There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

From the screaming carrot
Feb2 “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China,” Mr. Trump said of the coronavirus. “But we can’t have thousands of people coming in who may have this problem, the coronavirus. So, we’re going to see what happens, but we did shut it down, yes.” 100% total bullshit from your leader and party.
from the mouth of your man scum bag
feb14 “And 61 percent of the voters approve of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. And, you know, we did a very early move on that. We did a — I was criticized by a lot of people at the beginning because we were the first. We’d never done it before.”-STUPID LIE----------------------He added “There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet.” Ignorant stupid100%lie
, so that means I'm not a boot licker.
Whatever self delusion gets you through your day.
If you can't contribute just find someplace else to waste bandwidth , I don't care what you think of me , hell you are the enemy of my country and it's biggest threat --tell me why I should give a fuck what you think of me.
Right now, in this situation, the dopes are the small minded idiots still focused on scorong points instead of having the capacity to see the bigger picture and realizing this is bigger than that nonsense.

We can go back to the backbiting later, you fool.

We see the bigger picture. Trump apparently, does not. There's no backbiting. The criticism is justified. It's a shame you can't admit that and are trying to blame dems for Trump's failings.

Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
We see the bigger picture. Trump apparently, does not. There's no backbiting. The criticism is justified. It's a shame you can't admit that and are trying to blame dems for Trump's failings.

Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.
“CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus, including the very early closing of our borders to certain areas of the world. It was opposed by the Dems, ‘too soon’, but turned out to be the correct decision. No matter how well we do, however, the Democrats talking point is that we are doing badly. If the virus disappeared tomorrow, they would say we did a really poor, and even incompetent, job. Not fair, but it is what it is. So far, by the way, we have not had one death. Let’s keep it that way!” BULLSHIT, yup it's them democrats fault. What a loser.
feb 26“At that time, nobody had ever even heard of Ebola or ever conceived of something where you basically — the people would disintegrate. And we’re still working on Ebola.” He went on saying, “The level of death with Ebola — you know, at the time, it was a virtual hundred percent.”

This was exaggerated. Ebola got its name from a 1976 outbreak. The average fatality rate is around 50 percent, but has ranged from 27 percent in Sierra Leone during the 2014 to 2016 outbreak to 88 percent in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. 100% disintegration he says nope not even close. THIS IS THE RIGHTS EXPERT ON EVERYTHING< YUP HE IS BRILLIANT AND SUCH A WINNER>
Whoah! I say level 5 TDS.

Where is that cartoon? there's like 8 stages..
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The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

And a maniac like you, makes no sense at all. How does his position, compare to you greeting people at Walmart?

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The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

[emoji2957]Duh, I’m a dim.

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The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
yet that uneducated man stopped air travel to limit exposure to the virus. but obammy never did any such thing and trump is uneducated. ohhhkay Francis.

Swine flu disaster

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Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

Sure, and those earning well more than average salaries. Remember, as salaries increase, so does the likelihood of voting Republican.
Bullshit, his cross section of support is the lowest intellect ever supporting any politician. I'll even tell you why. He read a Hitler book in bed all the time it was called "My New Order" it was a book of Hitlers speeches. It was about how what he said brought on one of the ugliest most hateful evil time in our history the Nazi attack on all things. . Hitler was one of scum bags biggest hero's and biggest influence, there is definitely no one that followed Hitler words more then the screaming carrot. as the following will prove. Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity
This is the result of having a President who bases his whole Presidency on lies and bullshit.
Try to stop the TDS vomiting for 45 seconds and cite relevant facts.
The economy is crashing and people are seeking information and advice regarding a pandemic and ignoring Trump's bullshit.

All dims should ignore precautions. It doesn’t relate to you. It’s not real. Do the exact opposite of what the health professionals are recommending. You’ll be fine.

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Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

Sure, and those earning well more than average salaries. Remember, as salaries increase, so does the likelihood of voting Republican.
Bullshit, his cross section of support is the lowest intellect ever supporting any politician. I'll even tell you why. He read a Hitler book in bed all the time it was called "My New Order" it was a book of Hitlers speeches. It was about how what he said brought on one of the ugliest most hateful evil time in our history the Nazi attack on all things. . Hitler was one of scum bags biggest hero's and biggest influence, there is definitely no one that followed Hitler words more then the screaming carrot. as the following will prove. Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity

You are deranged.

Every one of my colleagues is college educated and virtually all of them supported Trump. Head down to your local slum and do a talley on educational level and for whom they voted.
Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Lil bitches you say, stupid right wingers I say.

Vote corn pop, corn hole.

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The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Yea, there’s no hope. Better just move out of the country while you still can.
you better fuck off.

Less than 5 years left in office.

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Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

Sure, and those earning well more than average salaries. Remember, as salaries increase, so does the likelihood of voting Republican.
Bullshit, his cross section of support is the lowest intellect ever supporting any politician. I'll even tell you why. He read a Hitler book in bed all the time it was called "My New Order" it was a book of Hitlers speeches. It was about how what he said brought on one of the ugliest most hateful evil time in our history the Nazi attack on all things. . Hitler was one of scum bags biggest hero's and biggest influence, there is definitely no one that followed Hitler words more then the screaming carrot. as the following will prove. Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity


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