There’s a smell of treason in the air’

Maybe its time that Trump fires Comey?

Maybe it's time you woke the fuck up.

It's doubtful you can. You're here to parrot insipid gibberish you believe makes you look informed, and it makes you look like an imbecile. If there was a single shred of evidence anything untoward happened involving russia and Trump it would be making a difference.

Just like all the bullshit about the meat puppet faggot being born in kenya, there's a whole lot of nothing there or it would have been exposed.

Get a grip.

I'm sorry to say there isn't a consistent thread to your post. I would like to respond but you'll have to make your primary point apparent.
Agreed it is treason. And there should be several Obama holdover facing a firing squad

You're most certainly right that drumpf has committed treason but let's for proof of what he and his minions lied about.

IOW, we already they all lied about their Russia connections but we don't yet know to what extent their collusion, espionage went.

Comey is engaging in sedition and treason
If he obfuscates on bringing the 'unmasked' NSA data to light I'll agree with you. Rogers is in the hot seat at this point more than Comey, NSA unmasked and passed it along to all 16 agencies. The FBI is one of 16 that could be culpable in the end for a leak. Start with the source though...
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

Try Obama and the VA, dolt...........

BREAKING: FBI Launches Criminal Investigation into Obama for VA Scandal

Fake news - never happened.
Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

The only shock wave I see the one you cause when you take dump.

What a biased idiot you are.
Most of America still doesn't know that it was the NY Times that first reported Trump was being surveiled......over time they will as they are educated by people not embracing fake news. When people are made to feel stoopid as fuck at the water cooler, they change their tune real fast.:2up:
How the hell does the left conclude that the current FBI director "testified against the President"? It never happened outside of the fantasy world the radical left seems to reside in these days. The dirty little secret is that JFK was so terrified of what J. Edgar Hoover had on the Kennedy clan that he appointed his own brother as A.G. to cover his ass. Trump is the first president in history who ain't afraid of the media or the FBI and God bless him. Drain the freaking swamp.
I think it's pretty clear that it doesn't matter what is said or done in this country. If Trump were to shit gold the left would spin it negatively. We aren't dealing with rational people here. They have lost their nut permanently. They have literally become a worse threat to the safety of this country and it's citizens than al Qaeda.
It is important for all the 'low information' people out there to take what Comey said with it's due, grain of salt. Comey saying that "there is no evidence to support Trumps tweets" is merely that. There is no evidence collated at this time. Before Comey can speak of evidence in an open hearing it must be investigated in full, to its conclusion and then he can speak on it in absolute terms.

We Know that there is felony criminality in the handling of the FISA NSA raw data collected under 702. For this reason we know that Trump's claims are not baseless and will culminate in a different outcome than the superficial observation of Comey's statements on the issue would indicate.
The problem I have is the fact that Comey isn't really looking. He's been asked several times during this hearing and others when he's gonna start doing his job. He's there just to make Trump look bad. He's not there to find evidence that may convict Hillary and he's not looking hard for who leaked all of the results of the weak investigation into Trump. He's there to provide cover and prevent discovery.
Most of America still doesn't know that it was the NY Times that first reported Trump was being surveiled......over time they will as they are educated by people not embracing fake news. When people are made to feel stoopid as fuck at the water cooler, they change their tune real fast.:2up:
Most of America still doesn't know that it was the NY Times that first reported Trump was being surveiled.

Because it never happened.

Post up the article.
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
The only thing the OP got right is the fact that TREASON IS IN THE AIR.

Besides having called for miltary coups to overthrow the newly elected government and calling for the new President's assassination, FBI Director Comey made it clear before Congress today that the ONLY crime proven to have been perpetrated so far has been committed by DEMOCRATS - OBAMA HOLD-OVERS ... who committed ESPIONAGE against their own country for the sole purpose of political benefit for their own Political Party and for the benefit of a criminal Ex-President!

Comey may have announced that the Democrats' 'fishing expedition' - investigation of Trump - might be continuing in an effort to find something, but the only crime proven to have been committed - again - so far has been committed by DEMOCRATS!

The fact they have shown they are willing to commit ESPIONAGE against their own country to overthrow the newly elected govt and seize power is TREASONOUS!
putin and buddy trump
Putin wanted Trump because he wants to be paid back for rescuing him in when his organization was failing during the real estate crisis. Payback will take form of harming NATO, a pass on Crimea and, ultimately Ukraine, reliance on oil, punching holes in relationships with staunch allies, thus delivering to Putin his dream of Making Russia Great Again.
Is this the same Comey that the Dims hated a few months ago when he was investigating their beloved Madame Resident Clinton?
Yes, it is. He was a Democrat hero when he said there was no evidence found, then, when the emails were Wikileaked, he said "there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" and "any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position...should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation." The Democrats scorned him after that testimony.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
putin and buddy trump
Putin wanted Trump because he wants to be paid back for rescuing him in when his organization was failing during the real estate crisis. Payback will take form of harming NATO, a pass on Crimea and, ultimately Ukraine, reliance on oil, punching holes in relationships with staunch allies, thus delivering to Putin his dream of Making Russia Great Again.
Nice CONSPIRACY THEORY, snowflake...but the investigation of Trump, which began by the Obama administration in July 2016, has turned up ZERO evidence to support it.

The only crime, as Comey and the director of the NSA pointed out, that has been PROVEN to have been committed thus far is the treasonous ESPIONAGE perpetrated by Democrats who sought / seek to undermine and overthrow the newly elected govt of the United States.
How badly do the Democrats want power?

They have engaged in rigging elections, cheating in debates, violence, riots, looting, arson, terrorism, threats, intimidation, trampling freedom of speech, treasonous calls for military coups and assassinations, espionage against their own country...

Former DNC Official Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump

"A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump..."

Holy Crap! Democrats have escalated their lawlessness since the most lawless administration in US history left office!
putin and buddy trump
Putin wanted Trump because he wants to be paid back for rescuing him in when his organization was failing during the real estate crisis. Payback will take form of harming NATO, a pass on Crimea and, ultimately Ukraine, reliance on oil, punching holes in relationships with staunch allies, thus delivering to Putin his dream of Making Russia Great Again.
Nice CONSPIRACY THEORY, snowflake...but the investigation of Trump, which began by the Obama administration in July 2016, has turned up ZERO evidence to support it.

The only crime, as Comey and the director of the NSA pointed out, that has been PROVEN to have been committed thus far is the treasonous ESPIONAGE perpetrated by Democrats who sought / seek to undermine and overthrow the newly elected govt of the United States.
easy you forget too easily Remember when in speaking of Hillary Trump said no one being investigated by the FBI should ever be president ? With all his outright lies with all his bullshit how can a seemingly intelligent person like you support him?
How badly do the Democrats want power?

They have engaged in rigging elections, cheating in debates, violence, riots, looting, arson, terrorism, threats, intimidation, trampling freedom of speech, treasonous calls for military coups and assassinations, espionage against their own country...

Former DNC Official Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump

"A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump..."

Holy Crap! Democrats have escalated their lawlessness since the most lawless administration in US history left office!
You know as well as I that all that is just a tickle or just plain repub bullshit of which they are so fond of throwing
How badly do the Democrats want power?

They have engaged in rigging elections, cheating in debates, violence, riots, looting, arson, terrorism, threats, intimidation, trampling freedom of speech, treasonous calls for military coups and assassinations, espionage against their own country...

Former DNC Official Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump

"A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump..."

Holy Crap! Democrats have escalated their lawlessness since the most lawless administration in US history left office!
You know as well as I that all that is just a tickle or just plain repub bullshit of which they are so fond of throwing
Get Ready Paul

1 min

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Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
Quote please. This time from an official, not a pundit or other citizen simply spinning out an opinion for money.
F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms
That's not a Comey quote. That's another headline. Try again. This time honesty and accuracy, please.
Of course it is a Comey quote, headlines can be quotes also

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