There’s a smell of treason in the air’

Nah. Dumbass. If they had found something it would have been all over the headlines before the election.

The 16 intelligence agencies found evidence of russian hacking into the USA, and that wasn't headline news.

As Donald Trump confirmed, the CIA got hacked, and that was never in the news.
I dont think you will ever find a quote from a prosecuting attorney investigating a subject, but just continue to live in your dreamworld. Trump is in major trouble, as you can see from the Wall Street Journal turning against him, and all within 60 days. Can you imagine where we will be after 3 months of this pretender?
Then why do you keep claiming things Comey said without quoting Comey? Are you now admitting you were wrong? That you lied? That you were only spouting opinion and quotes of those with opinions?
Facts are facts moose breath, Trump is under federal investigation regardless of how hard you attempt to spin the facts. He remains the only president in american history to be under FBI investigation
I'll tell you right now, because I learned this a long time ago: It's better to speak in plain and simple language that everybody understands, if you keep talking that way (rough guesstimate) 87% of people will not understand you.

Language is communication. I realize you have a vocabulary, not all people do.

You gotta dumb it down a bit so more people understand what you're saying is what I'm saying.

The problem with 'plain simple langage' is that it is imprecise. It has many meanings, where more complex language can be more specific, and have only a single meaning, like the terms used in law.

When Donald Trump said that Trump Tower was 'wiretaped' he didn't mean wiretaped. But that simple phrasing has lead to total confusion. Granted it was sent out in a tweet, which limits it to 140 characters, it would have been better for Trump to release his comments the normal way.
Then why do you keep claiming things Comey said without quoting Comey? Are you now admitting you were wrong? That you lied? That you were only spouting opinion and quotes of those with opinions?

It may be that Comey doesn't produce very good 'sound bites' that he isn't very quoteable, or that his quotes are short, and require the context of the question, instead of just the answer. Here are several examples of Comey quotes.

"No" - Comey
"No" - Comey
"No" - Comey
Good point. Stopping people from dying doesn't fit in with the modern alt-right agenda the leaders of the GOP are trying to push.
Too damned many people on this planet.

If you ask me, the govt should not even feed american kids like is done at all our schools. What are parents for.? Whites will feed their kids but blacks say "Feed ma keeds? Dat da whaat man job. I ain't gwine do da whaat man's job fo him!!".
Well, he's already trying to cut meals on wheels. He'll probably cut school food programs too. Why feed other country's kids when he doesn't want to take care of our own?
"our" own?

I'll tell you right now, because I learned this a long time ago: It's better to speak in plain and simple language that everybody understands, if you keep talking that way (rough guesstimate) 87% of people will not understand you.

Language is communication. I realize you have a vocabulary, not all people do.

You gotta dumb it down a bit so more people understand what you're saying is what I'm saying.

The problem with 'plain simple langage' is that it is imprecise. It has many meanings, where more complex language can be more specific, and have only a single meaning, like the terms used in law.

When Donald Trump said that Trump Tower was 'wiretaped' he didn't mean wiretaped. But that simple phrasing has lead to total confusion. Granted it was sent out in a tweet, which limits it to 140 characters, it would have been better for Trump to release his comments the normal way.

I provided some friendly advice, you ignored it. Good Luck!

What you fail to realize is that very few people can understand your "more precise" language.

That disenfranchises many.
Facts are facts moose breath, Trump is under federal investigation regardless of how hard you attempt to spin the facts. He remains the only president in american history to be under FBI investigation

According to reports, Trump has been under FBI investigation since 2008, because of his ties to the Russians and the Russian mafia. Maybe the manchurian candidate is in fact the siberian candidate.
I provided some friendly advice, you ignored it. Good Luck!

It's better to be precise, in discriptive context, than to talk plainly by saying something that could mean anything. Trump said he was wiretaped when he meant surveilled. Trump said muslim ban, when he meant places with terrorist ties posing a threat to national security. Trump said he would expel the 2 million criminal illegal aliens on day one, and we have no idea what he meant.
Anytyhing which was sourced by hacking, and used to influence an election is in fact hacking the election.
No, snowflake - that is a CLAIM made by Democrats / Obama as an excuse to start their own 'Watergate' / investigation of Donald Trump.

The 'election' was not hacked - DNC e-mails were. Your argument is that the act of using something to effect the election' is 'hacking the election'.

By your definition, Democrats 'hacked the election' (used to influence an election) by rigging their primaries to defeat Sanders, to whom she would have lost without the DNC's help.

The only people who actually 'hacked the election' - or tried to - was Barak Obama and his DHS. While trying to SEIZE CONTROL OF EVERY STATES' ELECTION SYSTEM / PROCESS (arguing that they needed to be under HIS control as 'critical infrastructure' vital to our national security) Obama and DHS attempted to hack both Indiana's and Georgia's election systems - more than 14 times - and failed.

Snowflakes make it a point to ignore what Obama attempted to do - put every state's election processes under HIS control right before the election. Just as important to point out, OBAMA PROVED THE RUISSIANS COULD NOT HACK THE US ELECTIONS...because he and DHS tried repeatedly to do so and failed!

What was done was embarrassing DNC e-mails were hacked and leaked. The ensuing PR NIGHTMARE may have effected people's voting - thought there is NO WAY TO PROVE THAT. What was revealed actually was nothing the American people didn't already know.
I provided some friendly advice, you ignored it. Good Luck!

It's better to be precise, in discriptive context, than to talk plainly by saying something that could mean anything. Trump said he was wiretaped when he meant surveilled. Trump said muslim ban, when he meant places with terrorist ties posing a threat to national security. Trump said he would expel the 2 million criminal illegal aliens on day one, and we have no idea what he meant.

What you fail to realize is that very few people can understand your "more precise" (aka more complex) language.

That disenfranchises many. I'm positive you know what disenfranchises means.
If Trump has been under investigation since 2008, almost ten years, seems to me if there were anything to find it would have been found.

Guess not. LOL
The 'election' was not hacked - DNC e-mails were. Your argument is that the act of using something to effect the election' is 'hacking the election'.
If the DNC is part of the election, and the DNC got hacked and that information used in the election. The election was in fact hacked.

Meanwhile if the Russians were wiretaped, and Michael Flynn was picked up on the Russian wirretap, you run with Michael Flynn was wiretaped.
What you fail to realize is that very few people can understand your "more precise" (aka more complex) language.

That disenfranchises many. I'm positive you know what disenfranchises means.

Those who would be disenfranchised shouldn't be debating on an adult only forum. It is one thing to translate complex ideas into simple terms that are more widely understood, but another to use simple but imprecise terms in an argument. Akin to calling everybody 'dude' rather than by a more precise identification.

Right dude?
If Trump has been under investigation since 2008, almost ten years, seems to me if there were anything to find it would have been found.

Guess not. LOL

They're been investigating the Clintons for almost 30 years, and found nothing criminal. Wouldn't that make the Clintons three times as innocent? Instead of three times as guilty?
If the DNC is part of the election, and the DNC got hacked and that information used in the election. The election was in fact hacked.

Meanwhile if the Russians were wiretaped, and Michael Flynn was picked up on the Russian wirretap, you run with Michael Flynn was wiretaped.

Which branch of the federal government does the DNC belong to, Nazicrat? Do you deny that your fellow Nazicrat appointees by Obama in the Justice department engaged in espionage and treason on behalf of your Fuhrer in hopes of damaging the government of the United States?

We should worry about phantom "Russians" when we have open traitors in the guise of Nazicrats running around?
Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

That "smell" has been there since 2008. The source of the "smell" left in January; you are just smelling the residual scent left behind.
They're been investigating the Clintons for almost 30 years, and found nothing criminal. Wouldn't that make the Clintons three times as innocent? Instead of three times as guilty?

Nothing criminal? Funny that they put James and Susan McDougal in prison on the exact same evidence of defrauding the SBA on the Castle Grande scam that was against Hillary Clinton. Her name was on the same documents.

BUT when you Nazicrats have power, some are WAY, WAY more equal than others. It's just the way you fascists roll.

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