They want to be in the minority


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway.

Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska says:

"These guys want to be in the minority. I think they would prefer that because they could vote 'no' and yell and scream all the time," he told the network. "But governing, you have to work together."

It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway.

Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska says:

Wow, good for him. Another little crack in the kook wall.
No it isnt. We need more nos.
The longer this takes, the longer this is taking up their time.
Should we fix the crippling structural finance problems the federal government faces?


Should we patch holes in a shoddy barely functional medical system?


Should we reform government agencies who violate civil rights?


Can’t get enough of it. Bring on those “nos”.
Should we fix the crippling structural finance problems the federal government faces?


Should we patch holes in a shoddy barely functional medical system?


Should we reform government agencies who violate civil rights?


Can’t get enough of it. Bring on those “nos”.
I always laugh when people expect the govt to fix things they fucked up in the first place.
Its hilarious.
IDC. If they hold them up, thats better for us.
When those pieces of shit work together, we lose rights.
Stonewall all you want :)
So, better to do nothing than to debate and pass a budget?

Then what was this whole Matt Gaetz and McCarthy boot all about?

Now we are down to about 30 days having to debate and pass the it'll be 10 days, then 1 day, and once again, just like clockwork the Rs and Ds will pass an unseen omnibus bill to save us from catastrophe...

Rs can not govern, they make the USA on the world stage, appear to be fools.

Y'all and Rs need to get their shit are going to cost us billions in added debt, just by interest rate hikes on our debt, for being unstable, unable to govern!
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They wouldn’t be fucked up if we didn’t have a lot of electoral dead weight like yourself.

You demand negligence and then get pissed when things fall apart.

Do you get it yet?

I doubt it.
This is all you idiots. I dont vote for any of those fools.
You don’t do anything other than bitch.

That’s the problem.
Ahhh, so I should show my support for people that fucking blow?
Like maybe I should have voted for a commander in chief that cant follow directions on a sidewalk? Yeah, maybe I should have done that, right?
Dumb ass.

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