They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

Don't be silly... we look ridiculous wearing feathers in our hair.
We did look ridiculous and silly wearing lice infested powdered Wigs.
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Considering they didn't actually know biology at the time, it probably wasn't.
Well biology was known at the time in Europe. It is also sadly a fact that the British traded intentionally smallpox infected blankets and goods with the Indians - and therefore wiped out nearly every Indian tribe along the Eastern-Coast colonies.

However what dumb racists like IM2 and wannabee Indian Hellbilly always ignore, is the fact that it was also us Whites who kept developing our social aspects and culture (unlike Africans and Indians) thus factually ensuring the very survival of the Indian tribes, and also forcefully ending slavery in Africa, were slavery was a tribal custom for millennia.
Well biology was known at the time in Europe. It is also sadly a fact that the British traded intentionally smallpox infected blankets and goods with the Indians - and therefore wiped out nearly every Indian tribe along the Eastern-Coast colonies.

However what dumb racists like IM2 and wannabee Indian Hellbilly always ignore, is the fact that it was also us Whites who kept developing our social aspects and culture (unlike Africans and Indians) thus factually ensuring the very survival of the Indian tribes, and also forcefully ending slavery in Africa, were slavery was a tribal custom for millennia.

It that 100% established fact?
We did look ridiculous and silly wearing lice infested powdered Wigs.
View attachment 818425
At the time it was absolutely Hype - to wear wigs and to sooth body odor, with perfume for the elitists. Are we Europeans still doing it in 2023?

Africans even today still hop around and cover their huts and themselves in mud and shit - just like 3000 years ago, yeah, yeah I know - the flies.
It that 100% established fact?
AFAIK - yes, however as to how effective these blankets were (1 proven case, and several unverified cases) - no one would know.

Even though the vast majority of Indians died due to naturally transmitted diseases and due to the British having laid waste to their crop fields and burning down their villages - thus causing additionally famines and starving migrants, who then additionally faced a weakening of their immune system.
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AFAIK - yes,

Even though the vast majority of Indians died due to naturally transmitted diseases and due to the British having laid waste to their crop fields and burning down their villages - thus causing additionally famines and starving migrants, who then additionally faced a weakening of their immune system.

One or two examples isn't proof of a systemic attempt at biological warfare.

In any event the Europeans did it to each other during sieges anyway, the only thing is the Native Americans didn't have any fortifications worth worrying about.
History is chock full of dumb savages being displaced/enslaved by more technically evolved societies. Adapt or die.
Cherokee Indians in Georgia have adapted ... They created their own alphabet, even had their own newspapers. But once some gold was found in Georgia, the Cherokees were driven out.
So shut up about adapting to the Anglo-Saxons. Their idea is "A good Indian is a dead Indian."
One or two examples isn't proof of a systemic attempt at biological warfare.
Correct, however if you read up the source given, you will find out that there was indeed a planed systematic attempt.
If it was done or not - or if others had the same idea and actually did it, can't be proven and also not out-ruled.

Anyway it doesn't change the fact that the Indians were persecuted and slaughtered of like sheep for almost 250 years. Until more civilized Whites put an end to it.
In any event the Europeans did it to each other during sieges anyway, the only thing is the Native Americans didn't have any fortifications worth worrying about.
It was certainly nothing new - accounts dating to 1000 B.C. already document such ideas in regards to Egypt and the Assyrian Empire.
Throughout history, one group or another of people have been killing and taking each others property. Poland has been one of the most conquered lands in history, because of their geographic location. Life sucks. Get over it.
Cherokee Indians in Georgia have adapted ... They created their own alphabet, even had their own newspapers. But once some gold was found in Georgia, the Cherokees were driven out.
So shut up about adapting to the Anglo-Saxons. Their idea is "A good Indian is a dead Indian."
is? - you mean was

They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal​

The Indian Removal Policy ranks right up the in the annals of historical events such as the holocaust. Exceot that the Native American holocaust continues today. And no, blacks did not create the policies that have resulted in this continuing human rights violation.

Buffalo soldiers played their part.
Whites were the dumb savages. Their behavior indicates that. The only technical advantage they had was the possession and use of weapons of mass destruction. This is the indication of savage behavior.
Who were the slaves again kneegrow? Spear chuckers and mud bunnies!
Chinese exclusion Act

Actually everyone did. There has always been urban and rural populations. There were cities in the great Indigenous civilizations on this side of the globe before whites got here.

View attachment 817839

Tenochtitlán- Capital of the Aztec Empire. Started in the 1300's and it rivals and even surpasses the European cities of its time relative to architecture an planning.​

There reason history transpires the way it does, and the reason there are winners and losers, is because of technology and access to resources.

The Aztec civilization, was not any more moral than the European civilizations. If it had had access to horses, iron, domesticated livestock, gun powder, and printing technology, it would have acted in the same ways that the Europeans, Asians and Africans had.

IN fact, they enslaved and oppressed their neighbors. This is partially why the Spanish were able to ally with those who they oppressed, to overthrow them. . .

You have a very ignorant and venoumously warped view of history, you really do. . . it isn't about the color of the skin of those who are ruled, it is about different governments and civilizations. . . .

It does not matter if we study the advance of civilizations in Asia, Africa, Europe or the new world, when they meet, when they clash, or collapse, all human societies, and the stages they go through, are all the same.

No ethnicity is inherently better or worse than any other.

9. The Aztecs - A Clash of Worlds (Part 1 of 2)​

9. The Aztecs - A Clash of Worlds (Part 2 of 2)​

Correct, however if you read up the source given, you will find out that there was indeed a planed systematic attempt.
If it was done or not - or if others had the same idea and actually did it, can't be proven and also not out-ruled.

Anyway it doesn't change the fact that the Indians were persecuted and slaughtered of like sheep for almost 250 years. Until more civilized Whites put an end to it.

It was certainly nothing new - accounts dating to 1000 B.C. already document such ideas in regards to Egypt and the Assyrian Empire.

They were exploited just like any other technologically backward group facing a superior one was exploited. Hell at that time Eastern Europe still had serfs.
They were exploited just like any other technologically backward group facing a superior one was exploited. Hell at that time Eastern Europe still had serfs.
Аnd North America had slaves. At least Eastern Europe did not find powerful forces to wage a war to preserve slavery as one freedom loving North American country did.
They were exploited just like any other technologically backward group facing a superior one was exploited. Hell at that time Eastern Europe still had serfs.
I never disputed that.

It also isn't the topic of this thread - but the ill-fated idea and ludicrous racist attempt by IM2 and wannabe Indian Hellbilly, to claim that what happened till around 150 years ago - is supposedly still happening in the USA.

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