There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
Sheeple like you eat the shit fake news feeds them it hilarious.
This is the result of having a President who bases his whole Presidency on lies and bullshit.

More a country that lives in denial of who and what we really are

This is what we have degraded ourselves and degenerated too. We ignore over 16,000 lies and falsehoods made by our President and defend him by opinions of "what we really are". Even when 95% of Americans can prove his lying simply by calling around to doctors and medical facilities looking for someplace for getting a coronavirus test, the one Trump lies about when he tells Americans anyone and everyone can be tested.
Fueri is gone, I don't get it if you only can throw shit and not say anything, then why be here, now remember I have nothing against throwing shit , I do it all the time but I dam well contribute with the why or other information. Bye big guy time for you to move on.

And time for you to seek professional help nutzo. Your mania has consumed you.

At no time did you address a single thing i said, just continued with your one sided ranting.

I posted, you grabbed it but didnt argue it other than dismissing it, then started your usual strawman rants, offered nothing else, and now seem confused that I didn't take the bait.

Good grief.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
Sheeple like you eat the shit fake news feeds them it hilarious.

I'm just repeating what tramp said.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
Sheeple like you eat the shit fake news feeds them it hilarious.

I'm just repeating what tramp said.
You know you're lying
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

It's more complicated than that. Trump's communication style is that of a salesman - a constant patter of words designed to manipulate people. Their truth is irrelevant. Some people are really turned off by this. Some, apparently, like it.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

It's more complicated than that. Trump's communication style is that of a salesman - a constant patter of words designed to manipulate people. Their truth is irrelevant. Some people are really turned off by this. Some, apparently, like it.

If you care more about style over substance/results at this point, you have other issues to deal with.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

It's more complicated than that. Trump's communication style is that of a salesman - a constant patter of words designed to manipulate people. Their truth is irrelevant. Some people are really turned off by this. Some, apparently, like it.

If you care more about style over substance/results at this point, you have other issues to deal with.

That's my point though. It's not just style. His style is to deliberately obfuscate the substance of what he's saying - to "baffle them with bullshit". I do think some people are actually comforted by that kind of confident hand waving, but for some of us it's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Or maybe more like watching a huckster conning people you care about.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
Why are you such a coward? Take action. Gather your forces. March on the White House. Attack Mar A Lago. Get busy.
I think it is time for you to find someplace else to play, that's sage advice. No one will think less of you if you just leave quietly
Or what? You know it is the Democrat path to create violence. You know you want to.
I have not heard Trump tell even one lie. I have heard democrats lying about what he said thousands of times.
Left wing logic? You can't believe one word from the President but trust a socialist and/or a brain dead democrat to make it right.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
Versus the media that’s whipped everyone into a panic already? No country is gonna stop this virus flat in its tracks without severe restrictions of rights. The only thing you can do is buy time. Our shelves in grocery stores are already empty, and we’re not even close to seeing the worst of this. Bureaucracy is awful at preparedness and response to things like because...bureaucracy. We’re not prepped for any disaster period because bureaucracy is short sighted. We weren’t prepared for Katrina (despite 60 years of throwing money at levies that never seemed to get to the levies), we’re not prepared for a volcanic eruption, we’re not prepared for a coronal mass ejection, and we’re not prepared for a pandemic. That’s been true since bureaucracy became the ruler. If you’re looking for someone to blame on the government side, look to the self serving political machine that is the bureaucracy. Our hospitals don’t (and never did) have the masks stockpiled necessary to fight this pandemic. Now they can’t because the herd of cats are running out grabbing up all they can thanks to the media using the scare factor for ratings and political maneuvering. Like it or not the travel restrictions to China bought us a month. The restrictions to Europe may buy us another couple of weeks. Luckily we have a few treatments, like plasma therapy, that seem to be effective, and maybe even a vaccine in the works.
You nazi wannabee 1st rule, defined by Hitler, attack the press. You Nazi wannabees are all the same. The rest of you response , what the fuck are you talking about Katrina, volcanoes ,What the fuck.
I have not heard Trump tell even one lie. I have heard democrats lying about what he said thousands of times.
Good God, walking talking Nazi wannabee cartoon character, the screaming carrot always tells the truth. 16,000 lies since he was in office , if you want I'll point you to the whole list and you can find one that he was charged with lying about and he actually told the truth, there is 16000 to look at so if you dig long enough you might actually find one.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

He looks bad all by himself and after all his gaffes, how can anybody with half a brain still be fooled by his gibberish.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

It's more complicated than that. Trump's communication style is that of a salesman - a constant patter of words designed to manipulate people. Their truth is irrelevant. Some people are really turned off by this. Some, apparently, like it.
Oh ya , he is a mental degenerate who doesn't know the truth about anything , he is such a chronic liar that he will lie even when the truth is a better answer for him , now that is one fucking idiot. No the people who you suggest likes his lies are the brain dead, they think he doesn't lie.
You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

It's more complicated than that. Trump's communication style is that of a salesman - a constant patter of words designed to manipulate people. Their truth is irrelevant. Some people are really turned off by this. Some, apparently, like it.

If you care more about style over substance/results at this point, you have other issues to deal with.

That's my point though. It's not just style. His style is to deliberately obfuscate the substance+ Quote of what he's saying - to "baffle them with bullshit". I do think some people are actually comforted by that kind of confident hand waving, but for some of us it's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Or maybe more like watching a huckster conning people you care about.
He is a big fan of Hitlers , he had Hitlers book"my new order' on his bed stand for years for his nightly reading .Its a book of all of Hitlers early speeches, as far as politics is concerned his biggest influence was Hitler. The simple message is to find the stupidest people in your country, find out what and who they hate and make that you total candidacy, praising and supporting all levels of that hate. That is how the hate party was created.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
Why are you such a coward? Take action. Gather your forces. March on the White House. Attack Mar A Lago. Get busy.
I think it is time for you to find someplace else to play, that's sage advice. No one will think less of you if you just leave quietly
Or what? You know it is the Democrat path to create violence. You know you want to.
You are stupid and you are gone. I warned you.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

You can't believe him because we say you can't believe him so you can't believe him.

Circular logic at it's finest.

No, not because we say we can't believe him, but because he lies about everything and makes ridiculous statements patting himself on the back. We don't know what to believe when he opens his mouth.

You don't want to believe anything he says, you want to find some advantage for November, so everything he says is brushed off, taken out of context, or analysized for the smallest chickenshit you can find to make him look bad.

He looks bad all by himself and after all his gaffes, how can anybody with half a brain still be fooled by his gibberish.
Read post 217
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
Versus the media that’s whipped everyone into a panic already? No country is gonna stop this virus flat in its tracks without severe restrictions of rights. The only thing you can do is buy time. Our shelves in grocery stores are already empty, and we’re not even close to seeing the worst of this. Bureaucracy is awful at preparedness and response to things like because...bureaucracy. We’re not prepped for any disaster period because bureaucracy is short sighted. We weren’t prepared for Katrina (despite 60 years of throwing money at levies that never seemed to get to the levies), we’re not prepared for a volcanic eruption, we’re not prepared for a coronal mass ejection, and we’re not prepared for a pandemic. That’s been true since bureaucracy became the ruler. If you’re looking for someone to blame on the government side, look to the self serving political machine that is the bureaucracy. Our hospitals don’t (and never did) have the masks stockpiled necessary to fight this pandemic. Now they can’t because the herd of cats are running out grabbing up all they can thanks to the media using the scare factor for ratings and political maneuvering. Like it or not the travel restrictions to China bought us a month. The restrictions to Europe may buy us another couple of weeks. Luckily we have a few treatments, like plasma therapy, that seem to be effective, and maybe even a vaccine in the works.
You nazi wannabee 1st rule, defined by Hitler, attack the press. You Nazi wannabees are all the same. The rest of you response , what the fuck are you talking about Katrina, volcanoes ,What the fuck.
I was talking about how our disaster preparedness level is abysmal. Thought that was pretty clear. It was certainly clear in Katrina, and it’s certainly clear now with the corona virus. And it’s been that way for a long time. Now think about what’s gonna happen in a real disaster? Say a Carrington event. They happen every 100 years or so, +\- 50 years. Last one was in 1859, didn’t do that much damage, all the telegraph lines caught fire. Imagine if that happens today? Virtually every home burns to the ground, no electronics, no cars, no refrigeration, no running water. 90% of us die within a year, the survivors spend their time stabbing their neighbors for scraps of food. Shouldn’t the correct response in the wake of seeing the corona virus expose our preparedness level be to wake the fuck up and demand the government take these issues more seriously, instead of bickering about what a president said on the news? Trumps response wasn’t great, but like all other world leaders he’s trying to walk a thin line of not causing society to panic and cause greater turmoil for millions, while still trying to protect the thousands that could be endangered by the virus. Pandemics are hard to prep for because you don’t know wtf the disease is going to be, how to test for it, how to immunize, and how to treat. It’s a race against the clock. But still, our hospitals should have had plenty of masks and protective gear stockpiled. Procedures to combat spread, and streamline testing and treatment R&D should have been in place. They weren’t. This is true for every other president before him, let alone every other country out there. However, there’s no excuse for our government not shielding our energy grid from a Carrington Event, it’ll still cause significant death and damage, but it would stop it from being an extinction level event. There’s no excuse for not having a plan, and the capabilities in place to prevent an asteroid strike, we have the tech for it after all.

So, I don’t understand how saying the self serving government should definitely up its game in preparedness levels makes me a nazi. That’s ludicrous. It’s one of their freaking mandates after all, one that virtually every American would agree on. And yes, the media did use this, like they do every negative story out there, to make the world seem like a much more dangerous than it actually is, even though statistically the world is safer and more prosperous on a man per man basis than its ever been in human history. There has never been a better time to be in abject poverty than there is today. And the media does this because their business model is to drive up ratings and clicks, and tragedies statistically do that better than the reality. Realistic stories don’t cause people to glue themselves to the couch and turn on the nightly news. The husband who kills his family does, and then it’s “stay tuned after these commercials to find out if you’re eating poisoned chicken.” For Christ sake there’s only been a single case of a kid eating poison candy on Halloween, and it was his own father that did it. Yet we all make sure to X-ray our candy for razor blades every year. Why is that? You got it. “Tune in to found out how to keep your kid safe this Halloween from tainted candy.” And the media does this without care or concern to the consequences for the normal folk like you and me. Talk about some evil greedy business, amaright? Traditional media is a dying medium, but they are creaming their pants on air with this tragedy.

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