There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

And his moron followers will swallow it, just like they swallow ...

It's a sick message board that tolerates filth and hatred such as you spew.
Sickening. Truly. If I never return, it will because of the bile issuing from you Leftists.
You make your own hell and then pretend you are enjoying yourselves while roiling in it.

Why do you people continue to support a grifter like Trump, who trips over himself every time he opens his mouth? Trump is the sick one in this message board.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Read your own post out loud and you'll hear what a screaming maniac sounds like.

Stage 4 TDS

Actually, I read the post and it sounds like it is right on the money regarding the divisive grifter Mr. Trump
And his moron followers will swallow it, just like they swallow ...

It's a sick message board that tolerates filth and hatred such as you spew.
Sickening. Truly. If I never return, it will because of the bile issuing from you Leftists.
You make your own hell and then pretend you are enjoying yourselves while roiling in it.

Swing and a miss. I'm not a leftist, not a Democrat. In fact, my biggest worry with Trump has always been that he'll make such a bad name for conservatism that we'll get pure socialism in the backlash. All because you douchebags are too chickenshit to admit you made a mistake and nominate someone else. You suck.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.
are you joking why in the hell would I even consider what you have to say yet respond to it. I'm telling you, you aren't even responding. Back to the most important point , now how many quotes did I give you showing what a lying ass hole your god and leader is , how he is nothing but a danger to this country because of his stupidity and destroyed the world markets with his word , that his son and son in law put together right before the asinine speech he made.
He is lower then pond scum and so are you . Only people who are stupid were invited by the screaming carrot to support him , and look at your self.
I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.
are you joking why in the hell would I even consider what you have to say yet respond to it. I'm telling you, you aren't even responding. Back to the most important point , now how many quotes did I give you showing what a lying ass hole your god and leader is , how he is nothing but a danger to this country because of his stupidity and destroyed the world markets with his word , that his son and son in law put together right before the asinine speech he made.
He is lower then pond scum and so are you . Only people who are stupid were invited by the screaming carrot to support him , and look at your self.

Because moron, that's how a conversation works.

You're like a loon talking to a lamp post on a corner. Does not matter what the other person says you just post more of your blather.

You responded to me, remember dummy. To this point you haven't responded to a single thing I've said and just blubber on with your utterly inane gibberish.

You think you're somehow correct about something, but are just screaming blindly into the wind. No point, no reason, no nothing. A Magic 8 ball presents more cogent argument than you do FFS.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.
are you joking why in the hell would I even consider what you have to say yet respond to it. I'm telling you, you aren't even responding. Back to the most important point , now how many quotes did I give you showing what a lying ass hole your god and leader is , how he is nothing but a danger to this country because of his stupidity and destroyed the world markets with his word , that his son and son in law put together right before the asinine speech he made.
He is lower then pond scum and so are you . Only people who are stupid were invited by the screaming carrot to support him , and look at your self.

Because moron, that's how a conversation works.

You're like a loon talking to a lamp post on a corner. Does not matter what the other person says you just post more of your blather.

You responded to me, remember dummy. To this point you haven't responded to a single thing I've said and just blubber on with your utterly inane gibberish.

You think you're somehow correct about something, but are just screaming blindly into the wind. No point, no reason, no nothing. A Magic 8 ball presents more cogent argument than you do FFS.
Why in the hell are you wasting your time in here under the circumstances , you offer nothing, you are totally wasting bandwidth. Our conversation is done because I'm done with you wasting my time , wasting bandwidth and wasting everyone else's time here,
Fueri is gone, I don't get it if you only can throw shit and not say anything, then why be here, now remember I have nothing against throwing shit , I do it all the time but I dam well contribute with the why or other information. Bye big guy time for you to move on.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Read your own post out loud and you'll hear what a screaming maniac sounds like.

Stage 4 TDS
What has to be remembered is that you supporters are the same threat to this country that your God and leader is. That can't be pushed aside.
Then DO something about it. You have weapons. Pick them up and get going.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
Why are you such a coward? Take action. Gather your forces. March on the White House. Attack Mar A Lago. Get busy.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Read your own post out loud and you'll hear what a screaming maniac sounds like.

Stage 4 TDS
What has to be remembered is that you supporters are the same threat to this country that your God and leader is. That can't be pushed aside.
Then DO something about it. You have weapons. Pick them up and get going.
Here we go another threat on my life. These haters are like robots. I'll tell you a little story, if the war broke out with all you gun bubbas and your ar's and 1000 pounds of ammunition, you will be out in a field running like hell, screaming that you going to kill everyone. but a American tank will be following you slowly till you run out of steam and all you will hear is a crunch when they run you over, of course that's after you have shit and pissed in your pants. The military leaders hate's the screaming carrot he has literally called all of them worthless. Your race across the field will be considered a new sport in this country, viewed by millions all rooting for the tank. Well all the patriots rooting for the tanks anyway.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
Why are you such a coward? Take action. Gather your forces. March on the White House. Attack Mar A Lago. Get busy.
What level of mental illness are you at when you see the solutions in killing others.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Pardon the interruption, but we have a divisive, geriatric grifter in the White House. Remember that he played down the threat and took credit saying that his administration has everything under control when he, in reality, had no clue. He said that he closed the borders
and prevented the outbreak from coming here, which is false. Finally, he has closed the borders except for England and Ireland, which coincidently have Trump golf courses. Now your charlatan is treating the pandemic like the health issue it is instead of a salute to himself.
The screaming carrot is literally this countries biggest threat and my biggest enemy.
Why are you such a coward? Take action. Gather your forces. March on the White House. Attack Mar A Lago. Get busy.
I think it is time for you to find someplace else to play, that's sage advice. No one will think less of you if you just leave quietly
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
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The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
There is a old Chinese proverb that says only ass holes follow ass holes. That will be the first words in a essay about the right wing of 2020, written in 2030.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
Versus the media that’s whipped everyone into a panic already? No country is gonna stop this virus flat in its tracks without severe restrictions of rights. The only thing you can do is buy time. Our shelves in grocery stores are already empty, and we’re not even close to seeing the worst of this. Bureaucracy is awful at preparedness and response to things like because...bureaucracy. We’re not prepped for any disaster period because bureaucracy is short sighted. We weren’t prepared for Katrina (despite 60 years of throwing money at levies that never seemed to get to the levies), we’re not prepared for a volcanic eruption, we’re not prepared for a coronal mass ejection, and we’re not prepared for a pandemic. That’s been true since bureaucracy became the ruler. If you’re looking for someone to blame on the government side, look to the self serving political machine that is the bureaucracy. Our hospitals don’t (and never did) have the masks stockpiled necessary to fight this pandemic. Now they can’t because the herd of cats are running out grabbing up all they can thanks to the media using the scare factor for ratings and political maneuvering. Like it or not the travel restrictions to China bought us a month. The restrictions to Europe may buy us another couple of weeks. Luckily we have a few treatments, like plasma therapy, that seem to be effective, and maybe even a vaccine in the works.
You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.
are you joking why in the hell would I even consider what you have to say yet respond to it. I'm telling you, you aren't even responding. Back to the most important point , now how many quotes did I give you showing what a lying ass hole your god and leader is , how he is nothing but a danger to this country because of his stupidity and destroyed the world markets with his word , that his son and son in law put together right before the asinine speech he made.
He is lower then pond scum and so are you . Only people who are stupid were invited by the screaming carrot to support him , and look at your self.

Because moron, that's how a conversation works.

You're like a loon talking to a lamp post on a corner. Does not matter what the other person says you just post more of your blather.

You responded to me, remember dummy. To this point you haven't responded to a single thing I've said and just blubber on with your utterly inane gibberish.

You think you're somehow correct about something, but are just screaming blindly into the wind. No point, no reason, no nothing. A Magic 8 ball presents more cogent argument than you do FFS.
Why in the hell are you wasting your time in here under the circumstances , you offer nothing, you are totally wasting bandwidth. Our conversation is done because I'm done with you wasting my time , wasting bandwidth and wasting everyone else's time here,

I'd agree that i am definitely wasting my time with an empty headed fool that cannot see that this issue is larger than the petty differences that utterly consume you and blind you to anything other than your frothy anti-trump rhetoric.

Keep shouting into the wind kuckoo bird. That's super helpful right now. Lol

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