there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

They did not, could not, and never intended to "change the results of an election".
All they could do is appeal to members of Congress and the VP, to delay certification for more investigation.
Whether they were right or wrong, that certainly is not unreasonable or evil.
The case is being made that that Trump, et al. knew the election wasn't fraudulent and this was an attempt to overturn it. If proven, that is very unreasonable and certainly evil.
The case is being made that that Trump, et al. knew the election wasn't fraudulent and this was an attempt to overturn it. If proven, that is very unreasonable and certainly evil.
Good luck proving that case.

Leftards are so completely full of shit it boggles the mind.
yidnar said: they didnt try to overturn the government . yvdnvr.23.12.08 #1,140

Because the government had 14 days left with Trump as the outgoing president on January 6. 2021. They were trying to overturn the presidential election for a second term that President Trump
Lost. The coup plot was led by Trump and it involved the criminal activity of declaring Trump had won and was certified the winner in seven Biden victorious states by Republican Party state officials who were willing to cancel every single vote within their home state so America could become more like Russia Trump being the STRONGMAN dictator he need not be chosen by the people for the people or if the people who were born or naturalized here in America but are not white European Christian enough to know what is right for America.

You should be ashamed Saint Yidnar for making excuses for the white deplorable demonic institution of MAGA Republican Party Cult behavior and mindless religious fascination with Donald Zheng Trump as white American Christianity’s only potential savior.

Is it Baby Fetus keeping you in that Biblical World View MAGA cult?

Copy to Saint Yidnar’s Fellowship of Saintly white Christian MAGA Deplorables on this thread

mudwhistle said: Insurrection had to be redefined.. mdwhstl.21.04.05 #3

Darkwind said: Piss off. drkwnd.21.04.05 #11

toobfreak said: the 200 involved would have been armed to the teeth tbfrk.21.04.05 #12

Mac-7 said: Black Lies Matter protests/riots/looting the past 14 months mcvn.21.04.05 #16

Blisterfinger said: There was no insurrection. Just smooth brains that think there was. blstrfngr 23.12.08 #1,157

scruffy said: Democrats FUNDED eight months of racial riots. Scrvffy.23.12.08 #1,158


nf,23.12.09 #1,168
to yvdnvr.23.12.08 #1,140
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The Trumpsters are free to deny, deflect, downplay, diminish, distort and outright lie.

You can try to compare it to a street riot or insist that they had to be shooting.

You can make up your own definitions for the word. Whatever you'd like!

You can call it "a banana" if you want to. It doesn't matter.

The fact remains, these misguided and mal-informed rubes tried to literally, physically stop the peaceful and constitutional transfer of American presidential power, BY FORCE, for the first time in our nation's history. They injured over a hundred Capitol cops and had our lawmakers and their staffs cowering in fear for their lives and safety. All over a lie told by a profoundly damaged con man who lacks the fundamental adult capacity to admit he lost.

The same profoundly damaged con man who insisted the EMMYS were rigged against him, and for the same reason.

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yidnar said: were over 2000 cops injured on jan 6th ? were over 2 dozen people killed ? was there over 2 billion in damages ? all said things leftists did in 2020. yvdnvr.23.12.08 #1,103

Why would the Democratic Party Donate $2 billion to help DJT win in 2020?

KELLYANNE CONWAY: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” o mags 20AUG27-KConway

See POST nf.23.12.09 12,023 if you don’t understand Saint YIdnar that race riots and looting are the worst news Democrats want to hear ever, but can be devastating when racial violence breaks out ahead of an election m.

nf.23.12.09 #1,171
to yvdnvr.23.12.08 #1,103
I did not steal anything. I certainly did not sign up as a fake elector when Trump beat Clinton in ‘16.

The election was not stolen and Trump has produced zero evidence that it was after three years.

I always love your name, Fooled by EVERYBODY Except W
Trump supporters kiss so much ass, their lips smell like Trump's butt!

Lefties, on the other hand, do not. There are more examples of lefties criticizing Biden, than there are of MAGA's criticizing Trump.
There’s a lot to criticize with Biden!
They absolutely do not.

That another lie in a string of them.

Have you no shame?
None when it comes to expiring leftard lies.

Please link us to the FBI acknowledging J6 was an insurrection.

Any insurrection charges from the DOJ?

No, of course not.

Because there was no such thing, leftard liar.
None when it comes to expiring leftard lies.

Please link us to the FBI acknowledging J6 was an insurrection.

Any insurrection charges from the DOJ?

No, of course not.

Because there was no such thing, leftard liar.
And nobody ever officially called Vietnam a war either but that's what it was.

You guys should be glad they haven't charged anyone with insurrection. I believe that carries the death penalty.
And nobody ever officially called Vietnam a war either but that's what it was.

You guys should be glad they haven't charged anyone with insurrection. I believe that carries the death penalty.
So you admit you're full of shit.

Okay, that's something.

Why do you libtards keep spouting lies?

You're obviously scare shitless of public opinion.
LA RAM FAN said: “ I can’t wait to see you cry when trump gets sworn in again,” lrmfn.20.12.08 #57

NF post #59 said: “You are an idiot: It’s over. You are irrelevant“

NF post #59 image:

NF post #59 link:
t's over: âSafe harborâ provision secures Joe Bidenâs Electoral College win

All US states except Wisconsin appear to have met a deadline under federal law to resolve disputes arising from the November 3 presidential election, thereby ensuring Joe Biden's victory, the Associated Press reports.Tuesday is the so-called safe harbor deadline for states to resolve disputes... • ¥ • All US states except Wisconsin appear to have met a deadline under federal law to resolve disputes arising from the November 3 presidential election, thereby ensuring Joe Biden’s victory, the Associated Press reports. • ¥¥ .• Tuesday is the so-called safe harbor deadline for states to resolve disputes arising from the election. Under US law, Congress will consider a state’s election result to be “conclusive” if it is finalized by the safe harbor date. • ¥¥¥ •
nf.20,23,08 #59 nf.20.12.08 #59 to lrmfn.20.12.08 #57

The above POST { nf.20.22.08 #59 to lrmfn.20.12.08 #57 } was posted nearly a full month before the J6 insurrection. I gave this Message Board a clear explanation of “Safe Harbor” being the reason that the J6 MAGA notion that Trump could stop the inauguration of Joe Biden after December 14th was never possible.

lennypartiv said: “They were trying to stop the steal.” lnnyprtv.23.12.10 #1,178
to nf.23.12.09 #1,168

Bingo! There was no steal. After “Safe Harbor” on December 14, 2020 There is no Constitutional lawful means to stop an election for President Trump that losers think was stolen.

Trump could’ve used the 50 bucks you sent him Saint Lennypartiv to investigate and prove in court the fraud he publicly claims was prevalent and outcome determinative to some math that he actually won a state that became certified for Biden. All stars were in “Safe Harbor” by December 14th.

But loser Trump chose to try to stay in power beyond his legal Constitutional expiration date of his first term on January 20th.

nf.33.23.10 #1,180
to lnnyprtv.23.12.10 #1,178
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