They beheaded that poor Korean...

Originally posted by menewa
I'm sure everybody that works for human rights orgs are as appalled as much as we all are. However, these human rights groups are only allowed to get up close and personal with governments, such as ours, because we allow them to under the terms of the Geneva Convention. But these terrorists don't give a damn about the Geneva Conventions. And, not being part of any government body that we know of, it's kind of hard to set up a board to oversight them. Even though none of the pictures from Abu Ghraib compare to these beheadings we've seen, our concern over Abu G. is what sets us apart from violent, brutal anarchists.

Menewa, I am so glad you seem determined to shock and amaze me. Very thoughtful post. Good points.
Originally posted by coiler
Did you want credible numbers showing that the latest State Department report shows that worldwide terrorism is on the increase or numbers showing how many Iraqi civilians have been maimed and murdered?

Because if it's the later I can only send you the lastest estimates by world organizations like Amnesty International. Unfortunately the Bush administration by its own admission has failed to do an accurate accounting of Iraqi civilian losses which I'm sure I don't have to tell you is a violation (one of many) of international law.

Having problems? We're waiting....
Originally posted by menewa
I'm sure everybody that works for human rights orgs are as appalled as much as we all are. However, these human rights groups are only allowed to get up close and personal with governments, such as ours, because we allow them to under the terms of the Geneva Convention. But these terrorists don't give a damn about the Geneva Conventions. And, not being part of any government body that we know of, it's kind of hard to set up a board to oversight them. Even though none of the pictures from Abu Ghraib compare to these beheadings we've seen, our concern over Abu G. is what sets us apart from violent, brutal anarchists.

NO - our obsession with Abu whatever is what is giving the terrorists a leg up so to speak. All the freakin' left is so worried about how we look to the world about the prison BS they can't think beyonbd thier wet pants to take some proactive action and go over and kick some ass once and for all.

WE ARE apart from the "violent, brutal anarchists". We do not need any defunct world bleeding heart organization to validate that point!!!!

Enough of all this panty waist talk.

Yeah, I'm pissed.
Originally posted by coiler
Unfortunately the Bush administration by its own admission has failed to do an accurate accounting of Iraqi civilian losses which I'm sure I don't have to tell you is a violation (one of many) of international law.

I will give you an easy one.

Cite for me the constitutional reference which states the US allows ANY nation to have ANY authority over us whatsoever.

Just one reference.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
NO - our obsession with Abu whatever is what is giving the terrorists a leg up so to speak.

Don't shoot the messenger. The continued coverage of Abu G. demonstrates that we are taking the perpetrators of the prison scandal to task. Hopefully, this will reveal to the Iraqis and the rest of the Muslim world that Americans, as a whole, do not condone this type of behavior. And even if the Muslim world does not get that, then at least we will have proved it to ourselves.
Originally posted by coiler
There are a few humanitarian organizations out there that have been tracking Iraqi civilian deaths but the most reliable one is the Iraq Body Count Team which consists of a team of eighteen researchers working in collaboration. Each of these researchers has a fairly impressive and credible resume. Their latest estimate is that a minimum of 9,436 Iraqi civilians have been murdered to date with a possible maximun of 11,317. The numbers are still growing and exact numbers are hard to get because of the state of dissarray in Iraq. These numbers are based upon hospital records and such. If you'd like more info I've got it-and lots of it.

Well, that's a start. I could pull numbers out of the air and then quote them. You obiously think you have a credible source. Post you link for all to see if yo want honest dialouge.

Originally posted by coiler
How much pain do you think you feel once your head has been cut off? Which is more humane-dying that way or being roasted to death beneath the rubble of a burning building?

Just when you start to show a little intelligence, you suffer another case of cranial rectitis. Let's start with some numbers and I'll forget about your obvious delusions of war.
Originally posted by coiler
There are a few humanitarian organizations out there that have been tracking Iraqi civilian deaths but the most reliable one is the Iraq Body Count Team which consists of a team of eighteen researchers working in collaboration. Each of these researchers has a fairly impressive and credible resume. Their latest estimate is that a minimum of 9,436 Iraqi civilians have been murdered to date with a possible maximun of 11,317. The numbers are still growing and exact numbers are hard to get because of the state of dissarray in Iraq. These numbers are based upon hospital records and such. If you'd like more info I've got it-and lots of it.

How much pain do you think you feel once your head has been cut off? Which is more humane-dying that way or being roasted to death beneath the rubble of a burning building?

I don't know how I missed this post, but could you please supply a link? You had said AI, where's their stuff? Who the heck is the 'Iraq Body Count Team'-who are the 'researchers'? What are their credentials? At least with AI we know who we're talking about.
Originally posted by menewa
taking the perpetrators of the prison scandal to task. Hopefully, this will reveal to the Iraqis and the rest of the Muslim world that Americans, as a whole, do not condone this type of behavior. And even if the Muslim world does not get that, then at least we will have proved it to ourselves.

Why do you obsess on proving anything to anyone? We owe no one an explanation. Taking them to task...shit, we've beat the horse to really think the islamofacists give a rats ass? The more we air it, the more they use it to propagandize against us. Shit enough already. This self punishment and flagllation (as one poster put it) has to cease!

REMINDER - we were attacked. BAD things happen in war. WE goofed and are taking care of it. GET OVER IT!

This thread is supposed to be about the poor guy that got beheaded. Not this Abu BS thing that happened over what 60 some days ago and is being dealt with?
I took a few minutes there to review the U.S. Constitution. I can't find anything in there that says the United States should give ANY Nation ANY authority over us...whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. I also can't find anywhere in there where it says the role of the U.S. government is to attempt to excersize ANY control over ANY other government. I believe we are still occupying Iraq trying to install our form of government aren't we?

Actually the Constitutional powers are very limited in regards to the use of military force. The Constitution is very specific in stating that this force shall only be used to defend Americas borders. I know George Bush did his best stretch to say he was somehow defending America by attacking Iraq but I think everyone knows better by now. There was no imminent danger to the U.S. from Iraq. There were no WMD (where's the PROOF?) There are no links to Al Qaeda (there are more Al Qaeda terrorists living in the U.S. and our buddy Saudi Arabia right now than ever lived in Iraq). This (Ahem!) war in Iraq has created generations of new terrorists that we will be hearing from for now on.

We can thank George Bush that this war on terror will last forever not in spite of his policies but because of them.
Originally posted by coiler
I took a few minutes there to review the U.S. Constitution. I can't find anything in there that says the United States should give ANY Nation ANY authority over us...whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. I also can't find anywhere in there where it says the role of the U.S. government is to attempt to excersize ANY control over ANY other government. I believe we are still occupying Iraq trying to install our form of government aren't we?

Actually the Constitutional powers are very limited in regards to the use of military force. The Constitution is very specific in stating that this force shall only be used to defend Americas borders. I know George Bush did his best stretch to say he was somehow defending America by attacking Iraq but I think everyone knows better by now. There was no imminent danger to the U.S. from Iraq. There were no WMD (where's the PROOF?) There are no links to Al Qaeda (there are more Al Qaeda terrorists living in the U.S. and our buddy Saudi Arabia right now than ever lived in Iraq). This (Ahem!) war in Iraq has created generations of new terrorists that we will be hearing from for now on.

We can thank George Bush that this war on terror will last forever not in spite of his policies but because of them.

Hey Cowboy - before you start making any new messes, try cleaning up some of your previous ones. It's very simple - you open mouth and espouse what you hold out as fact, you back it up with source material. You claim it to be opinion, then so be it - but mack a stand one way or another and quit changing the subject to avoid having to back up your claims.

Man, I was kinda hoping S.Korea would give in to their demands and say, "Okay, we won't send in 3,000 troops(mainly humanitarian relief workers, right?) in August."

Then, once the hostage was freed, go back on their word and say not only are we going to send in those 3,000, but an additional 10,000 of our most highly trained soldiers you stupid murderous cowards!

I think we all knew how this was going to end, though. And I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I'm hearing it here first.
What claim do you need further back up on? I've supplied you with the numbers. You can access the Iraqi Body Count Project at

But if you're one of those rabid, right wing, "blame everybody but America first" types it won't do you any good to access information that doesn't confirm what you've already decided you want to believe. You won't hear it anyway.

Instead turn on your T.V., kick off your shoes, and get the full scoop from FOX news. They wouldn't steer you wrong...would they?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Man, I was kinda hoping S.Korea would give in to their demands and say, "Okay, we won't send in 3,000 troops(mainly humanitarian relief workers, right?) in August."

Then, once the hostage was freed, go back on their word and say not only are we going to send in those 3,000, but an additional 10,000 of our most highly trained soldiers you stupid murderous cowards!

I think we all knew how this was going to end, though. And I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I'm hearing it here first.

Tell you what is scaring the heck out of me. All day yesterday I was prepared to hear that news. Now it may be because he wasn't an American, though I don't like to think so. I heard the sheer terror in his voice when he was pleading for his life. But this morning all I thought was, we have to stay the course. Truth to tell, the relative absence of coverage has to give us all pause. 3 beheadings and we become blase. Anyone who underestimates that we can stay the course, in spite of what they may throw at us, is in for a rude awakening.
just finding out that the koreans body was booby trapped with high explosives when US military personnel found it.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
just finding out that the koreans body was booby trapped with high explosives when US military personnel found it.

Guess that's 'one more thing' they're throwing at us. They are beneath the name of animals.
Originally posted by coiler
What claim do you need further back up on? I've supplied you with the numbers. You can access the Iraqi Body Count Project at

Wow - you finally got it. How easy would that have been when first asked. But no, you had to make a game of it. When making a statement in the manner of which you did, pretty much no one is going to take it as fact without source. So, question asked answer FINALLY given

But if you're one of those rabid, right wing, "blame everybody but America first" types it won't do you any good to access information that doesn't confirm what you've already decided you want to believe. You won't hear it anyway.

Again Cowboy, information was all that was really ever asked for. You necessiated all the drama to get there.

Instead turn on your T.V., kick off your shoes, and get the full scoop from FOX news. They wouldn't steer you wrong...would they?

Right about now, I think I would take CNN's word over yours until you show you can make a cogent post and supply data to back up your claims.

Once again, thanks for the info. I will take it under advisement and then opine.

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