They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal


Not a single advanced civilization has ever turned backward voluntarily.
Not so.
I'm younger than the young energetic president of the United States and yet I remember racial segregation in the U.S. and all sorts of segregated drinking fountains.....
As long as there is capitalism, there is the threat of fascism and nazism.
I remember that as well - e.g. racial segregation at the officers mess in Ft.Sill/Oklahoma till 1976.
However that was unique even for the USA - in general, segregation or existing racial privileges where totally abandoned in the USA from the 70ies onward - and many former racial privileges had already been abandoned in the 60ies.

So far I have not come across any post that would deny this - what is being refuted is the nonstop racial bullshit posted by IM2 in regards to racial privileges for Whites still being in place - and that today's negative social behavior displayed by many Africans 50-60 years after achieving racial parity/equality didn't change due to his fake claim of the US government still pursuing a racial policy.

Therefore many posters (incl. myself) counter this with the statement; why could e.g. Asians develop and contribute towards the US society - whilst many Africans still prefer to display a low social/moral and educational standard - instead of taking life aka matters into their own hands - just as Asians or Whites have been doing it in the past 50-60 years.

Certainly there are Asians that rightfully complain about individual racism expressed by e.g. Whites - however they do NOT use "racism" as the preferred excuse or reasoning as to why they don't happen to live in a fancy house and drive a Mercedes.
I am sorry, but in the US they made it specifically about skin color.
The skin color naturally comes in - due to it having been about races with a factual inferior culture and social structure. Since no one could be expected to reference all existing tribal names - they simply called them Kaffers in Southern Africa (largest tribal group) Negros in the rest of Africa and Red Indians in North America.
How does a capitalist who cries for freedom explain the existence of slavery?
A capitalist only promotes "freedom" aka the dissolution of slavery - due to some smart British colonial people in the Caribbean having found out that paying a minimum wage - makes a former slave work much harder and even more dependent on having a job.
A "scientific" theory was invented about the racial inferiority of blacks.
There is no need for a "scientific theory" - when the Europeans first arrived in Africa they found a very inferior culture and civilization - the exact same (unchanged) that the Arabs had found already 700 years before them.

Neither the British, nor Portuguese, Arabs or e.g. Dutch ever referred to South-east Asians, or their colonial Asian population as being inferior people. But recognized very fast that due to their existing customs and social structure - that these people were easy to control and to subject towards their rule.
Neither the British nor the Dutch invented the "social caste system" in India or e.g. Indonesia - but knew how to use it to their advantage.
The german nazis differed from these "scientists" only in that they extended the racial theory to whites.
One needs to differ between "Nazi's faking European history via Germanic bull" and pointing out that e.g. Europeans living in warm areas - e.g. Spain and Italy or Southern France, factually work 2-4 hours less a day then a Central European. Therefore some people refer to the term "lazy people" whilst others convert or interpret lazy as being an attribute towards inferiority.

This example has nothing to do with "racism" as IM2 would immediately and falsely claim - but simply constitutes a fact, pertaining to people, that live in warm or high temperature and humid areas.
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Wheels don't work in sand dunes. They used wheels for grinding grains and lifting water for irrigation.You should think instead of making blanket statements.
What sand dunes around the Aztec civilization, or Inca and Chimu and their main cities???

Those with sand dunes very well had the wheel in use - see Egypt, the Assyrians, Persians and e.g. Chinese.
German and Dutch colonists that settled In S-Africa and Namibia had even developed modified carriages (ox pulled wagons) to cross these deserts.
Slavery is still legal in America. On December 6, 1865, the thirteenth Amendment was ratified, officially ending slavery in the United States, except as punishment for a crime.

What sand dunes around the Aztec civilization, or Inca and Chimu and their main cities???

Those with sand dunes very well had the wheel in use - see Egypt, the Assyrians, Persians and e.g. Chinese.
German and Dutch colonists that settled In S-Africa and Namibia had even developed modified carriages (ox pulled wagons) to cross these deserts.

It was pretty limited. You can't construct roads on sand dunes. The camel was better for hauling freight.
Slavery is still legal in America. On December 6, 1865, the thirteenth Amendment was ratified, officially ending slavery in the United States, except as punishment for a crime.
You mean imprisonment? What do you suggest? Draconian laws, with one punishment for any crime - death?
You mean imprisonment? What do you suggest? Draconian laws, with one punishment for any crime - death?
No, slavery. There are drastic differences in sentencing between blacks and whites for similar crimes. Funny how black go to prison for things whites may not.
No, slavery. There are drastic differences in sentencing between blacks and whites for similar crimes.

Yes. Blacks get far lighter sentences despite all the repeat offenses they commit. Good point. See gun thug George Floyd's record for a prime example. He shouldn't have been on the streets at all.
I doubt that. Because during my life I have known Buffalo soldiers and am friends with descendants thereof. Again, whites like you need to quit pointing fingers at everybody else and accept your history. The Buffalo Soldiers were under the command of the U.S Army. Whites gave the commands.
Horse shit fact is the buffalo soldier played their part to remove the American Indian off their land. Your hands are just as dirty as a white man's hands
Right around the same time they adopted mass Islamic fundamentalism...

I would attribute it more to the decay all large empires experience if they don't innovate.

The fundamentalism to me came as a backlash to the loss of prestige, AFTER the decline.

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