They don't make Republican consevatives like they used to

It seems you have a very closed mind. The quote is not really about what you re referring to, it might be partly, but it is a much larger margin than what you are focusing on.
But then again a closed-mind is a dead mind.


What is so amazing about that?

It's amazing that the Democrat icon said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Talk about a complete turnaround.
JFK was a Democrat. He would certainly sound more like Sarah Palin than Obama today. Asking not for your country's handouts is now absolutely anathema to Democrats.
These guys would be drummed out of the GOP is they said things like this today.

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed - different plans have to be made. And the kernal here is the acknowlegement of defeat.
William F Buckley

Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin
Wendell Willkie

The difference between the GOP and the Democratic Parties right now is that there is room for a difference of opinion on the Republican side whereas moderates have simply vanished from the Democratic side of the political landscape over the last two election cycles. The only moderate Democrat left might be Joe Manchin. Eisenhower, Goldwater, Buckley and Wilkie's opinion would all be heard today just like they were heard years ago. Who's the voice of moderation in the Democratic Party, Toxic?
Untrue. Republicans are 90% white and march in lockstep. They block everything. They have no vision for America except take us back. Bomb other countries. Stop government from working.

Democrats are everyone else. They are a true coalition. Democrats have so many ideas, it's difficult to come to a consensus. Still, they are able to pass equal pay for equal work. End DADT. Take down Bin Laden. Move student loans away from the banks. Re-regulate Wall Street after terrible and disastrous GOP deregulation.
This thread is not about the differences between the GOP and the DNC today, it's about the differences between the party of Lincoln and the modern Tea Party infested GOP.

The GOP used to have moderates prior to 1990, and prior to 1970 even had liberals. People like N. Rockefeller, Shafer, Percy, Hatfield, W. Rockefeller, and even Eisenhower was viewed as a liberal by Goldwater and his bunch.

The DNC hasn't actually shifted to the left, they've shifted to the center. They just look far away to you.

How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own
How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own
I guess someone forgot to tell Obama that.
Obama says November midterm election is a referendum on the economy and his policies are on the ballot every single one of them Daily Mail Online
'I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that,' Obama said during a speech at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.

'But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot, every single one of them. This isn’t a political speech, and I’m not going to tell you who to vote for – even though I suppose it is kind of implied.'

Read more: Obama says November midterm election is a referendum on the economy and his policies are on the ballot every single one of them Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Of course after the election all of that was forgotten.
White House Midterm Elections Not a Referendum on the President

Now remind me how stupid you are again.
How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
The difference between the GOP and the Democratic Parties right now is that there is room for a difference of opinion on the Republican side whereas moderates have simply vanished from the Democratic side of the political landscape over the last two election cycles. The only moderate Democrat left might be Joe Manchin. Eisenhower, Goldwater, Buckley and Wilkie's opinion would all be heard today just like they were heard years ago. Who's the voice of moderation in the Democratic Party, Toxic?
This thread is not about the differences between the GOP and the DNC today, it's about the differences between the party of Lincoln and the modern Tea Party infested GOP.

The GOP used to have moderates prior to 1990, and prior to 1970 even had liberals. People like N. Rockefeller, Shafer, Percy, Hatfield, W. Rockefeller, and even Eisenhower was viewed as a liberal by Goldwater and his bunch.

The DNC hasn't actually shifted to the left, they've shifted to the center. They just look far away to you.

How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.
Have you completely forgotten 2010?

That was a more decisive victory than 2014, and back then, Republican extremist evangelicals started showing their true colors with abortion/gay marriage/contraception legislation popping up everywhere, along with 50 some attempts to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. They paid for that in 2012, after idiots Like Rove and Limbaugh predicted Romney by a landslide.

If you guys keep it up, Hillary will be the next president.

The GOP needs to stop acting like some losing team that got it's first win in months, and come up with some good legislation for Obama to sign or veto

Hillary could very well be the next President, Toxic but from the looks of the political landscape she'll be working with a Republican controlled Congress as well as GOP dominated Statehouses across the nation.

Legislation will be coming from the Congress...the question is whether Barack Obama is ready to admit that the electorate sent him a message and work with Republicans or whether he will continue to insist on "his way or the highway"?
But it isn't Extreme for a President of the Democrat party to call Republicans, terrorist, hostage takers, flat earthers, Deniers. blah blah blah

Your Progressive/Democrat/commie is nothing BUT radical extremist. so work on them you really give a crap or just cry us a River over a Republican saying something

I am a life long Republican and some of those in my party are all of those things. I do not claim the Democrats don't have their own nut cases - they most certainly do. But I am more concerned with the state of my own house.

You're about as Republican as Pol Pot.
The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
If Democrats were scared, they would have showed up to vote, Latinos included, and it was too much for the average low information lefties to show up. But...the 2016 presidential race is the GOP's to lose.

If the GOP indulges low information righties, and spends the next two years sending Obama inflammatory legislation that doesn't create middle class jobs, or attempts to repeal Obamacare, they will pave the way for Hillary.

On the other hand...if the GOP sends productive legislation to the white house, and Obama signs it, and it produces positive results before November 2016...that will help the Democrats as much as it does Republicans.

What will likely happen, is that Republicans will ONLY send legislation to Obama that they know he won't sign, or they know it won't produce anything positive, since positive results will be a "wash" for the GOP in 2016. That way they can still accuse Obama of obstructionism, while appearing to start doing their jobs.

The GOP won't allow anything good to happen until they win back the presidency.

The "war on women" is only an issue if the Republicans do anything to legitimize it. Women voters don't vote Democratic if they perceive the GOP candidate to be a chauvinist, as much as they vote against the Republican in question. If the GOP makes an issue with gay marriage/abortion/contraception, this time around, Hillary will win.

Young people want jobs, but the GOP can't afford those jobs being created before 2016 for electioneering purposes, and they won't create legislation that will cause them to be.
The difference between the GOP and the Democratic Parties right now is that there is room for a difference of opinion on the Republican side whereas moderates have simply vanished from the Democratic side of the political landscape over the last two election cycles. The only moderate Democrat left might be Joe Manchin. Eisenhower, Goldwater, Buckley and Wilkie's opinion would all be heard today just like they were heard years ago. Who's the voice of moderation in the Democratic Party, Toxic?
This thread is not about the differences between the GOP and the DNC today, it's about the differences between the party of Lincoln and the modern Tea Party infested GOP.

The GOP used to have moderates prior to 1990, and prior to 1970 even had liberals. People like N. Rockefeller, Shafer, Percy, Hatfield, W. Rockefeller, and even Eisenhower was viewed as a liberal by Goldwater and his bunch.

The DNC hasn't actually shifted to the left, they've shifted to the center. They just look far away to you.

How can you possibly say that the DNC has shifted to the center, Toxic? Name the Democratic "moderates".

The Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white and very extreme. When most of the rest of the country is "everyone else" and part of the Democratic Party, then the Democrats are naturally more centrist.

In fact, the last election proved it. Obama initiatives that were on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage and background checks, passed by double digits. GOP initiatives, like the personhood amendment were soundly defeated.

Ebola, Isis and slandering refugee children worked very well for the GOP. But their actual policies are extreme, unwanted and if they continue to push them, Republicans will pay a very steep price.

Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.

Why do you think that happened in 1942? The men were off fighting WWII and they could not vote - the powers that be back then in did not want them to vote.
We don't know the poll numbers for the troops. I doubt pollsters were making overseas calls to demographic representatives in foxholes, tents and even Quonset huts. One view of the citizen soldier is found in a letter to the Ship's Wake, newsletter of the USS Salt Lake City (CA-25):

  • "Our friend also mentioned the soldier vote, which we have all been hearing so much about lately. If that isn't the rawest political joke and farce I've ever heard of! I just have to laugh. Sure they want us to vote. Like heck they do. Someone back there is afraid we will all vote for the wrong man. Otherwise why didn't they revise the law that states we much register at home to vote? For proof, how many men on this ship alone were able to vote? I'll be[t] 5, not 10%, just because we were unable to register. See what I mean? Take me for instance, I've been home 4 days our of nearly 3 1/2 years and now I can't vote. Multiply that by millions and you can see someone is against us voting. And yet our friend said the people back home wanted us to have our say."
C. L. Maschinot, RT2c "C" Division
Soldier Vote 1944
It was FDR who wanted the same bigger government agenda who was also a far left progressive.
During his 2nd term the people elected R's in 1936 to stop his big over reach and very few of his big government policies got passed during his 2nd term.
The same men who voted in 1936 was not able to vote in 1942.
Wow, talk about self delusion...this past election was a referendum on Barack Obama's policies and the Democrats took a savage beating.

It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
If Democrats were scared, they would have showed up to vote, Latinos included, and it was too much for the average low information lefties to show up. But...the 2016 presidential race is the GOP's to lose.

If the GOP indulges low information righties, and spends the next two years sending Obama inflammatory legislation that doesn't create middle class jobs, or attempts to repeal Obamacare, they will pave the way for Hillary.

On the other hand...if the GOP sends productive legislation to the white house, and Obama signs it, and it produces positive results before November 2016...that will help the Democrats as much as it does Republicans.

What will likely happen, is that Republicans will ONLY send legislation to Obama that they know he won't sign, or they know it won't produce anything positive, since positive results will be a "wash" for the GOP in 2016. That way they can still accuse Obama of obstructionism, while appearing to start doing their jobs.

The GOP won't allow anything good to happen until they win back the presidency.

The "war on women" is only an issue if the Republicans do anything to legitimize it. Women voters don't vote Democratic if they perceive the GOP candidate to be a chauvinist, as much as they vote against the Republican in question. If the GOP makes an issue with gay marriage/abortion/contraception, this time around, Hillary will win.

Young people want jobs, but the GOP can't afford those jobs being created before 2016 for electioneering purposes, and they won't create legislation that will cause them to be.

I'm sorry, Toxic but I think your "take" on what the GOP faces is way off base!

The GOP won this last election in a landslide only because the American electorate has grown tired of our Government being dysfunctional for the past four years. It's FINALLY become impossible to ignore that the major cause of that disfunction was a US Senate controlled by Democrats and overseen by Harry Reid that wouldn't even bring House bills to the floor for debate let alone passage. Nothing was getting done to improve the economy because you had a Senate Majority Leader who was incapable of compromise. So the Democrats in the Senate have been voted out of office and Republicans have been voted in. What that MEANS is that the American voter wants to see legislation passed by Congress to address the economy and jobs. They voted for GOP control of the House and now they have voted for GOP control of the Senate. The message is painfully clear.

Which brings us to Barack Obama...

What you're seeing right now from the President with his announcment that he's going to go ahead with an Executive Action to essentially grant amnesty to millions of illegals, is a declaration that he is deliberately going to make the country suffer through another two years of political dysfunction, with him vetoing the bulk of legislation sent to him by the Congress and using Executive Actions to press forward with a liberal agenda that the voters have expressed no interest in. Not only is he willing to take us that way...he's DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to do so!

The GOP led Congress has no choice but to pass comprehensive immigration reform before 2016 or they will have no chance of taking the Oval Office. They understand that. So does Barack Obama. He understands that if the GOP DOES pass immigration reform and that issue is taken off the books for 2016 that the Democrats won't have the Hispanic voting block locked up. So he's rushing to do an Executive Action NOW on an issue that the GOP would have to address once they take control of the issue that he and his fellow Democrats failed to address when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House! So if it was an issue that could be put on the "back burner" then...if it was an issue that could be delayed until after the midterm elections this year...why is it suddenly something that has to be done IMMEDIATELY?

The answer to that is obvious...Barack Obama has made a political calculation that it is better for Democrats to blow up our government for the next two years than it is to let Republicans pass legislation that either fixes things...or forces him to veto what they send him. Barack Obama is doing what he's doing because he WANTS the GOP to waste their time either trying to impeach him or waste their time shutting down the government.

In the meantime...the millions of Americans who have suffered through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression will continue to suffer.
It was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Seems neither side has a mandate. The people just want them to work together and find a compromise to most situations.
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
If Democrats were scared, they would have showed up to vote, Latinos included, and it was too much for the average low information lefties to show up. But...the 2016 presidential race is the GOP's to lose.

If the GOP indulges low information righties, and spends the next two years sending Obama inflammatory legislation that doesn't create middle class jobs, or attempts to repeal Obamacare, they will pave the way for Hillary.

On the other hand...if the GOP sends productive legislation to the white house, and Obama signs it, and it produces positive results before November 2016...that will help the Democrats as much as it does Republicans.

What will likely happen, is that Republicans will ONLY send legislation to Obama that they know he won't sign, or they know it won't produce anything positive, since positive results will be a "wash" for the GOP in 2016. That way they can still accuse Obama of obstructionism, while appearing to start doing their jobs.

The GOP won't allow anything good to happen until they win back the presidency.

The "war on women" is only an issue if the Republicans do anything to legitimize it. Women voters don't vote Democratic if they perceive the GOP candidate to be a chauvinist, as much as they vote against the Republican in question. If the GOP makes an issue with gay marriage/abortion/contraception, this time around, Hillary will win.

Young people want jobs, but the GOP can't afford those jobs being created before 2016 for electioneering purposes, and they won't create legislation that will cause them to be.

I'm sorry, Toxic but I think your "take" on what the GOP faces is way off base!

The GOP won this last election in a landslide only because the American electorate has grown tired of our Government being dysfunctional for the past four years. It's FINALLY become impossible to ignore that the major cause of that disfunction was a US Senate controlled by Democrats and overseen by Harry Reid that wouldn't even bring House bills to the floor for debate let alone passage. Nothing was getting done to improve the economy because you had a Senate Majority Leader who was incapable of compromise. So the Democrats in the Senate have been voted out of office and Republicans have been voted in. What that MEANS is that the American voter wants to see legislation passed by Congress to address the economy and jobs. They voted for GOP control of the House and now they have voted for GOP control of the Senate. The message is painfully clear.

Which brings us to Barack Obama...

What you're seeing right now from the President with his announcment that he's going to go ahead with an Executive Action to essentially grant amnesty to millions of illegals, is a declaration that he is deliberately going to make the country suffer through another two years of political dysfunction, with him vetoing the bulk of legislation sent to him by the Congress and using Executive Actions to press forward with a liberal agenda that the voters have expressed no interest in. Not only is he willing to take us that way...he's DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to do so!

The GOP led Congress has no choice but to pass comprehensive immigration reform before 2016 or they will have no chance of taking the Oval Office. They understand that. So does Barack Obama. He understands that if the GOP DOES pass immigration reform and that issue is taken off the books for 2016 that the Democrats won't have the Hispanic voting block locked up. So he's rushing to do an Executive Action NOW on an issue that the GOP would have to address once they take control of the issue that he and his fellow Democrats failed to address when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House! So if it was an issue that could be put on the "back burner" then...if it was an issue that could be delayed until after the midterm elections this year...why is it suddenly something that has to be done IMMEDIATELY?

The answer to that is obvious...Barack Obama has made a political calculation that it is better for Democrats to blow up our government for the next two years than it is to let Republicans pass legislation that either fixes things...or forces him to veto what they send him. Barack Obama is doing what he's doing because he WANTS the GOP to waste their time either trying to impeach him or waste their time shutting down the government.

In the meantime...the millions of Americans who have suffered through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression will continue to suffer.
What I take away from your post, is an affirmation that the GOP's current strategy is working on you, and anyone else who believes what your media of choice has told you.

I'm not trying to delegitimize your opinion, and the GOP holds focus groups and tests groups to see what is important to you, and then they tell you THAT.

The spin comes in when GOP politicians and pundits tell you they're going to to THAT, get elected, and don't do THAT, and blame the previous administration, or the party out of power, for keeping them from doing THAT.

It works the same on both sides, only now MSNBC and Fox are in the tank for their side, and too many people get their opinions confirmed by those networks, without any well presented opposition arguments.
They don't make Republican conservatives, PERIOD.
Jeff Flake isnt a conservative? Scott Walker isnt a conservative? Ted Cruz isnt a conservative? I dont think the word means what you think it means.
It doesn't mean what it used to mean, and Democrat doesn't mean what it used to.

You've got to be able to distinguish "conservative" from Republican, and "liberal" from Democrat.

Segregation era Democrats bear little resemblence to post Reagan Democrats.

And the Party of Lincoln through Rockefeller Republicans bears little resemblence to Tea Party Republicans.

The people I quoted in the OP were all fiscal conservatives...but NOT evangelicals.

That whole ilk was an unfortunate side effect of Reagan having to cultivate votes out of the bible belt. Much to the dismay of moderate and conservative Republicans like Goldwater, and Eisenhower would have hated that too.

Thus the concept:

They don't make conservatives the way they used to.

And still some dillweeds are arguing with that
It was a referendum on Obama's policies. ANd they got slaughtered. ANd not just in Congress either but in most of the state races. The reason is obvious: People are fed up with the slow growth/no growth we've seen. Most people have lower household income and net worth than they did the day Bush left office.
The election was neither a referendum nor any surprise given the percentage of voters that were Republican VS Democratic.

The GOP strategists that purport the Obama referendum are doing so for electioneering purposes for the 2016 presidential race, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker...without one original thought of your own

The thing that should scare Democrats, Toxic is the number of Hispanics that didn't show up to vote for Democrats this time around. Large chunks of the Democratic base simply didn't seem to care. Part of the problem from where I'm sitting is that faux issues like a GOP "war on women" simply didn't work this election cycle. Then you've got young people who are tired of catchy slogans and want jobs.
If Democrats were scared, they would have showed up to vote, Latinos included, and it was too much for the average low information lefties to show up. But...the 2016 presidential race is the GOP's to lose.

If the GOP indulges low information righties, and spends the next two years sending Obama inflammatory legislation that doesn't create middle class jobs, or attempts to repeal Obamacare, they will pave the way for Hillary.

On the other hand...if the GOP sends productive legislation to the white house, and Obama signs it, and it produces positive results before November 2016...that will help the Democrats as much as it does Republicans.

What will likely happen, is that Republicans will ONLY send legislation to Obama that they know he won't sign, or they know it won't produce anything positive, since positive results will be a "wash" for the GOP in 2016. That way they can still accuse Obama of obstructionism, while appearing to start doing their jobs.

The GOP won't allow anything good to happen until they win back the presidency.

The "war on women" is only an issue if the Republicans do anything to legitimize it. Women voters don't vote Democratic if they perceive the GOP candidate to be a chauvinist, as much as they vote against the Republican in question. If the GOP makes an issue with gay marriage/abortion/contraception, this time around, Hillary will win.

Young people want jobs, but the GOP can't afford those jobs being created before 2016 for electioneering purposes, and they won't create legislation that will cause them to be.

I'm sorry, Toxic but I think your "take" on what the GOP faces is way off base!

The GOP won this last election in a landslide only because the American electorate has grown tired of our Government being dysfunctional for the past four years. It's FINALLY become impossible to ignore that the major cause of that disfunction was a US Senate controlled by Democrats and overseen by Harry Reid that wouldn't even bring House bills to the floor for debate let alone passage. Nothing was getting done to improve the economy because you had a Senate Majority Leader who was incapable of compromise. So the Democrats in the Senate have been voted out of office and Republicans have been voted in. What that MEANS is that the American voter wants to see legislation passed by Congress to address the economy and jobs. They voted for GOP control of the House and now they have voted for GOP control of the Senate. The message is painfully clear.

Which brings us to Barack Obama...

What you're seeing right now from the President with his announcment that he's going to go ahead with an Executive Action to essentially grant amnesty to millions of illegals, is a declaration that he is deliberately going to make the country suffer through another two years of political dysfunction, with him vetoing the bulk of legislation sent to him by the Congress and using Executive Actions to press forward with a liberal agenda that the voters have expressed no interest in. Not only is he willing to take us that way...he's DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to do so!

The GOP led Congress has no choice but to pass comprehensive immigration reform before 2016 or they will have no chance of taking the Oval Office. They understand that. So does Barack Obama. He understands that if the GOP DOES pass immigration reform and that issue is taken off the books for 2016 that the Democrats won't have the Hispanic voting block locked up. So he's rushing to do an Executive Action NOW on an issue that the GOP would have to address once they take control of the issue that he and his fellow Democrats failed to address when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House! So if it was an issue that could be put on the "back burner" then...if it was an issue that could be delayed until after the midterm elections this year...why is it suddenly something that has to be done IMMEDIATELY?

The answer to that is obvious...Barack Obama has made a political calculation that it is better for Democrats to blow up our government for the next two years than it is to let Republicans pass legislation that either fixes things...or forces him to veto what they send him. Barack Obama is doing what he's doing because he WANTS the GOP to waste their time either trying to impeach him or waste their time shutting down the government.

In the meantime...the millions of Americans who have suffered through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression will continue to suffer.
What I take away from your post, is an affirmation that the GOP's current strategy is working on you, and anyone else who believes what your media of choice has told you.

I'm not trying to delegitimize your opinion, and the GOP holds focus groups and tests groups to see what is important to you, and then they tell you THAT.

The spin comes in when GOP politicians and pundits tell you they're going to to THAT, get elected, and don't do THAT, and blame the previous administration, or the party out of power, for keeping them from doing THAT.

It works the same on both sides, only now MSNBC and Fox are in the tank for their side, and too many people get their opinions confirmed by those networks, without any well presented opposition arguments.

With all due respect, Toxic...I listen to the President on this issue and can only shake my head. Why the rush to do this now? If it was that crucial then why wasn't this done when Democrats controlled everything? Why wasn't it done with EA by Obama three years ago? Why not last year? Why not this Fall?
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They don't make Republican conservatives, PERIOD.
Jeff Flake isnt a conservative? Scott Walker isnt a conservative? Ted Cruz isnt a conservative? I dont think the word means what you think it means.
It doesn't mean what it used to mean, and Democrat doesn't mean what it used to.

You've got to be able to distinguish "conservative" from Republican, and "liberal" from Democrat.

Segregation era Democrats bear little resemblence to post Reagan Democrats.

And the Party of Lincoln through Rockefeller Republicans bears little resemblence to Tea Party Republicans.

The people I quoted in the OP were all fiscal conservatives...but NOT evangelicals.

That whole ilk was an unfortunate side effect of Reagan having to cultivate votes out of the bible belt. Much to the dismay of moderate and conservative Republicans like Goldwater, and Eisenhower would have hated that too.

Thus the concept:

They don't make conservatives the way they used to.

And still some dillweeds are arguing with that
Goldwater was a moderate?
They don't make Republican conservatives, PERIOD.
Jeff Flake isnt a conservative? Scott Walker isnt a conservative? Ted Cruz isnt a conservative? I dont think the word means what you think it means.

Liberal Dictionary:
True conservative - liberal
Moderate - liberal
Mainstream - liberal
Pragmatic - liberal
They don't make Republican conservatives, PERIOD.
Jeff Flake isnt a conservative? Scott Walker isnt a conservative? Ted Cruz isnt a conservative? I dont think the word means what you think it means.

Liberal Dictionary:
True conservative - liberal
Moderate - liberal
Mainstream - liberal
Pragmatic - liberal
It's hysterical listening to libs lecture us on what conservatives are.

I wish some of the old Democrats I remember were still around. People like Humphrey, Muskie, Scoop Jackson, Moynihan, and McGovern. They would bitchslap these progressive commie loving assholes back to the stone age.
These guys would be drummed out of the GOP is they said things like this today.

Indeed they would. However, the problem with extremist positions is they do not work and eventually the people pushing those positions show up as failures. McArthy was once one of the most powerful men in the country but he crashed and burned because his entire purpose was to push ideology rather than results. The party will come back to a rational position once the ideologues demonstrate their utter inability to deliver on any of their promises.
That is my hope.

Right now the GOP is like the nagging back seat driver on a long cross country road tip. And those folks always make wrong turns of their own when they're behind the wheel. Fox News and Reince Preibus's boys must be busy gearing up for their inevitable shift from government opposition to propaganda ministry for the regime.

I for one can't wait.

You misread the tea leaves. Since time immemorial when extreme political movements have gained control of government policy, they have generally failed and blamed it on the "counter-revolutionaries". The Stalinist language for this is more colorful, but the right-wing juntas have done the same thing.

The first target will be the Democratic minority in the Senate. They will be blamed for obstruction, which will no longer be a bulwark of liberty against the tyranny of a majority, as it was when Democrats controlled the Senate, but an impediment to implementing the righteous will of the people. The key debate here will be whether to change the rules of the Senate to allow for more legislation to be subject to simple majority vote on closure.

The second target will be the president. The veto will be thwarting the will of the people. The idea of amending the Constitution to lower the supermajority needed to override a veto may be floated. And of course, no appointments can be approved because no "suitable" nominations are being made.

The key is that the real battle will not be between Republicans and Democrats, but between defenders of the institution (which I am pretty sure will include the Speaker and the Senate Majority leader) and the ideological firebrands. It will make for good theater for those with a sense of irony.
Everything posted here is a Harry Reid tactic.

You do realize that he will be out of power soon, right?

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