They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

Whites were the dumb savages. Their behavior indicates that. The only technical advantage they had was the possession and use of weapons of mass destruction. This is the indication of savage behavior.

Possession of such implements (not WMD's stop using words wrong) and the will to use them goes back to the first ape slapping another, then the defending ape using leaves to pad himself as armor, and then the first ape picking up a rock.
Well a western evolved savage Hitler had the same mind set, it's sad that in this day and age there are still morons who believe in the Master race and ubermench mentality and will kill anyone who gets in their way.

Hitler wanted to remove the jews, work the Slavs to death, and kill off any intelligentsia of non Aryans.

All of what the Europeans did was simple conquest and exploitation that Europeans did to each other, Asians did to Europeans and vice versa, Muslims did to Christians (and vice versa), and even those Indian tribes did to themselves.
BS. And they never should have had to adapt. Whites should have been the ones to adapt and assimilate.
Within a very few years white outnumbered the Indians. But whites DID adapt, living and farming in North America was totally different than in Europe. Even small things like axes had to be different. European axes were designed for cutting the mostly softwood forests, they didn't work well on the endless hardwood forests of North America
Well a western evolved savage Hitler had the same mind set, it's sad that in this day and age there are still morons who believe in the Master race and ubermench mentality and will kill anyone who gets in their way.
Nice Godwin. My post stands as truth.
Chinese exclusion Act

Actually everyone did. There has always been urban and rural populations. There were cities in the great Indigenous civilizations on this side of the globe before whites got here.

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Tenochtitlán- Capital of the Aztec Empire. Started in the 1300's and it rivals and even surpasses the European cities of its time relative to architecture an planning.​

Should have developed manufacturing instead of just being happy carving stones, stacking them as high as possible, and then sacrificing children on them.

No they did not grow up like Europe and Asia did.
Chinese exclusion Act

Actually everyone did. There has always been urban and rural populations. There were cities in the great Indigenous civilizations on this side of the globe before whites got here.

View attachment 817839

Tenochtitlán- Capital of the Aztec Empire. Started in the 1300's and it rivals and even surpasses the European cities of its time relative to architecture an planning.​

Again a post that only goes to show how naive and dumb Africans like you are.

You are highlighting a civilization (Aztecs) that had reached the same level, that European and other non African and non American Indigenous people had already reached 3000 years and more before their arrival in the Americas. The exact same applies towards Sub-Saharan Africa.
Most Indians 'disappeared' due to disease and by assimilation, not by 'genocide' or being put on reservations. At one point over 10% of Americans claimed some Indian ancestry, mostly in what was then 'The West' and 'Northwest', which is a lot given the rates of immigration back then.
You are highlighting a civilization (Aztecs) that had reached the same level, that European and other non African and non American Indigenous people had already reached 3000 years and more before their arrival in the Americas. The exact same applies towards Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lol. They were more advanced than the European settlements of 750 CE.

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