They Thought It Was A Good Idea


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
After decades of what appeared to be progress in recognizing the cultural diversity in our society by all Americans, Der Gropenfurher’s presidential campaign revealed to the world, the seething hatred white conservatives have for all those who are not like them. People who attended his political rallies were attracted by his open enmity for Hispanics, non-Christians, minorities, women, and other groups he would target with his hate-speech to please his audiences.

Der Gropenfurher’s presidential campaign swung the door open wide for the bigots, racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes, and other hate groups here in the U.S. allowing them to feel free to express their hatred loudly and proudly.

In the months after his election to the presidency, his followers have come to believe their Nazi-like behavior is the new normal in our country and is accepted by nearly all Americans. Well, they are wrong, as usual.

This conservative belief that the hate they spew is acceptable to all is evident at Central Michigan University, in members of a campus Republican group.

After making and distributing an anti-Semitic Valentine's Day card, which had a picture of Adolf Hitler and read "my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews," the group’s card went viral online.

Obviously, they thought it was a good idea to make this Valentine’s Day card, and that such a card would be wildly popular. But as usual, being Republicans, they were wrong.

The card that mocked Jews who died in the Holocaust is now under investigation by University officials. And in typical Republican fashion, members of the offending GOP group are denying all knowledge of the card, and are falling all over themselves apologizing.

This kind of conservative BS is not unusual, Republicans say and do stupid things that offend the vast majority of Americans all the time. This is especially true given Der Gropenfurher’s almost daily expressing of his hostility towards so many segments of the American public. He has often encouraged his followers to do the same, and has even suggested they commit violence against others.

This Hitler card is another example of the right-wingers’ cowardice to own their actions. Once again, their pride in demonstrating their hate for others has disappeared when confronted by the fact that only they approve of their offensive nonsense. Again, a conservative organization is denying all knowledge of the incident, but is sheepishly apologizing for being naughty.

Student Republican group apologizes after Hitler Valentine’s Day card handed out on campus


Living Blue In a Red State.jpg

After decades of what appeared to be progress in recognizing the cultural diversity in our society by all Americans, Der Gropenfurher’s presidential campaign revealed to the world, the seething hatred white conservatives have for all those who are not like them. People who attended his political rallies were attracted by his open enmity for Hispanics, non-Christians, minorities, women, and other groups he would target with his hate-speech to please his audiences.

Der Gropenfurher’s presidential campaign swung the door open wide for the bigots, racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes, and other hate groups here in the U.S. allowing them to feel free to express their hatred loudly and proudly.

In the months after his election to the presidency, his followers have come to believe their Nazi-like behavior is the new normal in our country and is accepted by nearly all Americans. Well, they are wrong, as usual.

This conservative belief that the hate they spew is acceptable to all is evident at Central Michigan University, in members of a campus Republican group.

After making and distributing an anti-Semitic Valentine's Day card, which had a picture of Adolf Hitler and read "my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews," the group’s card went viral online.

Obviously, they thought it was a good idea to make this Valentine’s Day card, and that such a card would be wildly popular. But as usual, being Republicans, they were wrong.

The card that mocked Jews who died in the Holocaust is now under investigation by University officials. And in typical Republican fashion, members of the offending GOP group are denying all knowledge of the card, and are falling all over themselves apologizing.

This kind of conservative BS is not unusual, Republicans say and do stupid things that offend the vast majority of Americans all the time. This is especially true given Der Gropenfurher’s almost daily expressing of his hostility towards so many segments of the American public. He has often encouraged his followers to do the same, and has even suggested they commit violence against others.

This Hitler card is another example of the right-wingers’ cowardice to own their actions. Once again, their pride in demonstrating their hate for others has disappeared when confronted by the fact that only they approve of their offensive nonsense. Again, a conservative organization is denying all knowledge of the incident, but is sheepishly apologizing for being naughty.

Student Republican group apologizes after Hitler Valentine’s Day card handed out on campus


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Does it bother you at all that the CPUSA has been so well represented at Trump rallies and protests? I haven't seen any members of the Nazi party parading down the streets wearing swastikas and high stepping in support of Trump but I have seen plenty of La Raza flag wavers and the communist flag being proudly waved.
Seems like the main point of your rage -- The CMU College Republicans MAY NOT be responsible for the Hitler Valentine's card. From the AP wire just ONE HOUR AGO...

CMU says Hitler card wasn’t made by student

MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. (AP) — Central Michigan University says a Valentine’s Day card that mocked Jews who died in the Holocaust wasn’t created by a student at the school.

The woman who created the card apparently knew members of the College Republicans, which unwittingly distributed the valentine in a gift bag given to other students Wednesday night.

The card said “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews.” It had a photo of Adolf Hitler and was signed “XOXO, Courtney.”

In a statement Friday, Central Michigan says the woman admitted her “misguided action.” The school says members of the Republican student club were “shocked and remorseful.”
Does it bother you at all that the CPUSA has been so well represented at DEMWITTED HRC/BERNIE Trump rallies and protests? I haven't seen any members of the Nazi party parading down the streets wearing swastikas and high stepping in support of Trump but I have seen plenty of La Raza flag wavers and the communist flag being proudly waved at Beast/Bernie commie rallies.

Did you mean to write?.........I edit it in blue. I have seen zero Commies or Pinkos welcome at Trump rallies, end of story.
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