These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

No. I don’t believe that for a second. They could have gotten all the hostages released had they agreed to release imprisoned Palestinians.

What Israel is doing is WORSE than what Hamas did. This is clearly evident.

But you’re right about the US mass murdering women and children. Our criminal government has a long history of committing war crimes.

Wow, you are one sick fuck. Democrats have an excuse, they're stupid. What's yours?
American valves to you is mass murdering or imprisoning all who oppose anything the global elite enact. Why?
The same global elite restarted Israel. They seem to enact agendas that has people all over the planet at each other's throats using endless spouts of brotherhood and love as the front to blur those results. The reason immigration has to e limited is for the new people coming in here to assimilate. It takes a period of years for that to happen. With people from the middle east, it is important for them to assimilate. If they do not, it is not good. Our nation is fracturing.
No. I don’t believe that for a second. They could have gotten all the hostages released had they agreed to release imprisoned Palestinians.

What Israel is doing is WORSE than what Hamas did. This is clearly evident.

But you’re right about the US mass murdering women and children. Our criminal government has a long history of committing war crimes.
ham-ass should have never taken hostages in the FIRST PLACE you fucking ignorant damned baboon!
Thank heaven there are so few fucking moronic, evil clods as you.

How do you rationalize the rape and murder of the innocents from foreign countries you vile piece of shit?
Why does an old con like you love Brandon? WTF!
No, you ignorant dolt. The Jews made the mistake of thinking that the mass slaughter of Israelis by Hamas gave them the right to slaughter 10 times as many innocent Palestinians without consequences, including women and children.

Neither side has the right to kill any noncombatant, regardless of whether Hamas is using them as “shields”.
It did give them that right, vermin.
If the Hamas kidnappers haven't all died yet, ALL of them need to be executed as soon as they are found. Every one of them are guilty of murder
I hope we wake up before it's too late. These are NOT AMERICAN values. But they are growing

lol. That's called freedom of speech and expression, one of American Values. Well, if you think it is not, that's your freedom of speech as well. And if you think it's against the US laws, call the police. lol. :)

#### American Values

American values refer to the ideas and practices that are important to people in the United States. These values shape how Americans live their lives and influence their laws and societal norms. While it is important to note that individual people may have their own values that may differ from the broader cultural values, there are some commonly recognized American values. Here are some key American values:

1. Independence and self-reliance: Americans highly value their freedom to live their lives with limited intervention and control by the government. This sense of independence motivates the importance of self-determination and self-reliance.

2. Equality and fairness: Americans generally believe in the principles of equality and fairness. They value equal opportunities and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

3. Individualism: Individualism is a core value in American society. Americans often prioritize personal freedom, individual rights, and the pursuit of individual goals and aspirations.

4. Freedom of speech and expression: Americans highly value their right to freedom of speech and expression, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

5. Democracy: Democracy is a fundamental value in American society. Americans value the principles of representative government, free and fair elections, and the rule of law.

6. Work ethic: Americans generally value hard work, productivity, and the idea that success is achieved through individual effort and determination.

7. Diversity and multiculturalism: America is known as a culturally diverse country, and Americans often value diversity and multiculturalism. They believe in the importance of respecting and appreciating different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

8. Optimism and positive attitude: Americans tend to have an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. They often believe in the possibility of achieving success and overcoming challenges.

These values are not exhaustive and may vary among individuals and different regions within the United States. Additionally, American values can evolve over time as society changes and new challenges arise.

#### Conclusion

American values encompass a range of principles and beliefs that are important to people in the United States. These values include independence, equality, individualism, freedom of speech, democracy, work ethic, diversity, and optimism. While individual values may vary, these core values shape American society and influence the way Americans live their lives.

Source :

lol. That's called freedom of speech and expression, one of American Values. Well, if you think it is not, that's your freedom of speech as well. And if you think it's against the US laws, call the police. lol. :)

#### American Values

American values refer to the ideas and practices that are important to people in the United States. These values shape how Americans live their lives and influence their laws and societal norms. While it is important to note that individual people may have their own values that may differ from the broader cultural values, there are some commonly recognized American values. Here are some key American values:

1. Independence and self-reliance: Americans highly value their freedom to live their lives with limited intervention and control by the government. This sense of independence motivates the importance of self-determination and self-reliance.

2. Equality and fairness: Americans generally believe in the principles of equality and fairness. They value equal opportunities and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

3. Individualism: Individualism is a core value in American society. Americans often prioritize personal freedom, individual rights, and the pursuit of individual goals and aspirations.

4. Freedom of speech and expression: Americans highly value their right to freedom of speech and expression, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

5. Democracy: Democracy is a fundamental value in American society. Americans value the principles of representative government, free and fair elections, and the rule of law.

6. Work ethic: Americans generally value hard work, productivity, and the idea that success is achieved through individual effort and determination.

7. Diversity and multiculturalism: America is known as a culturally diverse country, and Americans often value diversity and multiculturalism. They believe in the importance of respecting and appreciating different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

8. Optimism and positive attitude: Americans tend to have an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. They often believe in the possibility of achieving success and overcoming challenges.

These values are not exhaustive and may vary among individuals and different regions within the United States. Additionally, American values can evolve over time as society changes and new challenges arise.

#### Conclusion

American values encompass a range of principles and beliefs that are important to people in the United States. These values include independence, equality, individualism, freedom of speech, democracy, work ethic, diversity, and optimism. While individual values may vary, these core values shape American society and influence the way Americans live their lives.

Source :

SUPPORTING murder, kidnapping, rape, and torture are NOT AMERICAN values you vile POS. The fact that you can't see this tells me how far this nation has sunk into hell.

Another Game enabler going on my ignore list.

Why does an old con like you love Brandon? WTF!

Why does a dumbfuck, like you, love ham-ass terrorists?

Why does a dumbfuck, like you, ignore the completely innocent foreigners that your buddies raped and murdered at that music festival?

Why does a dumbfuck, like you, want these sorts of animals coming here?

Well, you ARE a dumbfuck, so there is that.
Why does a dumbfuck, like you, love ham-ass terrorists?

Why does a dumbfuck, like you, ignore the completely innocent foreigners that your buddies raped and murdered at that music festival?

Why does a dumbfuck, like you, want these sorts of animals coming here?

Well, you ARE a dumbfuck, so there is that.
You and old Joe. Two war loving psychopaths.
You and old Joe, two sociopaths. If you had voted for Trump this shit would never have happened you fucking retard.
Lol. Trump’s an idiot. He loves Israel unconditionally just like you and your buddy Dumb Joe.
Lol. Trump’s an idiot. He loves Israel unconditionally just like you and your buddy Dumb Joe.

I like Isreal too. They are the only place in the middle east where a gay person is guaranteed to not get tossed off of a building.
Lol. Yet another lie. Must you warmongers always lie.

Hey, you are the bigot who loves to toss gays off of buildings. Take it up with your ham-ass buddies.

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