There’s a smell of treason in the air’

Do you deny that your fellow Nazicrat appointees by Obama in the Justice department engaged in espionage and treason on behalf of your Fuhrer in hopes of damaging the government of the United States?

As you would say, post your proof of that statement or STFU.

Where's the evidence of treason?

Up his ass, which is why Brundlefly sees it so clearly.

Richard Nixon was investigated by the FBI over the Watergate burglary.

Bill Clinton was investigated by the FBI for witness tampering in both offering Monica Lewinsky a position at Revlon in exchange for silence, arranged through Vernon Jordan. He was further investigated for threatening Betty Currie that he would "fire her and take her pension" if she failed to lie under oath for him.

Brundlefly is a liar with his "only president" meme, but he doesn't know it. He is just spewing what his Fuhrer tells him to spew.
Nothing criminal? Funny that they put James and Susan McDougal in prison on the exact same evidence of defrauding the SBA on the Castle Grande scam that was against Hillary Clinton. Her name was on the same documents.

Maybe you weren't paying attention. They investigated the Clintons and all they got were other people around them doing criminal acts. Remembe Jim Guy Tucker, the governor of Arkansas.

Guilty by association is no proof of guilt. Especially since after 30 years of investigations, the Clintons were never subject to criminal prosecution, or indictment, or conviction.
If the DNC is part of the election, and the DNC got hacked and that information used in the election. The election was in fact hacked.
No, snowflake - nice try.

The DNC is a 'Political Party', NOT 'the election'.

Their candidate was running in the election. Their candidate was not even the one hacked.

The only information that was exposed was:
1. Hillary could not beat Bernie Sanders without DNC intervention - rigging the Primaries and handing her debate questions in, the democrats cheat. Big deal - everyone already knew that.

2. The DNC is filled with 'closet' racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites. Again, this was not a secret to anyone. Liberals were on TV making sexist crude jokes about women and calling successful black conservatives 'Mediocre Negroes'.

The Democratic Party, which was already more than exposed as careless and reckless - and downright CRIMINAL - regarding the handling of and protecting classified information and access, having their insignificant, embarrassing e-mails hacked and released in no way amounted to an 'election-changing' event.

This whole thing is a desperate, over-blown piece of political BS theater.

Where the Democrats have an actual LEGITIMATE complaint, but are too deep into this BS and not smart enough to go after, is the fact that Comey F*ED them by publicly discussing Hillary's 2 on-going investigations while not saying a word about the FBI and NSA investigations of Trump.
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Lets keep on topic phyuckface

Do you even know what the "topic" is, fuckface?

You Nazicrats are attempting to bring down the government of the United States because you REFUSE to accept the results of the election.

What you Nazicrats are doing is attempting a coup, which is treason. You only think, say, and do what your Fuhrer orders, you have no ability to formulate ideas on your own. What your Fuhrer, George Soros is doing is what his surrogate, Barack Obama did for 8 years, trying to spark a civil war so that he can bring down the Constitutional Republic. Mindless thugs like you are key to his plot, Brundlefly. Yes, you're far too stupid to grasp it, but facts remain despite your inability to grasp them, Brown Shirt.

Maybe you weren't paying attention. They investigated the Clintons and all they got were other people around them doing criminal acts. Remembe Jim Guy Tucker, the governor of Arkansas.

Guilty by association is no proof of guilt. Especially since after 30 years of investigations, the Clintons were never subject to criminal prosecution, or indictment, or conviction.

Same evidence, exactly the same - but Hillary was declared "above the law." That's the way it works with you Nazicrats.
Do you deny that your fellow Nazicrat appointees by Obama in the Justice department engaged in espionage and treason on behalf of your Fuhrer in hopes of damaging the government of the United States?
As you would say, post your proof of that statement or STFU.
Ummm, were you NOT watching the hearings in which FBI Director Comey and the head of the NSA both declared the only crimes proven to have been committed to date are the acts of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by Democrats / Obama hold-overs in the Intel Agencies?

if not, you probably also missed how, when asked if he would assure the American people he was going to bring those traitors who perpetrated the Espionage to justice, Comey replied, No!'
If the DNC is part of the election, and the DNC got hacked and that information used in the election. The election was in fact hacked.

Meanwhile if the Russians were wiretaped, and Michael Flynn was picked up on the Russian wirretap, you run with Michael Flynn was wiretaped.

You are paid by George Soros, your Fuhrer, to spread disinformation (fake news) on behalf of his Fascist democratic party. So how is what YOU are doing, that the thousands of other Soros Brown Shirts are doing, any different than what you accuse Russia of?
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Do you deny that your fellow Nazicrat appointees by Obama in the Justice department engaged in espionage and treason on behalf of your Fuhrer in hopes of damaging the government of the United States?

As you would say, post your proof of that statement or STFU.

So you ARE denying that Nazicrat appointees of Barack Obama engaged in espionage to leak GOVERNMENT information in hopes of damaging the legally elected chief executive? I want to be clear on this?
That's the difference between american politics, and foreign interference in american politics.

The Soros hate sites are HIGHLY influenced by foreign powers. Note the way they pimp the UN Climate bullshit, which will harm the average American FAR more than wars in the Crimea.

Hungarian Ayrana Huffington built the most viral of all leftist hate site, the last word for most Fascist democrats.

You Nazicrats have been hacking our political system for 20 years.
Maybe you weren't paying attention. They investigated the Clintons and all they got were other people around them doing criminal acts. Remembe Jim Guy Tucker, the governor of Arkansas.

Guilty by association is no proof of guilt. Especially since after 30 years of investigations, the Clintons were never subject to criminal prosecution, or indictment, or conviction.

They investigated, found mountains of evidence against Hillary, and declared her "above the law" while throwing her co conspirators in prison on the identical evidence.

In Nazicrat world, some are VASTLY more equal than others.
Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Lets keep on topic phyuckface

Do you even know what the "topic" is, fuckface?

You Nazicrats are attempting to bring down the government of the United States because you REFUSE to accept the results of the election.

What you Nazicrats are doing is attempting a coup, which is treason. You only think, say, and do what your Fuhrer orders, you have no ability to formulate ideas on your own. What your Fuhrer, George Soros is doing is what his surrogate, Barack Obama did for 8 years, trying to spark a civil war so that he can bring down the Constitutional Republic. Mindless thugs like you are key to his plot, Brundlefly. Yes, you're far too stupid to grasp it, but facts remain despite your inability to grasp them, Brown Shirt.
Hand job, you desperately need some professional help
Facts are facts moose breath, Trump is under federal investigation regardless of how hard you attempt to spin the facts. He remains the only president in american history to be under FBI investigation
Your name-calling is a sign of weakness and lack of intellectual depth. If you had an IQ over 100 and the maturity of an average adult over 20, you would be able to read and understand the links about what Comey said and what, exactly, is being investigated.

As for your claim "He remains the only president in american history to be under FBI investigation", you are 100% wrong. Several have been investigated. For example, Bill (and ever corrupt Hillary) Clinton: Whitewater Time Line
May 1993

White House fires seven employees in the travel office, possibly to make room for Clinton friends. An FBI investigation of the office ensues, allegedly opened under pressure from the White House to justify the firings

Since July??

If they'd found anything believe me it would have been in the headlines already.

How stupid are you??
and you think they've found nothing which brings the investigation as far as its gone? If they found nothing it would've been shut down months ago

They should be investigating Podesta and the DNC.

Wonder what they would find if they did??
Lets keep on topic phyuckface

Do you even know what the "topic" is, fuckface?

You Nazicrats are attempting to bring down the government of the United States because you REFUSE to accept the results of the election.

What you Nazicrats are doing is attempting a coup, which is treason. You only think, say, and do what your Fuhrer orders, you have no ability to formulate ideas on your own. What your Fuhrer, George Soros is doing is what his surrogate, Barack Obama did for 8 years, trying to spark a civil war so that he can bring down the Constitutional Republic. Mindless thugs like you are key to his plot, Brundlefly. Yes, you're far too stupid to grasp it, but facts remain despite your inability to grasp them, Brown Shirt.
Hand job, you desperately need some professional help

As I noted Brundlefly, you have no ability to discuss the topic. You are but a drone reciting a script from the hate sites.

You serve your Fuhrer, but you will not think, ever.

John Podesta, the chief of staff for Mafia Don Hillary Clinton, has deep ties to Russian banks that are involved in organized crime. Makes sense, one crime syndicate dealing with another.

You have nothing to say on this, because your Fuhrer hasn't posted what you think yet.
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
And that has what to do with the substance and merit of the ideas he advocates? Nothing.

Why don't you attack his arguments instead of attacking him personally?

Can't separate the person, in this case, a true elitist, from his arguments, which logically follow to be truly elitist. You should've been able to identify that basic construct...............unless you too, are an elitist simpleton like him.
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

Try Obama and the VA, dolt...........

BREAKING: FBI Launches Criminal Investigation into Obama for VA Scandal

Fake news - never happened.

Here............have a :banana:, since you, and your Democrap ilk, cherish turning our country into a :banana:Republic!
There's a smell of red-baiting, anti-Russian bigotry, and flimsy, unsubstantiated accusations in the air is more like it. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

BTW, this Douglas Brinkley guy is a major-league liberal, and very anti-Republican. Watch his insulting, elitist exchange with Congressman Don Young, an Alaska Republican, here:
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
And that has what to do with the substance and merit of the ideas he advocates? Nothing.

Why don't you attack his arguments instead of attacking him personally?

Can't separate the person, in this case, a true elitist, from his arguments, which logically follow to be truly elitist. You should've been able to identify that basic construct...............unless you too, are an elitist simpleton like him.
Logical Fallacies: Ad Hominem Attacks and the Sub-Types of Tu Quoque and Poisoning the Well
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also
If that was true, then the comment would be in quotation marks. Example:

"Brummelben is being investigated for partisan hackery" Divine Wind confirms
Why dont you do a google search, asshole?

Okay! 1810 hits:

brummelben partisan hack troll - Google Search

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