There’s a smell of treason in the air’

Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

The only shock wave I see the one you cause when you take dump.

What a biased idiot you are.
Facts are facts ma'am, not the pretend shit you spew
easy you forget too easily Remember when in speaking of Hillary Trump said no one being investigated by the FBI should ever be president ? With all his outright lies with all his bullshit how can a seemingly intelligent person like you support him?
Edward, you mistake my actions as a defense of Trump when I am defending TRUTH.

1. Any candidate KNOWN to be under investigation by the FBI - multiple on-going investigations of Hillary Clinton - should have / would have been forced from the Presidential election race. We NOW know that Trump was under investigation by both the FBI and NSA during the campaign. Had this been revealed I would have been calling for Trump's removal from the race just as adamantly as I was calling for Hillary's.
-- You KNOW that the Hillary camp and the Liberal Media would have been hypocritically calling for Trump to be tossed from the campaign had they known this...while justifying why Hillary should stay in the race.

The 2016 Presidential election is turning out to be the most scandalous, embarrassing Presidential election in US history with the 2 worst candidates to ever run. Hillary has still proven to have been worse than Trump so far, but the difference between the 2 seems pretty thin.

2. FACT: Comey declared yesterday that the ONLY PROVEN crimes to date have been the illegal leaks by DEMOCRATS, Obama hold-overs - crimes both the Director of the FBI and Head of the NSA called 'ESPIONAGE'. Comey then went on to answer if he would assure the American people that he would investigate these crimes and bring those who committed these Felonies to justice by declaring, 'NO!'

That is not a defense of Trump - that is a statement of FACT!

FACT: In multiple on-going investigations of Trump since July 2016 neither the FBI or NSA has found solid evidence of any criminal activity by Trump or his team. The 'crime' for which they have been investigated - 'The Russians hacked the ELECTION' - has not even been proven to have happened. Again, this is not a defense of Trump but instead is a statement of FACT, The Russians did not hack the 'ELECTION' - if anything they hacked the DNC e-mails. Those do NOT comprise 'the election'.

Yes, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding Trump and his team, but nothing solid. There is more solid evidence against DEMOCRATS than there is against Trump:
- Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Buddies, taking $50k a speech
- Hillary's campaign manager was working for Russians (just brought to light)
- Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB BANK and Russian Spy Agency that just happened to hack the DNC E-mails....

AND NO ONE IS MAKING A FUSS OVER THESE in the midst of the Democrats resurrected 'one-sided McCarthy-ism'?

You seem pretty intelligent...and you don't see the extremely f*ed up, hypocritical, one-sided 'witch hunt' going on? REALLY?
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Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

The only shock wave I see the one you cause when you take dump.

What a biased idiot you are.
Facts are facts ma'am, not the pretend shit you spew

Facts?? How bout allegations with no proof??

Of course allegations mean facts to a lame brain like you.

Give us a call when the real facts are out there.

Carry on dumbass.
Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

The only shock wave I see the one you cause when you take dump.

What a biased idiot you are.
Facts are facts ma'am, not the pretend shit you spew

Facts?? How allegations with no proof??

Of course allegations and supposition mean facts to a lame brain like you.

Give us a call when the real facts are out there.

Carry on dumbass.
Its getting very ugly when his conservative base begins to turn on him
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also
and as I heard him say they've been investigating since July Where there's smoke there's fire
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also
and as I heard him say they've been investigating since July Where there's smoke there's fire
True, otherwise the investigation would have already ended
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also
If that was true, then the comment would be in quotation marks. Example:

"Brummelben is being investigated for partisan hackery" Divine Wind confirms
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also
If that was true, then the comment would be in quotation marks. Example:

"Brummelben is being investigated for partisan hackery" Divine Wind confirms
Why dont you do a google search, asshole?
Why dont you do a google search, asshole?
Translation: You are 100% correct, DW, but I'm too spineless to admit I'm wrong.

I did Google search waaaaay back at my first post on this thread. Why do you think I know you are wrong and that I keep posting how you are not posting quotes, only opinions?
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

Nah. Dumbass. If they had found something it would have been all over the headlines before the election.

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Why dont you do a google search, asshole?
Translation: You are 100% correct, DW, but I'm too spineless to admit I'm wrong.

I did Google search waaaaay back at my first post on this thread. Why do you think I know you are wrong and that I keep posting how you are not posting quotes, only opinions?
Here is another one that only took seconds to find:

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia
Director James Comey told Congress on Monday that the 2016 probe includes possible contacts between the campaign and the Kremlin.
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Lets keep on topic phyuckface
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Lets keep on topic phyuckface

That is the topic dumbass.
Here is another one that only took seconds to find:

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia
Director James Comey told Congress on Monday that the 2016 probe includes possible contacts between the campaign and the Kremlin.
Awesome that you know how to use Google. How come you didn't post a Comey quote? Quoting a newslink (even though you refuse to post links to your sources) still isn't a quote of the actual individual.

As your OP clearly displays, it's an opinion (in that case Brinkley), not Comey. If you want to shout "treason", fine. But if you want to claim Comey is investigating Trump for treason, then you should come up with a quote proving it or simply be man enough to admit it's just your opinion.
Here is another one that only took seconds to find:

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia
Director James Comey told Congress on Monday that the 2016 probe includes possible contacts between the campaign and the Kremlin.
Awesome that you know how to use Google. How come you didn't post a Comey quote? Quoting a newslink (even though you refuse to post links to your sources) still isn't a quote of the actual individual.

As your OP clearly displays, it's an opinion (in that case Brinkley), not Comey. If you want to shout "treason", fine. But if you want to claim Comey is investigating Trump for treason, then you should come up with a quote proving it or simply be man enough to admit it's just your opinion.
I dont think you will ever find a quote from a prosecuting attorney investigating a subject, but just continue to live in your dreamworld. Trump is in major trouble, as you can see from the Wall Street Journal turning against him, and all within 60 days. Can you imagine where we will be after 3 months of this pretender?
I'm sorry to say there isn't a consistent thread to your post. I would like to respond but you'll have to make your primary point apparent.

I'll tell you right now, because I learned this a long time ago: It's better to speak in plain and simple language that everybody understands, if you keep talking that way (rough guesstimate) 87% of people will not understand you.

Language is communication. I realize you have a vocabulary, not all people do.

You gotta dumb it down a bit so more people understand what you're saying is what I'm saying.
The Russians did not hack the 'ELECTION' - if anything they hacked the DNC e-mails. Those do NOT comprise 'the election'.

Anytyhing which was sourced by hacking, and used to influence an election is in fact hacking the election.
I dont think you will ever find a quote from a prosecuting attorney investigating a subject, but just continue to live in your dreamworld. Trump is in major trouble, as you can see from the Wall Street Journal turning against him, and all within 60 days. Can you imagine where we will be after 3 months of this pretender?
Then why do you keep claiming things Comey said without quoting Comey? Are you now admitting you were wrong? That you lied? That you were only spouting opinion and quotes of those with opinions?

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