They'll be coming for Tony Dungy

It is obvious that you are projecting your own sexual perversions on Michael Sam. The fact that you think it would be appropriate to make passes at a woman (especially one you know is a lesbian) in a non-sexual situation, such as showering after an athletic event, is sick. If what you call "normal" is opportunistically attempting sex with every female, then I can only hope there are few "normals" around. I can only hope your contact with females is limited to situations in which there are people present to stop you from assaulting them.

Calm down please. No one is talking about assaulting anyone. When I say I might be up for making a "pass" at someone, it would be based on the feeling I get from the person. If they are into flirting, and there appears to be a connection, then I might make an advance. If they are completely uninterested, I would back off immediately.
Keep in mind, just because a woman say's she is a lesbian, doesn't mean she wouldn't be interested in exploring. Again, it would depend on whether there was a connection or not.

Years ago, I had a conversation with a woman who claimed to be a lesbian, and who also claimed to be in a long-term committed relationship with her partner.
But, she said a couple times a year, she would have a " hankering", as she put it, for a man.
She would hang out in a bar for a couple days, and manage to find someone who was more than willing to oblige her. She was fairly attractive, and defintely feminine, and I also would have been quite happy to entertain her for the evening.

You really come off as a stuffed shirt.

I am not concerned about how I come off.

But the idea that Michael Sam is a threat to make passes at other players is ridiculous.

To have tried to make the point by talking about showering with women (presumably after an athletic event) and somehow thinking it is ok to make passes at the women is even more ridiculous.

And this idea that anyone but the most obnoxious neanderthal would equate all nudity with being available for sex is simply bullshit.

I apologize to you if you do not fit the mold.

And please realize I'm not concerned about anyone making a pass at me, although I'm repulsed at the idea of having sex with a man.

My concern, is this atmosphere we live in today where if you're not 100% on board with everything with the gay agenda, then your career can be taken away, and the next thing you know you're being labeled a nazi.

And by the way, I don't think being nude automatically means everyone in the room wants to have sex. It's likely to mean however, that I want to have sex :D
He's referring to the media circus and Oprah documentary filming that would be following Sam to whatever team that drafted him, a series of distractions he would not want taking place during training camp of a team he coached. Too many distractions when coaches need to be coaching and evaluating which 53 out of maybe 80-something players make their team better.

It's got nothing to do with why the media and Opy are attracted to the guy. And I'd bet dollars to donuts a lot of coaches share his position about it.

So let me get this straight. A "Reality Show" on a network no one actually watches is going to be a "distraction".

But murders, dog fighting, drugs, locker room bullying, fathering kids out of wedlock these are all kind of par for the course for the NFL these days. The real problem is that now that we know about the long-term effects of football head injuries, nobody but the thugs will want their kids to become football players.
If I'm in the locker room, I don't want some faggot showering with me. Ask a team of female softball players if they want to shower with a normal man.

So "normal" men cannot be around unclothed females without desiring sex.......there goes male surgeons, firefighters, and police........................

I always have to fight back a laugh when guys say they don't want to hang out with a gay man, for fear that he would hit on them. I always wonder how they manage to fight off all the women who must be chasing them for sex.

You're stuck in left wing, 1960's neocon democrat think.
Men and women have different sexualities and sexual appetites. Men are random and women are selective. So the comparison is invalid. Dems and feminists refuse to progress beyond the questions of the 1960's and try to deny that reality.
So "normal" men cannot be around unclothed females without desiring sex.......there goes male surgeons, firefighters, and police........................

I always have to fight back a laugh when guys say they don't want to hang out with a gay man, for fear that he would hit on them. I always wonder how they manage to fight off all the women who must be chasing them for sex.

You're stuck in left wing, 1960's neocon democrat think.
Men and women have different sexualities and sexual appetites. Men are random and women are selective. So the comparison is invalid. Dems and feminists refuse to progress beyond the questions of the 1960's and try to deny that reality.

Right, because all gay men are always looking to score with any man they can get. lmao

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