There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

Quite often wish he would shut the fk up myself, but it ain't happening. If you don't want to go with what donnie puts out even when he is not talking off the cuff (he ain't good at it) and you don't want to go with the experts at CDC and HHS, your in a bad position. Don't get too close. Did a lot of climbing when I was younger. Don't think I want you on my rope.

Who do you think was better "talking off the cuff" as it were, White? Barack Obama used a teleprompter to talk to a 6th grade class. When his teleprompter went down he sounded like a bumbling idiot! Trump gets up on stage and talks for an hour off the cuff. Does he put his foot in it every now and then? Sure does! But at least he's not reading someone else's material off a teleprompter!

Oh GAWD that's funny ^ Comparing Obama's communication skills to those of the Screaming Carrot? He talks for an hour off the cuff?? Please .. he plays his greatest hits which his MAGA-minions suck up like pablum for the bazillionth time.

When off the cuff, Trump is an insulting, lying, blithering assclown. When on the prompter, he's an insulting, lying assclown with possibly a tad less blither ..

Well, depending. :)

Nothing more amusing than listening to a triggered Trump hater ranting! Trump gets up every morning looking forward to how many progressives he can screw with. People like you are his playthings...

A POTUS who's adoring flock get off on flipping Lefty the bird.

Real leadership HuH?


In general, I have gotten used to the fact that he sucks. I can live with it. There will be an election day. But really, you would think he could avoid sucking to his usual degree during a public health emergency. It would help if he would just quit taking questions and giving off the cuff answers. He really sucks at it.

Donnie sucks at everything other than self-aggrandizement & promotion.

He's REAL good at that shit.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
I really don't think it matters at this point. He only communicates with his base. They believe everything he says. The rest of us are irrelevant.
Pot, kettle, black. You realize Obama and Hillary lost 2016 for the Dems by declaring half the country (and former supporters) bitter clingers and deplorable. I helped elect Obama as a card carrying Democrat for 35+ years. The thanks I got was to pissed on and treated as irrelevant. Trump has no corner on that market. Listen to any of the 25 Democratic candidates who were running in 2020. If the things they said were an attempt to attract new voters rather than their base, they sucked at it.

The entire hardcore 15-20% Trumpublican base are STILL fucking DEPLORABLE.

Better than being a fucking America hating moocher.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth snowflake. Too bad you can't find any toilet paper.
contribute or you are gone , we keep it all simple around here. Tell me why I or actually anyone else would care what this countries biggest threat and enemy thinks of them. seems the more negative the more of a compliment it is.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
Only the ones who voted for Obama before him.
What does Obama have to do with this thread , it's stupid and a waste of bandwidth , thinking that you can justify the actions of the screaming carrot by what someone else does is straight out stupid.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
anyone from the hate group they call a party at this point is the problem. They are the ones that pushed in the wheelbarrow of hate not the democrats.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Only a fucking moron turns to any politician for life or health advice.
What a joke, who in the hell can implement a response other then a politician. you people are like talking to tree stumps.
In your crowd boot leather is seen as a preventative against this infection?
View attachment 312211
That's funny how could that be the case, I see that it is a problem with the right but I see none of this with the left. Boot licking zombies are supporters of the screaming carrot and in no way the condition of his opposition. Boot licking, let me see 15000 verified lies believed and supported by you people. Would put that boot licking routine on your side not mine , I know he lies every time he opens his mouth , so that means I'm not a boot licker.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.
Nope the screaming carrots response was dangerous to this country, he's the clear enemy.
As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


Your arrogance, condescension and vulgar language are so very compelling. They make everyone reading what you write want to be more like you - more vulgar, more arrogant, more know-it-all.

"I maintain that science is part and parcel humility." - Carl Sagan

I have never read or heard anything from a humble Leftist. Never. They do not exist.

Oh my a personal attack. How compelling.

I'm not a leftist, dumbass. This is a political message board, where people post opinions, or maybe you thought this was a quilting forum or some shit, you dolt.
Funny you are the one that is supporting a mentally ill degenerate , who operates on hate and is the worst thing that happened to this country in my lifetime. His endless stupid remarks blowing off this virus was a total danger to this country , one more time this pig is this countries clear enemy.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
anyone from the hate group they call a party at this point is the problem. They are the ones that pushed in the wheelbarrow of hate not the democrats.

I don't care who did what at this point. That game gets us nowhere.

That's the whole point.

Keep playing it if you want. We have bigger problems right now.....
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.
Nope the screaming carrots response was dangerous to this country, he's the clear enemy.

carry on thinking what you'd like. It's insanely myopic, but rock on.....
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.

We see the bigger picture. Trump apparently, does not. There's no backbiting. The criticism is justified. It's a shame you can't admit that and are trying to blame dems for Trump's failings.

Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
anyone from the hate group they call a party at this point is the problem. They are the ones that pushed in the wheelbarrow of hate not the democrats.

I don't care who did what at this point. That game gets us nowhere.

That's the whole point.

Keep playing it if you want. We have bigger problems right now.....
bullshit , your God and master is a danger to this country you all have to be flushed.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.
Nope the screaming carrots response was dangerous to this country, he's the clear enemy.

carry on thinking what you'd like. It's insanely myopic, but rock on.....
You are a walking talking comedy act , you don't give a flying fuck about this country , if you did you wouldn't be a supporter of this dangerous piece of shit you call your leader.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.

We see the bigger picture. Trump apparently, does not. There's no backbiting. The criticism is justified. It's a shame you can't admit that and are trying to blame dems for Trump's failings.

Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
anyone from the hate group they call a party at this point is the problem. They are the ones that pushed in the wheelbarrow of hate not the democrats.

I don't care who did what at this point. That game gets us nowhere.

That's the whole point.

Keep playing it if you want. We have bigger problems right now.....
bullshit , your God and master is a danger to this country you all have to be flushed.

that's an utterly ridiculous attempt at.......anything really.

Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.
Nope the screaming carrots response was dangerous to this country, he's the clear enemy.

carry on thinking what you'd like. It's insanely myopic, but rock on.....
You are a walking talking comedy act , you don't give a flying fuck about this country , if you did you wouldn't be a supporter of this dangerous piece of shit you call your leader.

pointing out that this is a common problem and we need to cut the typical bullshit is exactly giving a fuck about this country you blithering moron.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth snowflake. Too bad you can't find any toilet paper.
contribute or you are gone , we keep it all simple around here. Tell me why I or actually anyone else would care what this countries biggest threat and enemy thinks of them. seems the more negative the more of a compliment it is.
I contributed far more than you did sweetheart by calling out your bullshit rant for what it was, bullshit.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
Only the ones who voted for Obama before him.
What does Obama have to do with this thread , it's stupid and a waste of bandwidth , thinking that you can justify the actions of the screaming carrot by what someone else does is straight out stupid.
Read your post I responded to and if you have a modicum of intelligence, it will become apparent. Oh ok, just this one time. Many Obama voters voted for Trump. Must have been the poorly educated ones, no?
"The problem" is that you dopes should have dumped Trump when you had the chance. You didn't and now he's not up to the task at hand. He deserves every bit of criticism coming his way.

Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.

We see the bigger picture. Trump apparently, does not. There's no backbiting. The criticism is justified. It's a shame you can't admit that and are trying to blame dems for Trump's failings.

Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


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