They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

Oh yeah, let’s see, no metallurgy, stone and obsidian weapons, no wheel, no pack animals, no breeding livestock, human sacrifice, no written language. Shall I go on?

Wheels don't work in sand dunes. They used wheels for grinding grains and lifting water for irrigation.You should think instead of making blanket statements.
They were far more technologically advanced by the renaissance, passing the Muslim world due to their decline and the Eastern world due to their stagnation.

Muslims had street lights and garbage pick up when Europeans were still painting themselves blue.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Muslims had street lights and garbage pick up when Europeans were still painting themselves blue.

And then lost that edge and never got it back.

Just like the Chinese, who are at least closer to parity these days than any Muslim country.
They were far more technologically advanced by the renaissance, passing the Muslim world due to their decline and the Eastern world due to their stagnation.
The Moors took Europe out of the dark ages, so no, they were not more advanced.
And then lost that edge and never got it back.

Just like the Chinese, who are at least closer to parity these days than any Muslim country.
Since Native Americans live on reservations right now and whites continue the occupation of Native American lands right now, then you need to shut up about something posted in a discussion of history. Everything in this section is about things in the past. So just stop crying because this thread kills the lie you believe about this country. The kids aren't scared, you are. And take those tired --- excuses about every inch has been conquered over and over and shove it.

America has not been the greatest nation. It's time for you to put down that lie.
Only a very small minority of Indians live on the reservations any more, most are completely assimilated into society.
Well biology was known at the time in Europe. It is also sadly a fact that the British traded intentionally smallpox infected blankets and goods with the Indians - and therefore wiped out nearly every Indian tribe along the Eastern-Coast colonies.

However what dumb racists like IM2 and wannabee Indian Hellbilly always ignore, is the fact that it was also us Whites who kept developing our social aspects and culture (unlike Africans and Indians) thus factually ensuring the very survival of the Indian tribes, and also forcefully ending slavery in Africa, were slavery was a tribal custom for millennia.
That’s been debunked many times. The theory of bacteria was unknown at that time.
The Buffalo Soldiers did not craft, debate, or pass the legislation that was the Indian Removal Policy. In 1830, blacks were slaves. It's time people such as yourself quit looking at everyone else to blame and face your complete history.
They played their part and enjoyed it
Stop making that stupid excuse. The past affects today. That's why you celebrate the 4th of July every year. In 2023 we see whites such as yourself continuing the behavior that causes the problem.
Ok we get it

Your people are failures, but its not their fault

Now lets move on
How does a capitalist who cries for freedom explain the existence of slavery?

The free market is a natural principal that has served all human civilizations, going back to antiquity. The opposite, is ruling authoritarian strong men, monarchs, etc. that enslave people, and tell them, they are not at liberty to buy, sell, and freely exchange as they will.

This of course, does lead to slavery. For as long as there has been civilizations? There has been caste systems based on enslaving neighboring tribes. If you wish to narrow your focus to the last two or three hundred years, and only focus on societies after the scientific revolutions, I can't help you. You are correct, after the ruling classes lost their divine right, they relied on eugenics.

A "scientific" theory was invented about the racial inferiority of blacks.

Once the divine rights of kings was lost by the ruling global elites, and the ruling oligarchy, eugenics & natural selection, was just a convenient pseudo-science and fall back for these folks. It wasn't, "invented."

I find it interesting the someone on the left would bring this up. We have folks on the right that always remind folks on the left, of Margaret Sanger's explicit advocacy of forced mass sterilizing of African American and Native American women. This was the birth of PP.

Like I had already written, this is about civilizations and governments. If we look at the history of the ideologies and families of who is now running the WEF, you will see, nothing has changed. These folks still want to enslave everyone, and our current President is no different in that regard.

You can look back 5000 years, and nothing ever changes.

The german nazis differed from these "scientists" only in that they extended the racial theory to whites.

You'll broker no argument here. And ancient Egyptians enslaved ancient Jews. . . people are people, civilizations are civilizations. Ruling elites are ruling elites.

If you don't wake up to what is going on, your children will soon be enslaved, we will all have social credit scores, central bank digital currencies, carbon credits, you will not be free to do or think as you wish, speak or write what you want, work or learn what you wish. . .

You won't be free to associate with who you want, love who you want, or have a family if you want. . .

Basically? What you are trying to convince me is, the only way to ensure we have no slavery based on race is to enslave and control all of humanity. That makes no sense.

Digital technocratic slavery will be here. . .
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