They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

it isn't about the color of the skin of those who are ruled, it is about different governments and civilizations. . . .
I am sorry, but in the US they made it specifically about skin color.
How does a capitalist who cries for freedom explain the existence of slavery?
A "scientific" theory was invented about the racial inferiority of blacks.
The german nazis differed from these "scientists" only in that they extended the racial theory to whites.
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I am sorry, but in the US they made it specifically about skin color.
How does a capitalist who cries for freedom explain the existence of slavery?
A "scientific" theory was invented about the racial inferiority of blacks.
The german nazis differed from these "scientists" only in that they extended the racial theory to whites.
You sound like all the other libs on this forum who live in the past instead of the present

Blaming all your failures in 2023 on whites who have been gone for up to hundreds of years accomplishes nothing positive
to claim that what happened till around 150 years ago - is supposedly still happening in the USA.
I'm younger than the young energetic president of the United States and yet I remember racial segregation in the U.S. and all sorts of segregated drinking fountains.....
As long as there is capitalism, there is the threat of fascism and nazism.
I'm younger than the young energetic president of the United States and yet I remember racial segregation in the U.S. and all sorts of segregated drinking fountains.....
As long as there is capitalism, there is the threat of fascism and nazism.
You would replace capitalism with what?
Chinese exclusion Act

Actually everyone did. There has always been urban and rural populations. There were cities in the great Indigenous civilizations on this side of the globe before whites got here.

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Tenochtitlán- Capital of the Aztec Empire. Started in the 1300's and it rivals and even surpasses the European cities of its time relative to architecture an planning.​

And where are these savages now?
I'm younger than the young energetic president of the United States and yet I remember racial segregation in the U.S. and all sorts of segregated drinking fountains.....
As long as there is capitalism, there is the threat of fascism and nazism.
People have historic amnesia, i had an aunt who settled in the US after the war she married a US airman, first in Florida then for many years in Alabama, i met her a few times over the years, she once told me in the fifties she saw hundreds of Klansmen marching through her Town, that was before the civil rights kicked off in the sixties, that mentality is still there among some knuckle dragging racists.
Cherokee Indians in Georgia have adapted ... They created their own alphabet, even had their own newspapers. But once some gold was found in Georgia, the Cherokees were driven out.
So shut up about adapting to the Anglo-Saxons. Their idea is "A good Indian is a dead Indian."
They were pushed out by a more advanced society. A primitive alphabet and a newspaper won't stop armed invaders from taking your gold, dumbass.
It was against the Law for Natives to Be Native in America before 1978. The same time the last boarding school in the United States (but not Canada) was closed. We were forced as Native People to stop being Native and Assimilate into Christian Religion & Education System while stripping all Indigenous Culture away. These children were not allowed to wear Native clothing. They would be punished for speaking their own languages, and this is one of the reasons why we have such a problem with Non-Natives wearing costumes because it was ok for American children to dress up and be a “Indian” but these children were punished if they even tried. Please try to understand the significance here.
Buffalo soldiers played their part.
The Buffalo Soldiers did not craft, debate, or pass the legislation that was the Indian Removal Policy. In 1830, blacks were slaves. It's time people such as yourself quit looking at everyone else to blame and face your complete history.
You sound like all the other libs on this forum who live in the past instead of the present

Blaming all your failures in 2023 on whites who have been gone for up to hundreds of years accomplishes nothing positive
Stop making that stupid excuse. The past affects today. That's why you celebrate the 4th of July every year. In 2023 we see whites such as yourself continuing the behavior that causes the problem.
They were pushed out by a more advanced society. A primitive alphabet and a newspaper won't stop armed invaders from taking your gold, dumbass.
Incorrect. Whites were not more modern. Whites had weapons of mass destruction and were willing to use them.
Stop making that stupid excuse. The past affects today. That's why you celebrate the 4th of July every year. In 2023 we see whites such as yourself continuing the behavior that causes the problem.

So why am I not a tailor or an IRA fighter on the losing side of the Irish Civil War like my grandfathers?

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