Will Joe Biden Skip The Next Debate?

  • They found a way out of the 2nd Debate so yes

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No, Joe is a Fighter and will show up to duke it out with Trump behind the school

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • He's thinks he's Senator of PA and get's lost at a swimming pool and shows his hairy legs off

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • He can't find that thing, yah know the thing

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • He thinks he is running against What's his name from Montana

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Mommy am I dog catcher yet

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Sniff Sniff Sniff

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • He finds Hunter's Crack Pipe and suddenly becomes Lucid

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

There is no reason even right now not to hold the 2nd debate.

By the time the 3rd debate comes around, Joe is going to come down with the Mike DeWine Flu and refuse to debate.


I think Joe Biden is done, but he and his party need ripped to shreds in a public forum.

Raging don-roid doesn't need to debate. He has his cult of personality COVID-19 Superspreader events now...
You douche bags and your DemNazi co-conspirators in The Media were howling about cancelling the rest of the debates because Joe got his ass beat so bad.

And like magic, to quote Joe Biden: "Well son of a bitch, the debates got cancelled"

No one wanted the debates cancelled but Trump, for good reason. He doesn't know how to debate.
I would not be surprised if it was a bioweapons attack that spread Covid at The White House and Joint Chiefs. Viruses do not spread to 40 people simultaneously.
Yeah, they do. Look at the wedding in Maine--nearly 200 cases from one event.
"The Debate Commission doesn't get "agreements." They make the rules and the candidates follow them or don't debate. It's not a negotiation. Trump refused a virtual debate, which was decided on because of his Covid cooties. It's all on him. Biden will debate the 3rd one if Trump will."
The debate commission is a moderator between the two campaigns they do not decide shit. They suggest and both campaigns negotiate till they agree. This was a clear bail out of Biden plain and simple. Not sure where you get your information but it is totally wrong.
"The Debate Commission doesn't get "agreements." They make the rules and the candidates follow them or don't debate. It's not a negotiation. Trump refused a virtual debate, which was decided on because of his Covid cooties. It's all on him. Biden will debate the 3rd one if Trump will."
The debate commission is a moderator between the two campaigns they do not decide shit. They suggest and both campaigns negotiate till they agree. This was a clear bail out of Biden plain and simple. Not sure where you get your information but it is totally wrong.
I read it from the Debate Commission themselves immediately after the first debate when they announced they were making changes.

An informed source told CBS News' Norah O'Donnell the commission will spend the next 48 hours determining new guidelines and rules for the second debate. The organization is working on all possible solutions, but the source said that "we are going to be making changes."

At the top of the list is controlling the two candidates' microphones and their ability to interrupt one another and the moderator. The campaigns will be informed of the rules, but the source said the rules will not be subject to negotiation.

I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

There is no reason even right now not to hold the 2nd debate.

By the time the 3rd debate comes around, Joe is going to come down with the Mike DeWine Flu and refuse to debate.


I think Joe Biden is done, but he and his party need ripped to shreds in a public forum.
Didn't you already predict Biden would not show up for the first one? When are you ever right about anything?
I think I predicted he would not show up for one or more of the debates after getting his ass kicked.
Nah, you lie. You said he wouldn't show up for any debate...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.​
Care to locate that quote? I mean that is a good bet. Biden showing up for even one debate without shitting his depends is a miracle.

Dumbfuck, I already quoted it. Exactly how far out there are you?? :ack-1:
I didn't think the thread had enough Evil Hell Bound Idiots in it, so glad you stopped by.

Once again, you lied. I never said there would be No Debates, and clearly there was already one.

You're truly fucking deranged, Stumpy. I literally quoted you saying Biden wouldn't attend any debate; yet here you are, denying what you said...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.
He said "unless his mommy makes him", so his mommy must have made him.
Dumbfuck, his mommy is dead. She can't make him. You can sum up the IQ of all you rightards and still be in double digits.
There is no way Biden's handlers throw Joe to the 'wolf' after this Burisma bombshell.

'Run away, Joe - hide in your bunker.'

You said there was no way Joe would show up for the first debate. Then you said there was no way he would show up for the second debate. Trump weaseled out of the second one, but Joe was ready to go. Now you're whining about Joe not showing up for the last debate. You wanna bet some money on that?

Okay lets be clear TRUMP didn't get out of the second debate. TRUMP said he wasn't going to do a virtual debate, which was not something ever agreed on, or even resented. Had TRUMP done the virtual debate all debates would switch over to virtual when it would help the dems. A virtual debate would be to open to corruption.

I think the 3rd debate will go on as scheduled and don't expect the Hunter story to get much press, beyond right leaning media.
For the record this virtual debate would not have been the first time two candidates debated remotely. Nixon and Kennedy debated on television with one in New York and one Los Angles which was not much different than face to face debates. Of course in those debates were lot different than today.
Trump's idea of a debate is a contest between two fighters to see who can speak the longest, loudest, interrupt the most, and most effectively intimidate his opponent. That just doesn't work in a virtual debate. Debates are suppose to be structured where each candidate has allotted time to address the question and present their ideas. You’re supposed to hear both sides, uninterrupted. In a virtual debate the moderate has more control and can make that happen. Trump can't stand that. He has to be able interrupt his opponents anytime he chooses, overrun his time, wander off subject and demand more time.
The Debate Commission owes The American People three debates under the agreed to conditions and parameters.

NO Debating that.
Trump should stop hiding from Biden
Why won't the debate commission hold the 2nd debate.

Come on, tell me why we cannot have the 2nd debate under the conditions all parties signed off on.

Let me see your lying ass worm out of that one before the jaws of Hell comes to claim your wicked soul.

Because Trump was contagious, and he doesn't know how to shut up and act like an adult.
Debate was to be far after he was contagious. He had mild china virus so 10 days is all he needed and he had 14 from the day he tested positive. Funny how you dems hide behind science when it suits your needs but ignore it the rest of the time. In fact he had multiple negative tests before the debate was to have taken place. Admit it Biden barely squeaked by in the first debate and they damn well knew that Trumps interruptions probably saved Biden and they found an out with their influence in the debate commission and took it. \
Virtual debate would of been a waste of time Joe Hiden would of just sit in his basement and read responses from his teleprompter. Keep it coming though you have already lost the SCOTUS and the Presidency keep pulling your bullshit so reps can take the house too.

I don't think Trump has had a CREDIBLE negative test yet. his doctors already admitted they lied about his medical condition, just to please him, so we need outside verification of anything they might claim.
Apparently, the college Trump almost flunked out of and would have if not for his daddy, did not educate him on how debates work.
Well Lookeeeeee HERE!!!!

They are already setting things up for Joe Biden to have a Mike DeWine type positive test right before the next debate so he can worm his way out of the next debate like he did with the help of "the commission" worm his way out of the 2nd debate.

I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

There is no reason even right now not to hold the 2nd debate.

By the time the 3rd debate comes around, Joe is going to come down with the Mike DeWine Flu and refuse to debate.


I think Joe Biden is done, but he and his party need ripped to shreds in a public forum.
Didn't you already predict Biden would not show up for the first one? When are you ever right about anything?
I think I predicted he would not show up for one or more of the debates after getting his ass kicked.
Nah, you lie. You said he wouldn't show up for any debate...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.​
Care to locate that quote? I mean that is a good bet. Biden showing up for even one debate without shitting his depends is a miracle.

Dumbfuck, I already quoted it. Exactly how far out there are you?? :ack-1:
I didn't think the thread had enough Evil Hell Bound Idiots in it, so glad you stopped by.

Once again, you lied. I never said there would be No Debates, and clearly there was already one.

You're truly fucking deranged, Stumpy. I literally quoted you saying Biden wouldn't attend any debate; yet here you are, denying what you said...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.
He said "unless his mommy makes him", so his mommy must have made him.
Dumbfuck, his mommy is dead. She can't make him. You can sum up the IQ of all you rightards and still be in double digits.

I said, "unless his mommy makes him", and Jill made Joe go to the first debate, but the Democrat Party was arguing for Zero Debates and only wanted town Halls, The only reason for that is because they have to plant pre-written questions for Joe to regurgitate his pre-written answers. The man's mind is starting to go to mush.

Speaking of your Low IQ.....This man has an IQ of 210. Here is what he says about our president.

"The Debate Commission doesn't get "agreements." They make the rules and the candidates follow them or don't debate. It's not a negotiation. Trump refused a virtual debate, which was decided on because of his Covid cooties. It's all on him. Biden will debate the 3rd one if Trump will."
The debate commission is a moderator between the two campaigns they do not decide shit. They suggest and both campaigns negotiate till they agree. This was a clear bail out of Biden plain and simple. Not sure where you get your information but it is totally wrong.
I read it from the Debate Commission themselves immediately after the first debate when they announced they were making changes.

An informed source told CBS News' Norah O'Donnell the commission will spend the next 48 hours determining new guidelines and rules for the second debate. The organization is working on all possible solutions, but the source said that "we are going to be making changes."

At the top of the list is controlling the two candidates' microphones and their ability to interrupt one another and the moderator. The campaigns will be informed of the rules, but the source said the rules will not be subject to negotiation.

That is not a debate. That is Twitter and Facebook Censoring Facts about Hunter and Joe Biden's Graft, Bribery, Extortion and Pay to Play schemes. No way should anyone agree to being muzzled in a debate. I have never really seen a debate where a moderator just cuts the microphone like that.



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Any more debates would just be further national embarrassment. 2020 has been bad enough.
You mean Embarrassment to the biased Moderators, The Biased Debate Commission, and Joe Biden.

The Debate Commission agreed to 3 debates under specific conditions in writing. They signed it, Biden signed it, The President signed it.

The American People are owed 2 more debates and there is more than ample time to hold them.
Any more debates would just be further national embarrassment. 2020 has been bad enough.
You mean Embarrassment to the biased Moderators, The Biased Debate Commission, and Joe Biden.

The Debate Commission agreed to 3 debates under specific conditions in writing. They signed it, Biden signed it, The President signed it.

The American People are owed 2 more debates and there is more than ample time to hold them.
Whenever a nutter begins a sentence with "you mean...", you know a blatant distortion of your words is next.

Nutters: Zero obligation to intellectual honesty.
Any more debates would just be further national embarrassment. 2020 has been bad enough.
You mean Embarrassment to the biased Moderators, The Biased Debate Commission, and Joe Biden.

The Debate Commission agreed to 3 debates under specific conditions in writing. They signed it, Biden signed it, The President signed it.

The American People are owed 2 more debates and there is more than ample time to hold them.
Whenever a nutter begins a sentence with "you mean...", you know a blatant distortion of your words is next.

Nutters: Zero obligation to intellectual honesty.
It's the Left that lies like Joe and Hunter Biden Lie. Quid Pro Joe is who he is. Why he wasn't prosecuted when he admitted to extortion of Ukraine is beyond me. Why Clinton wasn't prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice is a mystery when she destroyed 33.000 emails. Why Mueller and his team, Strozk and Page was not prosecuted for Wiping 26 phones on Mueller's team, and then wiping Strozk and Page's phones is beyond me when they were lawfully subpoenaed. Why Hillary Clinton was never prosecuted for destroying 17 electronic devices when she lied to Congress and only said she had one is beyond me. Why The Obama Administration is not being prosecuted for illegal unmasking of American citizens are beyond me. Why Brennan, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Comey, Clapper and others are not being prosecuted for plotting The Russian Collusion COUP using the Fake Dirty Dossier they paid for and knew was fake was beyond me.

And don't get me started on Anthony Wiener's laptop which proved Clinton, Biden, and Obama are liars, nor Hunter Biden's Laptop which proved, again and again, Joe Biden is a liar.

All of these people need to be wearing Orange Jump Suites in 2021.

"The Debate Commission doesn't get "agreements." They make the rules and the candidates follow them or don't debate. It's not a negotiation. Trump refused a virtual debate, which was decided on because of his Covid cooties. It's all on him. Biden will debate the 3rd one if Trump will."
The debate commission is a moderator between the two campaigns they do not decide shit. They suggest and both campaigns negotiate till they agree. This was a clear bail out of Biden plain and simple. Not sure where you get your information but it is totally wrong.

Trump got beaten so badly in the first debate, he didn't want any part of Biden going forward.
I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

There is no reason even right now not to hold the 2nd debate.

By the time the 3rd debate comes around, Joe is going to come down with the Mike DeWine Flu and refuse to debate.


I think Joe Biden is done, but he and his party need ripped to shreds in a public forum.
Didn't you already predict Biden would not show up for the first one? When are you ever right about anything?
I think I predicted he would not show up for one or more of the debates after getting his ass kicked.
Nah, you lie. You said he wouldn't show up for any debate...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.​
Care to locate that quote? I mean that is a good bet. Biden showing up for even one debate without shitting his depends is a miracle.

Dumbfuck, I already quoted it. Exactly how far out there are you?? :ack-1:
I didn't think the thread had enough Evil Hell Bound Idiots in it, so glad you stopped by.

Once again, you lied. I never said there would be No Debates, and clearly there was already one.

You're truly fucking deranged, Stumpy. I literally quoted you saying Biden wouldn't attend any debate; yet here you are, denying what you said...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.
He said "unless his mommy makes him", so his mommy must have made him.
Dumbfuck, his mommy is dead. She can't make him. You can sum up the IQ of all you rightards and still be in double digits.

I said, "unless his mommy makes him", and Jill made Joe go to the first debate, but the Democrat Party was arguing for Zero Debates and only wanted town Halls, The only reason for that is because they have to plant pre-written questions for Joe to regurgitate his pre-written answers. The man's mind is starting to go to mush.

Speaking of your Low IQ.....This man has an IQ of 210. Here is what he says about our president.

View attachment 401895
Stumpy, his mommy couldn't help him, she's dead. So she had nothing to do with him showing up for the debate you idiotically claimed he wouldn't show up for. :cuckoo:

You're as dumb as a stump.
I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

There is no reason even right now not to hold the 2nd debate.

By the time the 3rd debate comes around, Joe is going to come down with the Mike DeWine Flu and refuse to debate.


I think Joe Biden is done, but he and his party need ripped to shreds in a public forum.
Didn't you already predict Biden would not show up for the first one? When are you ever right about anything?
I think I predicted he would not show up for one or more of the debates after getting his ass kicked.
Nah, you lie. You said he wouldn't show up for any debate...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.​
Care to locate that quote? I mean that is a good bet. Biden showing up for even one debate without shitting his depends is a miracle.

Dumbfuck, I already quoted it. Exactly how far out there are you?? :ack-1:
I didn't think the thread had enough Evil Hell Bound Idiots in it, so glad you stopped by.

Once again, you lied. I never said there would be No Debates, and clearly there was already one.

You're truly fucking deranged, Stumpy. I literally quoted you saying Biden wouldn't attend any debate; yet here you are, denying what you said...

We wanted 6 debates to destroy the senile baby murdering pedophile, and Biden agreed to 3 and won't show up to any of them unless his mommy makes him.
He said "unless his mommy makes him", so his mommy must have made him.
Dumbfuck, his mommy is dead. She can't make him. You can sum up the IQ of all you rightards and still be in double digits.

I said, "unless his mommy makes him", and Jill made Joe go to the first debate, but the Democrat Party was arguing for Zero Debates and only wanted town Halls, The only reason for that is because they have to plant pre-written questions for Joe to regurgitate his pre-written answers. The man's mind is starting to go to mush.

Speaking of your Low IQ.....This man has an IQ of 210. Here is what he says about our president.

View attachment 401895
Stumpy, his mommy couldn't help him, she's dead. So she had nothing to do with him showing up for the debate you idiotically claimed he wouldn't show up for. :cuckoo:

You're as dumb as a stump.
Give it up. Everyone knows you lie 24-7. You are a parasitic Troll. For 4 years Obama, Clinton, Biden and their minions hid their crimes. Now they are being exposed.

Promises kept.

Biden is toast.

Why Biden was not prosecuted earlier is hard to explain except there were a lot of crooked Obama-Globalist-Loyalist that worked day and night to put out fires, bury the bodies, tie up loose ends and sweep it all under the rug. The Obama Administration was nothing but a political mafia.
There is no way Biden's handlers throw Joe to the 'wolf' after this Burisma bombshell.

'Run away, Joe - hide in your bunker.'

You said there was no way Joe would show up for the first debate. Then you said there was no way he would show up for the second debate. Trump weaseled out of the second one, but Joe was ready to go. Now you're whining about Joe not showing up for the last debate. You wanna bet some money on that?

Okay lets be clear TRUMP didn't get out of the second debate. TRUMP said he wasn't going to do a virtual debate, which was not something ever agreed on, or even resented. Had TRUMP done the virtual debate all debates would switch over to virtual when it would help the dems. A virtual debate would be to open to corruption.

I think the 3rd debate will go on as scheduled and don't expect the Hunter story to get much press, beyond right leaning media.
For the record this virtual debate would not have been the first time two candidates debated remotely. Nixon and Kennedy debated on television with one in New York and one Los Angles which was not much different than face to face debates. Of course in those debates were lot different than today.
Trump's idea of a debate is a contest between two fighters to see who can speak the longest, loudest, interrupt the most, and most effectively intimidate his opponent. That just doesn't work in a virtual debate. Debates are suppose to be structured where each candidate has allotted time to address the question and present their ideas. You’re supposed to hear both sides, uninterrupted. In a virtual debate the moderate has more control and can make that happen. Trump can't stand that. He has to be able interrupt his opponents anytime he chooses, overrun his time, wander off subject and demand more time.
The Debate Commission owes The American People three debates under the agreed to conditions and parameters.

NO Debating that.
No, the commission, which is a private non-partisan organization does not owe the American People anything except to ensure that the voting public has the opportunity to see the leading candidates debate during the general election campaign. The format, time, place, and number are all subject to negotiations between the commission and the candidates. Debates are not require by law. After the first debate in 1960, there were no debates till 1976.

The purpose of the debates were to acquaint the voter with the candidates position on the issues and their record. However, that has evolved in a contest to determine which candidate can be most skillful avoiding questions, interrupting his opponent, overrunning time limits, landing insults, gotchas, and one liners. The debates have deteriorated so much, that it is debatable whether they serve any useful purpose in the election process.
I believe based on more and more evidence coming out on Biden, and The Obama Administration's Corruption, based on Senile Joe's deteriorating mental condition that there will be some excuse made as to why there cannot be a 3rd debate.

Hey, guy remember when you said Trump would win the first debate? How'd that work out for you again?
Trump getting the plague was a gift from God. Against all odds, Biden mirrored the maj of us in looking at Trump and going "what the hell is he on?" Joe managed to not fall apart and sound rational. And then again against all odds, Trump blew up the rest of the debates.

And Trump again left a lasting image.

It's not over yet, but ….. yesterday Trump was pleading with suburban women to like him because "I saved your damn suburbs....."
Even with hiding in his basement Hunter has allowed Joe to come off now as a bought-and-paid for politician who managed to get nothing done over 47 years but to GET PAID by thugs, friends of Putin, and China.

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