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There was no letter on the bed

CaféAuLait;9217160 said:
The f..ing truth is that it was the left leaning NYT that reported there was a note and it has been reported there was but not in the official report. Now one must ask why did the left leaning NYT post sometime they knew was not true? Or did they believe it to be true and it was not? If the latter then where did they get the idea there was a note?

Never the less the emails he sent his parents is damning enough. Whether or not there was a note is just another left wing diversion. Can we start talking about how Obama f..ed over the Vets in VA hospitals?

You mean you haven't heard? Obama wasn't president in 2005. In fact, Republicans held both houses and the Presidency.
The way these right wingers rewrite history. Is it any wonder the entire world laughs at them?


“The issues identified in current allegations are not new. Since 2005, the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued 18 reports that identified, at both the national and local levels, deficiencies in scheduling resulting in lengthy waiting times and the negative impact on patient care.”

VA OIG Report - The Report that Brought Down a VA Secretary | Veterans for Common Sense

I suppose you missed the FACT in that report the 2005 issue was the only one under Bush. Issues 2-18 were from 2007 forwards under the democratic controlled congress and Obama.

1 verses 17 is pretty freaking horrible.

You also forgot to mention the 2012 VA report showed Obama and company were AWARE of the deaths at the Phoenix Hospital.

At least you admit it started under Bush. And you know it didn't happen over night.
"Three days ago, the New York Times cited a “former senior military officer” for the claim that Bergdahl had left a note behind in his tent the night he disappeared saying “he had become disillusioned with the Army, did not support the American mission in Afghanistan and was leaving to start a new life.” Pretty strong evidence of desertion; in fact, it’s the only hard evidence of Bergdahl’s motives that allegedly exists. The same day, Fox News reported that two unnamed former members of Bergdahl’s unit also claim that he left a note, and that the note suggested not only desertion but an intent to renounce his citizenship. All of this came as a shock to Saxby Chambliss, the ranking GOP member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, who had read the classified file on Bergdahl and saw nothing in there about a note.
That’s when things started to get weird."

"Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report."

"...watch Newsmax’s interview with retired Special Ops Maj. Rusty Bradley, who helped search for Bergdahl, below; the key bit comes at around 5:45. Like the Times’s source, he claims that a report issued within 24 hours of Bergdahl’s disappearance mentioned a note."

"...where’s the note? And why is the White House telling Congress it doesn’t exist?"

Former Special Ops officer: Report issued within 24 hours after Bergdahl disappeared said he left a note « Hot Air

There was a note.

And now there's not.


and fakey just dismisses this out of hand and relies on rdean's post...but he is a republican

Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.
What they DID know is that he was suppose to be at his post and was not. The details need to be filled in by we do know he was not taken captive because of hostile action. Thus, even to the brain dead flying monkeys he is the cause of his going over to the Taliban. Unless of course everyone is lying which seems to always be the liberal flying monkey excuse.

Like I said before, perhaps the guy is Forest Gump? If he walks away from duty multiple times and that bizarre behavior is "over looked", then you have to take a good hard look at his commanding officer. Double DUH! Did that have to be explained?

And Republicans want this guy who obviously has issues to die at the hands of Islamic Extremists???? Isn't that what they said Obama did at Benghazi????

And there are only two sides here. Bring him home or let him dies at the hands of Islamic Extremists. There is no in between.
Republicans pretend they love the military. Now they are accusing the military of a "cover up". Guess there wasn't all that much love as we thought.
CaféAuLait;9217160 said:
You mean you haven't heard? Obama wasn't president in 2005. In fact, Republicans held both houses and the Presidency.
The way these right wingers rewrite history. Is it any wonder the entire world laughs at them?


“The issues identified in current allegations are not new. Since 2005, the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued 18 reports that identified, at both the national and local levels, deficiencies in scheduling resulting in lengthy waiting times and the negative impact on patient care.”

VA OIG Report - The Report that Brought Down a VA Secretary | Veterans for Common Sense

I suppose you missed the FACT in that report the 2005 issue was the only one under Bush. Issues 2-18 were from 2007 forwards under the democratic controlled congress and Obama.

1 verses 17 is pretty freaking horrible.

You also forgot to mention the 2012 VA report showed Obama and company were AWARE of the deaths at the Phoenix Hospital.

At least you admit it started under Bush. And you know it didn't happen over night.

Started under Bush? I guess you did not read the reports under Clinton and his predecessors.

What you seem to be missing is you provide this link which shows there was a total of ONE issue out of 18 under Bush and a republican congress. The other 17 issues were under a Democratic congress and Obama.
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
and fakey just dismisses this out of hand and relies on rdean's post...but he is a republican

Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

So once it is established that it is highly unlikely there was ever a note and it is just another phony story from the Right, the goal posts get moved and suddenly the note doesn't matter.
Republicans pretend they love the military. Now they are accusing the military of a "cover up". Guess there wasn't all that much love as we thought.

Actually there was a cover up, but the Right are ignoring that cover up because it was the cover up that turned Bergdahl against his unit. Bowe Bergdahl witnessed a careless manslaughter in 2009. The killing of a child. And then that killing was covered up by the officers in his Army unit: no report to Army Inspector General, no unit prosecution, no detention or reduction in pay grade, no punishment whatsoever for the MRAP driver who crushed the child.
Watching Republican Senator's this morning on Morning Joe talking about this situation.

There was no letter on the bed. Senators asked the military and they said it had been fully investigated. It never existed.

One GOP Senator said that Bergdahl looked undernourished, drugged, was mumbling and appeared to be "coerced", but didn't seem to be in any imminent danger (huh"?). This from a 90 second video shown to all Senators.

And they were asked if the White House called them and apologized for any misunderstanding and they had the hardest time saying "yes".

Joe Scarborough attacked the parents of this kid while others at the table told him to leave the kid's parents alone. Joe said the parents should have called the Pentagon and demanded care for their son (after VA funding has been cut - like that's gonna happen).

What isn't clear is whether Republicans understand that it was al Qaeda that attacked the US. To an outside observer, after 9/11, the US then attacked Iraq and the Taliban but let the leader of al Qaeda go. I never could understand that.

And finally, isn't leaving an American in the hands of Islamic Extremists what Republicans accused Obama of doing?

I think in their zeal to attack the president, Republicans are setting themselves up for very difficult explanations. How do you think they will respond?

This is why the Repubs are circling the drain as a party.

Gotta love ya', Dottie! Another week...another Obama Administration fuck up. Yet somehow YOU think that's bad for the GOP?

Here's next weeks "goal" for Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight! Let's see if they can go an entire week without another major cluster fuck coming to light. Just a week...surely they can pull THAT off! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
and fakey just dismisses this out of hand and relies on rdean's post...but he is a republican

Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

Fuck! Are you saying he was NAKED when he left????
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

So once it is established that it is highly unlikely there was ever a note and it is just another phony story from the Right, the goal posts get moved and suddenly the note doesn't matter.

I was not even aware of any supposed note until this thread. What was supposed to be in this note?

Again, I will ask you with the proof and his parents telling the world he sent his uniforms and equipment home 2 weeks into his deployment with emails stating he hated the United States and being a soldier means nothing? Why is some note even needed? Not to mention he said he would desert his post BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

Couple that with the FACT the ARMY stated "no extraordinary efforts" would take place to find him since he 'walked away" says volumes.

U.S. concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl walked away

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

Fuck! Are you saying he was NAKED when he left????

No, where did you even come up with that? Do you believe that soldiers only go to war with one uniform?

I suppose you think his parents are liars.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Watching Republican Senator's this morning on Morning Joe talking about this situation.

There was no letter on the bed. Senators asked the military and they said it had been fully investigated. It never existed.

One GOP Senator said that Bergdahl looked undernourished, drugged, was mumbling and appeared to be "coerced", but didn't seem to be in any imminent danger (huh"?). This from a 90 second video shown to all Senators.

And they were asked if the White House called them and apologized for any misunderstanding and they had the hardest time saying "yes".

Joe Scarborough attacked the parents of this kid while others at the table told him to leave the kid's parents alone. Joe said the parents should have called the Pentagon and demanded care for their son (after VA funding has been cut - like that's gonna happen).

What isn't clear is whether Republicans understand that it was al Qaeda that attacked the US. To an outside observer, after 9/11, the US then attacked Iraq and the Taliban but let the leader of al Qaeda go. I never could understand that.

And finally, isn't leaving an American in the hands of Islamic Extremists what Republicans accused Obama of doing?

I think in their zeal to attack the president, Republicans are setting themselves up for very difficult explanations. How do you think they will respond?

This is why the Repubs are circling the drain as a party.

Gotta love ya', Dottie! Another week...another Obama Administration fuck up. Yet somehow YOU think that's bad for the GOP?

Here's next weeks "goal" for Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight! Let's see if they can go an entire week without another major cluster fuck coming to light. Just a week...surely they can pull THAT off! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

If Obama left Afghanistan and left an American soldier behind, the Republicans would crucify him. That's why they are mad. He ruined their next "scandal". Only they over reached. You can't scream at Obama saying he left Americans at the mercy of Islamic terrorists (Benghazi) and then get mad when he doesn't leave an American behind at the mercy of Islamic Extremists. Only "Obama derangement Syndrome" blocks Republicans from seeing this.
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
Just like you dismiss the FINAL report which has no mention of the note, which exists ONLY in the "memory" of some unknown official. Also the Hastings article on Bergdahl has no mention of a note and points out that no one in his troop knew what happened to him at that time, which they would have known if there was a note!


Bergdahl Walked Away Before, Military Report Says

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The report is also said to cite members of his platoon as saying that he may have taken a shorter unauthorized walk outside the concertina wire of his combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan before he left for good, in an incident that was apparently not reported up the chain of command. The Military Times on Wednesday first reported that claim, also citing officials familiar with the military's report.

But the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl having left behind a letter in his tent that explicitly said he was deserting and explaining his disillusionment, as a retired senior military official briefed on the investigation at the time told The New York Times this week.

Asked about what appeared to be a disconnect, the retired officer insisted that he remembered reading a field report discussing the existence of such a letter in the early days of the search and was unable to explain why it is not mentioned in the final investigative report.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

At 9:00 that morning, the acting platoon leader, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, called in over the radio to report a missing soldier. According to sources in the battalion, this was the last thing Hein needed, given all the scrutiny the unit had been under. The men needed a break. Instead, they had to find a member of their platoon. "That was a shitty week for all of them," says one soldier in the unit.

By 11:37 a.m., a Predator drone was on station, monitoring the area with a call sign of VOODOO. At 2:10 p.m., a Pathfinder and a team of tracking dogs arrived at the small outpost. Five minutes later, another Predator drone began circling the area. At 2:42, Guardrail – an electronic intercept plane run by the same clandestine Army agency that killed Pablo Escobar – captured low-level voice intercepts picked up from radio or cellphone traffic. An American soldier with a camera was reportedly looking for someone who spoke English.

The search quickly escalated. No one knew whether Bowe was a deserter,* a prisoner or a casualty. At that point he was simply listed as DUSTWUN – short for "Duty Status: Whereabouts Unknown."

Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

So once it is established that it is highly unlikely there was ever a note and it is just another phony story from the Right, the goal posts get moved and suddenly the note doesn't matter.

It was also widely reported that Bowe left his guard post. The story changed to waking him up for guard duty and discovering him not in his tent. Big difference.
Republicans pretend they love the military. Now they are accusing the military of a "cover up". Guess there wasn't all that much love as we thought.

Actually there was a cover up, but the Right are ignoring that cover up because it was the cover up that turned Bergdahl against his unit. Bowe Bergdahl witnessed a careless manslaughter in 2009. The killing of a child. And then that killing was covered up by the officers in his Army unit: no report to Army Inspector General, no unit prosecution, no detention or reduction in pay grade, no punishment whatsoever for the MRAP driver who crushed the child.

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Ed...

Because Bergdahl was upset that a fellow soldier wasn't punished for an accident...he decided to switch sides and join the Taliban...a group that beheads starving children for taking food from coalition troops?

Are you REALLY going with this nonsense?
You mean you haven't heard? Obama wasn't president in 2005. In fact, Republicans held both houses and the Presidency.
The way these right wingers rewrite history. Is it any wonder the entire world laughs at them?


“The issues identified in current allegations are not new. Since 2005, the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued 18 reports that identified, at both the national and local levels, deficiencies in scheduling resulting in lengthy waiting times and the negative impact on patient care.”

VA OIG Report - The Report that Brought Down a VA Secretary | Veterans for Common Sense

OMG you are a faithful one aren't you? Obama promised to clean up the VA, he failed. He was taking heat for it and created another controversy that he thought would make him untouchable. He sent Susan Rice out to lie for him. Never the less he ran on saying how he was going to fix the VA, he did not. What happened before him is immaterial.

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

Obama never imagined Republicans would fuck over the veterans. Course, I always thought they would. Mean bastards is who they are, and proud of it.

Shove that fucking lie up your ass rdean. It's been blown out of the water a quizzillion times on this board but you still keep puking it out.

The VA scandal had nothing to do with the budget but you just keep regurgitating your little talking points.
Republicans pretend they love the military. Now they are accusing the military of a "cover up". Guess there wasn't all that much love as we thought.

Actually there was a cover up, but the Right are ignoring that cover up because it was the cover up that turned Bergdahl against his unit. Bowe Bergdahl witnessed a careless manslaughter in 2009. The killing of a child. And then that killing was covered up by the officers in his Army unit: no report to Army Inspector General, no unit prosecution, no detention or reduction in pay grade, no punishment whatsoever for the MRAP driver who crushed the child.

If true you think all that military UCMJ action for any of that would take place in less than 2 weeks? Bergdahl was only in Afghanistan for barley 5 weeks. He sent his uniforms and equipment home 2 weeks after he arrived. He said before arriving he would desert his post if the "war was lame".

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone
CaféAuLait;9217278 said:
CaféAuLait;9217220 said:
Does it matter if there was a note? Really?

He spoke loud and clear when he sent his uniforms home and his equipment and told his parents to use it as they saw fit because he would no longer need it. He spoke loud and clear when he said he would desert BEFORE arriving in Afghanistan.

In turn, the ARMY spoke loud and clear when their 2010 report stated there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away.

Fuck! Are you saying he was NAKED when he left????

No, where did you even come up with that? Do you believe that soldiers only go to war with one uniform?

I suppose you think his parents are liars.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Thanks for the article. I hadn't read that one. So Republicans knew about this all the way back in 2012. I had heard they knew about it as far back as 2011.

And I sent OD Green pants, shirts and coats to cousins in Virginia and North Carolina when I was in the service. Course I never walked away a bunch of times either. No one ever accused me of being Forest Gump.
CaféAuLait;9217278 said:
Fuck! Are you saying he was NAKED when he left????

No, where did you even come up with that? Do you believe that soldiers only go to war with one uniform?

I suppose you think his parents are liars.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Thanks for the article. I hadn't read that one. So Republicans knew about this all the way back in 2012. I had heard they knew about it as far back as 2011.

And I sent OD Green pants, shirts and coats to cousins in Virginia and North Carolina when I was in the service. Course I never walked away a bunch of times either. No one ever accused me of being Forest Gump.

I am trying to figure out why you think this matters? Didn't everyone know he walked away before now? That his being a deserter is nothing new as alleged by the left? If you read the article it was clear he was leaving that is why he sent the stuff home to his parents.
Washington Post. You know. Left of left. Much like the New York Times that actually broke the letter story.

They found witnesses.

Exclusive: Afghan villagers recall when Bergdahl stumbled into their midst

Until now, few details have emerged about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s disappearance from his base. But The Washington Post has reached Afghan villagers who spotted Bergdahl shortly after he slipped away from his base. To them, it’s clear something was wrong with the American. And he seemed to be deliberately heading for Taliban strongholds, they say.

Exclusive: Afghan villagers recall when Bergdahl stumbled into their midst - The Washington Post
Hey rdean did you get hold of the New York Times and freak out on them for publishing the story of the letter?

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