They Don't Care Who They Defame


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."


1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So, you can't blame only the Left.

If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?

The Founding Fathers KNEW Tyranny would raise it's ugly head again. No doubt.
But what they failed to account for was the willingness of the American People to do nothing more than watch as tyrants took over.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So, you can't blame only the Left.

If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?

Sooo.....who are we to blame?
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
So, you can't blame only the Left.
If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?
Sooo.....who are we to blame?

Blame solves nothing. A conviction for murder is worthless if no sentencing action takes place.
We can "Blame" the left for 1,000 years. won't change ANYTHING without action.

Donald Trump Jr. was on Rush's program today talking about JUST THAT. Action is needed by The People.

It's no longer a game or funny (except to the Communist Far Progressive left).

Your freedom and that of your children (if you have any) is at stake.
Last edited:
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
Bitch, are you serious? The movement that put Trump in power has been about nothing but defaming people for decades, and Trump's entire campaign and Presidency has been about defaming people.
And most of the said Far Left are mentally ill. See post above.

Do we really want them to have absolute control over our lives?
What good is blame if we allow them that?
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
So, you can't blame only the Left.
If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?
Sooo.....who are we to blame?

Blame solves nothing. A conviction for murder is worthless if no sentencing action takes place.
We can "Blame" the left for 1,000 years. won't change ANYTHING without action.

Donald Trump Jr. was on Rush's program today talking about JUST THAT. Action is needed by The People.

It's no longer a game or funny (except to the Communist Far Progressive left).

Your freedom and that of your children (if you have any) is at stake.

What's the plan????
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So, you can't blame only the Left.

If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?

Sooo.....who are we to blame?
We blame the rapist, but we all are responsible to react in an appropriate manner. In my case, I would kick the shit out of the guy.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
It's sick and disgusting how The DemNazis are.

They planned their COUP clear back in August 2016 and launched in January 2017 a full 5 months before they got Mad Moscow Mueller appointed.

Interestingly enough both Strozk, Page and their associates privately announced the launching of their COUP called "Operation Latitude" or genreally referred to as the "Insurance Policy" in January 2017, while The White House Spy's (Eric Cearmella) Attorney, Zaid Announced on Twitter that the COUP had begun. This coincided with Trump' Inauguration.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
Bitch, are you serious? The movement that put Trump in power has been about nothing but defaming people for decades, and Trump's entire campaign and Presidency has been about defaming people.

You calling her a bitch? Trump was put in power because of Obama
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.

I always get a kick out of the sort of moron who links to a post, knows it irritates him, but can't quite figure out how to refute it, dispute it, or even disagree with it.

Love gettin' under their skin....truth does that.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.

I always get a kick out of the sort of moron who links to a post, knows it irritates him, but can't quite figure out how to refute it, dispute it, or even disagree with it.

Love gettin' under their skin....truth does that.

What truth are you actually posting?
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.

I always get a kick out of the sort of moron who links to a post, knows it irritates him, but can't quite figure out how to refute it, dispute it, or even disagree with it.

Love gettin' under their skin....truth does that.

What truth are you actually posting?

The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."


1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Good that you've admitted that reading is not your forte.

Confession is good for the soul.
Seems posters of lesser ability....the government school grads....need everything spoon fed to them.

The OP verifies that the Deep State paid one of their spies $1 million to make up a tale to injure Flynn....a way of getting at Trump.....and didn't mind destroying the career and reputation of an innocent bystander in the process.

The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.

I always get a kick out of the sort of moron who links to a post, knows it irritates him, but can't quite figure out how to refute it, dispute it, or even disagree with it.

Love gettin' under their skin....truth does that.

What truth are you actually posting?

The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."


1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Good that you've admitted that reading is not your forte.

Confession is good for the soul.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Flynn's lies about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador.

What you have presented is misdirection bullshit.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Another failed wingnut conspiracy sold to the alt-white minions.

I always get a kick out of the sort of moron who links to a post, knows it irritates him, but can't quite figure out how to refute it, dispute it, or even disagree with it.

Love gettin' under their skin....truth does that.

What truth are you actually posting?

The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."


1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Good that you've admitted that reading is not your forte.

Confession is good for the soul.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Flynn's lies about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador.

What you have presented is misdirection bullshit.

I've proven that the Deep State set Flynn up by bribing Stephen Halper to start a rumor that had not the slightest bit of truth in it.

You've proven that morons cannot admit the truth irks them, and cannot hide the juvenile vulgarity that proves it.
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
Bitch, are you serious? The movement that put Trump in power has been about nothing but defaming people for decades, and Trump's entire campaign and Presidency has been about defaming people.
So you are going to start saying this is a right thing by starting off with calling her a "bitch"

Too funny
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So, you can't blame only the Left.

If 5 people stand by and watch while a child gets brutally raped, who is at fault? Only the perp?

Sooo.....who are we to blame?
We blame the rapist, but we all are responsible to react in an appropriate manner. In my case, I would kick the shit out of the guy.
You'd have to pull me off him
The Democrats.....the Liberals/Progressives.

In his book written about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, author James Stewart referred to their version of politics as a "Blood Sport."

View attachment 288567

1. As I write this, Historian/academic Svetlana Lokhova is being interviewed on the Dennis Prager radio show, and her story is just one more revelation about how low the Democrat Party has sunk.

In there attempt to reverse the 2016 election, the Left formulated the Deep State FBI/CIA assault on our democracy. One attack was against then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn, using a Cambridge dinner party during which Ms Lokhova was asked to explain her research into Russian intelligence agencies to Flynn.

2. "...the Russian-born academic soon found herself, in her words, "collateral damage" in the controversies surrounding the Trump administration and the swirl of allegations about Russian espionage.

The claims revolved around her contact with Gen Michael Flynn in Cambridge in 2014. Flynn resigned after just 24 days as US National Security Adviser after allegations he had failed to be honest about contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the US during the transition to the Trump administration.

After his resignation in February, there were reports in the US and UK media about Lokhova, including the claim that Flynn's contact with Lokhova "troubled" US intelligence officials. On social media, the suggestion was that she was some kind of Russian spy or honeytrap.
At the dinner she was seated a fair distance away from Flynn. After more senior officials had talked, junior members were asked to talk about their research.

As an expert on Soviet intelligence in the 1930s, Lokhova says she was asked to present some of her research."
A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...

3. Lokhova sued FBI informant Stephen Halper for originating and spreading the rumor at the behest of those out to damage Flynn, and by extension, Trump.

4. "Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links
“Stefan Halper is a ratf----- and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election and topple the President of the United States of America,” Lokhova alleges in the 66-page complaint."
Intelligence scholar sues Cambridge academic, U.S. news outlets over reports on Flynn links

5."A Defense Department audit earlier this year revealed more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Halper between 2012 and 2018, with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment unable to provide “sufficient” documentation of whether Halper was doing the research work he’d been hired to do. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is continuing to push for answers."
FBI spy Stefan Halper wants case dismissed after being called a 'rat f---er'

6. "Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency ....Halper managed to collect $1.05 million from the office over four years for work that appears to be barely supervised and of dubious value."
The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper | RealClearPolitics

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
Bitch, are you serious? The movement that put Trump in power has been about nothing but defaming people for decades, and Trump's entire campaign and Presidency has been about defaming people.
So you are going to start saying this is a right thing by starting off with calling her a "bitch"

Too funny

"Truth is the mother of hatred."
By Ausonius

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