There's no one to blame but the republicans now...

This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Lol, all of a sudden we're worried about fiscal responsibility?
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Nobody should blame the housing bubble on W. This is correct.

Clinton spawned it and it burst during W's last days.
Actually the Republicans do NOT, according to you liberals, control the Senate, you all claimed the last 8 years that it took 60 senators to control the Senate and blamed everything on the Republicans, guess we can do the same.
What if Trump's economic policies end up being just a modest tax cut and scaling back of spending on Obamacare?
Trump needs to get re-elected in 2020.

Therefore he needs a massive infrastructure program for Wisc, Mich, Pa, NC, Ohio, and Fla.

He cannot touch ACA.

If he cuts taxes for the rich that is the least of his sins.

If he is smart he will only cut taxes on corporation so that the US can compete with Ireland, Singapore, UK, and the other tax haven nations. If smart he won't touch personal income taxes.

In the 2020 election Trump will be up against Kaine and the latter will point out all of Trump's broken promises.

So Trump needs to keep at least a few of them.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

WOW! Does this mean you guys are finally gonna stop blaming Bush?
Sorry, but we get to blame Obama for everything for the next 8 years. Only fair. Not as much fun though because he probably will actually be the guilty party.
"W" screwed up The Middle East and gave away more tax cuts to the rich than even Reagan before him.

Plus he failed to net UBL. BHO had to do that for him even though it happened on W's watch.

I think most people now feel that W was even more inept than Carter or Ford.

But they are all 3 in the bottom of the barrel together.

In all of history only Buchanan is rated worse.

and gave away more tax cuts to the rich than even Reagan before him.

Sounds awful! Can you show your math?
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

WOW! Does this mean you guys are finally gonna stop blaming Bush?
Sorry, but we get to blame Obama for everything for the next 8 years. Only fair. Not as much fun though because he probably will actually be the guilty party.
"W" screwed up The Middle East and gave away more tax cuts to the rich than even Reagan before him.

Plus he failed to net UBL. BHO had to do that for him even though it happened on W's watch.

I think most people now feel that W was even more inept than Carter or Ford.

But they are all 3 in the bottom of the barrel together.

In all of history only Buchanan is rated worse.
Lol, everyone got a tax cut. Your talking points are old.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!
Yep well, if all the above comes to pass you gub'mint worshipers should be happy since you'll be able to blame it all on Republicans, while completely ignoring your massive complicity in destroying the U.S. economy and strangling the living shit out of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Both sides are chalk full of irresponsible, corrupt morons that are doing their best to wipe out any hope of liberty and prosperity for current and future generations; the only thing you partisan lemmings care about is how you can fix the blame on the "other side", way to go.

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" -- Matthew 7:3
I voted for Stein.....
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Deregulation of the banks has always been the republican's baby, as far back as the 29' crash....Trump is already at it again.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Deregulation of the banks has always been the republican's baby, as far back as the 29' crash....Trump is already at it again.
Funny banks run wild under Obama and not a peep
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 w...even be any bread lines!

And no one to share the credit with either.

This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

1929? Really?
America was smarter back then....that's why cons were thrown out of power for forty years.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!
Yep well, if all the above comes to pass you gub'mint worshipers should be happy since you'll be able to blame it all on Republicans, while completely ignoring your massive complicity in destroying the U.S. economy and strangling the living shit out of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Both sides are chalk full of irresponsible, corrupt morons that are doing their best to wipe out any hope of liberty and prosperity for current and future generations; the only thing you partisan lemmings care about is how you can fix the blame on the "other side", way to go.

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" -- Matthew 7:3
I voted for Stein.....
Bully for you, welcome to the "The POTUS Candidate I voted for didn't win a single EC" club, the hats, t-shirts and coffee mugs are in the mail, the meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the Month, bring your own drugs.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Deregulation of the banks has always been the republican's baby, as far back as the 29' crash....Trump is already at it again.
Funny banks run wild under Obama and not a peep
You'd be on a bread line if not for Obama.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!
Yep well, if all the above comes to pass you gub'mint worshipers should be happy since you'll be able to blame it all on Republicans, while completely ignoring your massive complicity in destroying the U.S. economy and strangling the living shit out of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Both sides are chalk full of irresponsible, corrupt morons that are doing their best to wipe out any hope of liberty and prosperity for current and future generations; the only thing you partisan lemmings care about is how you can fix the blame on the "other side", way to go.

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" -- Matthew 7:3
I voted for Stein.....
Bully for you, welcome to the "The POTUS Candidate I voted for didn't win a single EC" club, the hats, t-shirts and coffee mugs are in the mail, the meetings are held every 2nd Friday of the Month, bring your own drugs.
Stein is calling for a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania....rigged electronic voting machines.
This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Deregulation of the banks has always been the republican's baby, as far back as the 29' crash....Trump is already at it again.
Funny banks run wild under Obama and not a peep
You'd be on a bread line if not for Obama.
remind us how many bankers you prosecuted.......

Poor bitter Safe Spacers. It's gonna be a long long 4-8yrs for em. Trump's got the pen & phone now. His turn to be above the law. Safe Space moochers are just gonna have to suck it up. They'll have to get jobs.

This country is about to learn why the republicans were thrown out of power for 40 years after the economic collapse of 1929 which caused the GREAT DEPRESSION.

America didn't learn the lesson when republican deregulations caused the economic collapse in 2007 when Bush was POTUS, so Obama had to clean up the mess he made.

But what the GOP and Trump are about to do will make those economic collapses look like a walk in the park.

Economists are saying that Trump's tax cuts will add another $7 trillion to the national debt immediately. And the wall and deportation of eleven million Mexicans is going to cost another trillion. And starting a war with Iran and Iraq is going to add $10 trillion more. Another $5 trillion for infrastructure. A trade war with the whole world, voiding all trade agreements.

Just how are the republicans going to spend all this money without adding it to the national debt?
In March the interest on the national debt comes due....over a half trillion dollars. How can they possibly not default on the national debt? Can you say "worthless money"? Can you say "no food, no gas, no home"? There won't even be any bread lines!

Hate to dissapoint you but it was
Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney
Frank , and Democrats which caused the housing Crisis. Bill Clintons poor foreign policy created the situation Bush
inherited, a conflict that helped drain us, but also spooked the markets into crash mode hurting the economy.
Deregulation of the banks has always been the republican's baby, as far back as the 29' crash....Trump is already at it again.
Funny banks run wild under Obama and not a peep
You'd be on a bread line if not for Obama.
remind us how many bankers you prosecuted.......

Yeah, Hillary Clinton was completely owned by big banks. Yet the 'OWS' wankers all rushed out to vote for her. Not very honest, or intelligent folks. So there isn't much point in attempting to engage in rational discussions with em.

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