would plead the 5th ... why would I say this??? because if you made a mistake on anything you say, you can be held for lying under oath ... not a oops I made a mistake ... they won't buy it

I do know for certain that she's a Libwit. A Conservative would never have willingly gone after other Conservatives.

You are saying that conservatives can not be trusted to be ethical? They are corrupt by nature?
and you know for sure that Lerner is a Libwit ??? you've seen her voting record??? if it were I, I too would plead the 5th ... why would I say this??? because if you made a mistake on anything you say, you can be held for lying under oath ... not a oops I made a mistake ... they won't buy it

I do know for certain that she's a Libwit. A Conservative would never have willingly gone after other Conservatives.

You are saying that conservatives can not be trusted to be ethical? They are corrupt by nature?

You smarmy libnutz always twist around words and think you're smart or sly.. You look like the fucking bozo that you are.. You and your ilk of Zombies can't argue the facts so you either blame Boooosh, question the source, or rewrite the sentence and blame the author.. We're all privy to your leftist tactics and it doesn't work.. 74% of Americans don't even buy in to your racism whine any longer about Obama.. America has grown tired of liberalism.

In 2012, Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Al Franken, D-Minn., and five other Democrats signed a letter demanding the IRS target conservative groups or face legislation forcing them to do so.

The letter says in part:

We write to ask the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) to immediately change the administrative framework for enforcement of the tax code as it applies to groups designated as “social welfare” organizations. These groups receive tax and other advantages under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter, “IRC” or the “Code”), but some of them also are engaged in a substantial amount of political campaign activity. As you know, we sent a letter last month expressing concerns about the 501(c)(4) issue; an investigation this week by the New York Times has uncovered new, specific problems on how c)4)s conduct business. We wanted to address those new concerns in this letter.

IRS regulations have long maintained that political campaign activity by a 501(c)(4) entity must not be the “primary purpose” of the organization. These regulations are intended to implement the statute, which requires that such organizations be operated exclusively for the public welfare. But we think the existing IRS regulations run afoul of the law since they only require social welfare activities to be the ‘primary purpose’ of a nonprofit when the Code says this must be its ‘exclusive’ purpose. In recent years, this daylight between the law and the IRS regulations has been exploited by groups devoted chiefly to political election activities who operate behind a facade of charity work.

The letter closes with this:

“The IRS should already possess the authority to issue immediate guidance on this matter. We urge the IRS to take these steps immediately to prevent abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election activities. But if the IRS is unable to issue administrative guidance in this area then we plan to introduce legislation to accomplish these important changes.”

here is their request... now please tell us where it says target Conservatives ??? or where it say target tea baggers ??? whaaaaaaaaat??? it doesn't say it anywhere ??? its only a paranoid assumption on your part??? just because a group of democrats sees what they see as wrong doings they aren't supposed to do their jobs an remind the IRS to do their job??? thats wrong??? give me a break paranoid republican

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