There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

Sure, and those earning well more than average salaries. Remember, as salaries increase, so does the likelihood of voting Republican.
Bullshit, his cross section of support is the lowest intellect ever supporting any politician. I'll even tell you why. He read a Hitler book in bed all the time it was called "My New Order" it was a book of Hitlers speeches. It was about how what he said brought on one of the ugliest most hateful evil time in our history the Nazi attack on all things. . Hitler was one of scum bags biggest hero's and biggest influence, there is definitely no one that followed Hitler words more then the screaming carrot. as the following will prove. Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity

Hitler was a powerful orator, though. You really should get help for that TDS.

What if..someone had the power to speak and motivate people like Hitler, but had noble intentions for people to be freer and more prosperous Americans?
“I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up. But, yeah, I think schools should be preparing and, you know, get ready just in case.” He added: “We have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.” ----------major stupid lie. ----------180 deg from what the CDC told him.
Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

Sure, and those earning well more than average salaries. Remember, as salaries increase, so does the likelihood of voting Republican.
Bullshit, his cross section of support is the lowest intellect ever supporting any politician. I'll even tell you why. He read a Hitler book in bed all the time it was called "My New Order" it was a book of Hitlers speeches. It was about how what he said brought on one of the ugliest most hateful evil time in our history the Nazi attack on all things. . Hitler was one of scum bags biggest hero's and biggest influence, there is definitely no one that followed Hitler words more then the screaming carrot. as the following will prove. Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity

I would like you to present proof of this assertion:

"Here's what he learned ,You find the stupidest people in the country - you find out what they hate and that hate is the total driving words and force behind your candidacy. First that how the Republicans became the hate party and that is the reason why this hate group is populated by stupidity"


How many sleepovers did you have with Trump?
Utterly incorrect.

Look at the very first line in my post.
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
Trump is fumbling the messaging portion of this horribly. The left has not helped with that either, as they've scrambled to score points. They all deserve a collective punch in the face.

Here's an idea: don't depend on politicians for information. They're full of shit, by and large don't have a clue and have an agenda.

Information is all over the place for those with an internet connection and an iota of common sense to go to unbiased sources rather than relying on politicians.

People must grow up, stand up and educate themselves to get past this fear of the unknown.

As a nation we need to recognize right fucking now that these politics of division have to stop, right now. We need to recognize this panic, fueled by the typical backbiting, is turning a bad situation into an existential threat in the same way we saw it on 9/11 and put our petty bullshit to the side.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, each and every one of us. Suck it up, stand up and be part of the solution.
anyone from the hate group they call a party at this point is the problem. They are the ones that pushed in the wheelbarrow of hate not the democrats.

I don't care who did what at this point. That game gets us nowhere.

That's the whole point.

Keep playing it if you want. We have bigger problems right now.....
bullshit , your God and master is a danger to this country you all have to be flushed.

You sound dangerous. So, because we all don't think like you, (commie indoctrinated) WE are a danger to the United States of America? Us who admire the freedoms and principles the Founding Fathers laid down and pretty much most Americans enjoyed until the early 60s?
How so? Oh! and all "should be flushed"? How do you propose making that happen, guy?

Last edited:
I have no regard to people who want to blow this off as not being important and blaming it on the Democrats , the right is made up of clowns , Your God and leaders responses are a danger to my country and the citizens of this country , if he is so fucking brain dead when it comes to this issue he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.
I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

Ask me how I know you didn't watch the international press conference today, and get your news from "talking points" in your email?

(No doubt it's from a "fellow traveler")
I have blamed both sides here and elsewhere on this BB. I've also been very vocal in my opinion that he needs to stop spewing bullshit, as it is contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.

get out of the us vs. them mindset. it's absurd at this point in this situation, and we can play that game all day.

he did this. they did this.

yeah, but he did this.

and meanwhile the virus doesn't give a shit. this is not a normal situation.....
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
Democrat Insanity

Democrats Big Lies

Hateful Hillary

And this hateful old hag was the best the Democrats had in 2016??
This year it's two white old men, one a socialist who had even fewer accomplishments in his miserable life than Hillary, and the other who doesn't know what city he's in, doesn't know his wife from his daughter, and who, eleven years ago, introduced "The next president of the United States, Barack America."

He has gone far downhill in those eleven years.
Total crap The screaming carrot
Jan 24“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” China was arresting people who were leaking the fact that the virus even existed.


Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.
The lying pig
March2 “We had a great meeting today with a lot of the great companies, and they’re going to have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they’re going to have something that makes you better, and that’s going to actually take place we think even sooner.”

This was misleading. According to Mr. Trump’s own health care experts and pharmaceutical executives, whom he had met with hours earlier, a vaccine may be available for widespread use in about a year to 18 months. This is the rights brain dead hero.
From the mentally ill right
mar4“Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. … So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.” Idiot
Do you make sense even to yourself?

A lot has changed in the last several weeks in case you haven't noticed, dumbass, and that has nothing to do with the discussion.

It's like you're pulling random rants out of a hat or something, FFS.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...
Latest count: 55 deaths on 2499 CONFIRMED cases. This is 2.2% fatality rate based on CONFIRMED cases.
There are no doubt many more cases that have NOT been diagnosed and confirmed, possibly putting the fatality rate down to the 0.7% rate of South Korea where testing is far more common.

So naturally the Left goes berserk again as they did election night 2016, and on impeachment after that and now this is their newest Trigger.

The 2017-2018 flu season had 80,000 deaths and Leftists were too intent on impeachment to go berserk then.

Here in Crazy California, that went overboard for Hillary, the lines are long in grocery stores where Leftists are stocking up for what they think is the end of the world. Always wrong, but never in doubt.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

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Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.

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