They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal​

The Indian Removal Policy ranks right up the in the annals of historical events such as the holocaust. Exceot that the Native American holocaust continues today. And no, blacks did not create the policies that have resulted in this continuing human rights violation.

Yet, by taking part in the American government and continuing those practices (you say it continues today), they are complicit. That means that Obama is as complicit in the "Native American Holocaust" as W is. So are all the black members of Congress who refuse to take any steps to stop it (as you say it continues today). Why are you trying to excuse them from criticism?
Socialism, of course. And no, the communists won't take your house, your car, or your pants.
Unless folks voluntarily agree to socialism?

Socialism IS slavery, and thus, it is woefully under-productive, and a cancer on society.
They played their part and enjoyed it
I doubt that. Because during my life I have known Buffalo soldiers and am friends with descendants thereof. Again, whites like you need to quit pointing fingers at everybody else and accept your history. The Buffalo Soldiers were under the command of the U.S Army. Whites gave the commands.
Yet, by taking part in the American government and continuing those practices (you say it continues today), they are complicit. That means that Obama is as complicit in the "Native American Holocaust" as W is. So are all the black members of Congress who refuse to take any steps to stop it (as you say it continues today). Why are you trying to excuse them from criticism?
Why do whites like you dodge your responsibility? Whites created the laws and policies that have created these conditions. Black members of congress have to deal with what whites have done to us. The Native American nations have been demanding equality that whites have refused them. The CBC has stood with Native Americans, it's time whites stopped the kind of childish diversions like the one you pulled here.
Wheels don't work in sand dunes.
It was against the Law for Natives to Be Native in America before 1978. The same time the last boarding school in the United States (but not Canada) was closed. We were forced as Native People to stop being Native and Assimilate into Christian Religion & Education System while stripping all Indigenous Culture away. These children were not allowed to wear Native clothing. They would be punished for speaking their own languages, and this is one of the reasons why we have such a problem with Non-Natives wearing costumes because it was ok for American children to dress up and be a “Indian” but these children were punished if they even tried. Please try to understand the significance here.
Yes, but now every white person should beware if they marry a native person and have children with them.

If they do get a divorce, they automatically have no parental rights.

No exceptions.
Which is why I would never marry a non native.
And that? Is just what ruling global elites want.

Hell, I remember when liberal folks fought against;
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States - Wikipedia

And now? They have you voluntarily embracing segregation and miscegenation.

Interesting, isn't that? :dunno:
The eugenicists over at the WEF, have you loving them, and on here pushing their agenda. . . . :eusa_think:

Is just what ruling global elites want.
I have no idea who these people are and wouldn't care if I did know. Marrying and having babies within your culture is the only way to make sure it lives on. My culture living on is what the white colonizers do not want.

Remind me again who said when asked, about issuing a proclamation for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, he outright proclaimed, “Not as long as I’m president.”

I take more issue with people like that than any global elite.
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Oh for fuck sake. Really?

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

We're only allowed to talk negatively about the White Man and relations with the American Tribal People?

Did you enjoy your indoor plumbing today?

Remind me again who said when asked, about issuing a proclamation for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, he outright proclaimed, “Not as long as I’m president.”

I take more issue with people like that than any global elite.

Really? Then the global elite have you right where they want you.
Why is "Holocaust" the first thing that comes to mind in an amateur search into American historic atrocities? It's insulting to both Jews and American citizens. That having been said the Indian Wars were a series of atrocities sanctioned by the Grant administration. Just when Americans thought they saw the end of such outrageous acts by the federal government, along came FDR's roundup and incarceration of American Japanese citizens about 70 years later.
Again, whites like you need to quit pointing fingers at everybody else and accept your history.
Whites do have a history of conquering weaker societies. So do people of every skin color. The only one pointing fingers here is you, in a sadly transparent and desperate attempt to get some sort of reparations for something that never happened to you.
Why is "Holocaust" the first thing that comes to mind in an amateur search into American historic atrocities? It's insulting to both Jews and American citizens. That having been said the Indian Wars were a series of atrocities sanctioned by the Grant administration. Just when Americans thought they saw the end of such outrageous acts by the federal government, along came FDR's roundup and incarceration of American Japanese citizens about 70 years later.
The atrocities went both ways. Torturing enemy civilians and combatants was a normal part of intra-Indian warfare that the Indians happily turned towards the Europeans. The losers were either tortured and killed or tortured and enslaved, or in the case of really pretty women and very young children, just enslaved

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