They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal

They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal​

The Indian Removal Policy ranks right up the in the annals of historical events such as the holocaust. Exceot that the Native American holocaust continues today. And no, blacks did not create the policies that have resulted in this continuing human rights violation.

On the scale of wisdom you’re just a silly babbling bumpkin (yawn) always stuck using the past to promote your hate and bigotry instead of gaining wisdoms.

Hell .. you can’t even introduce yourself to yourself, you’re too afraid..😄
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Now he goes back more than 300 yrs to find something to hate about America?

note: every square inch of territory on this planet has been conquered multiple times over. That was then, this is now. Live here in what was the greatest Nation (2019 before Fauchi Flu) or move along. You scaring the kids you dumb OX.
On the scale of wisdom you’re just a silly babbling bumpkin (yawn) always stuck using the past to promote your hate and bigotry instead of gaining wisdoms.

.. but you do make me laugh..
This is the history section. And white racism continues today. Your weak attempt at gaslighting gets no play here son.
Now he goes back more than 300 yrs to find something to hare about America?

note: every square inch of territory on this planet has been conquered multiple times over. That was then, this is now. Live here in what was the greatest Nation (2019 before Fauchi Flu) or move along. You scaring the kids you dumb OX.
Since Native Americans live on reservations right now and whites continue the occupation of Native American lands right now, then you need to shut up about something posted in a discussion of history. Everything in this section is about things in the past. So just stop crying because this thread kills the lie you believe about this country. The kids aren't scared, you are. And take those tired --- excuses about every inch has been conquered over and over and shove it.

America has not been the greatest nation. It's time for you to put down that lie.
If you are’nt smart enough to hang onto what you got? Someone is always trying to take it from you.

Or don’t bite off more than you can chew.
live now…..not in the 1600s’. Worry bout your nearby stuff not some far away fantasyland you heard about on dirty MSM.
This is the only thread/topic that I agree with from IM2.
I'm glad we can agree on something. Too bad you choose to stay blind to other things.
Since Native Americans live on reservations right now and whites continue the occupation of Native American lands right now, then you need to shut up about something posted in a discussion of history. Everything in this section is about things in the past. So just stop crying because this thread kills the lie you believe about this country. The kids aren't scared, you are. And take those tired --- excuses about every inch has been conquered over and over and shove it.

America has not been the greatest nation. It's time for you to put down that lie.

have them move somewhere better like NYC or SF if they don’t like it? Or go to Mexico.
If you are’nt smart enough to hang onto what you got? Someone is always trying to take it from you.

Or don’t bite off more than you can chew.
live now…..not in the 1600s’. Worry bout your nearby stuff not some far away fantasyland you heard about on dirty MSM.
Please shut up. This is the history section and this thread is about historical events.
Yup .. the rainbow of racism is alive and well but you specialize in white and that’s because…
The rainbow doesn't really exist. Name laws and policies made in America by non white groups that have denied whites opportunity, then start a thread about it. Because the topic here is the Indian Removal Policy.
youre non-stop BSing about poor Indians or Africans losing a straw mudhut village in 1400 in this very thread Is the topic?

Today is now. America is geing destroyed day by day from the 2020 takeover. Worry about that, right now today or you will have bigger worries up ahead.
The Indian Removal policy didn't happen in the 1400's and at that time (1400) many whites were living in mud houses with straw thatched roofs. So discuss this policy and its effects or leave. Your next off topic post will be reported.

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