They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

We agree on something. If Biden received 76 million legal votes in the US, we are screwed. In fact, even if recounts and lawsuits change the result, it is frightening that many people are so clueless and misinformed.

Naw,what's scary is that Trump got 71 million votes, more than he got in 2016, after he pretty much fucked up everything he touched. But I chalk that more up to the power of incumbency (even Jerry Ford got 48% of the vote) and that we equate "celebrity" with merit.

Um, you do know that poll workers in PA have said they were told to backdate ballots, right? BTW, they were also told NOT to verify signatures. Mail-in balloting on this scale was the platform for the Democrats to cheat. Without it, they would not have had a chance, even with their fake COVID, fake impeachment, fake everything.

So let me get this straight. Trump fails to contain Covid, so a lot of people who would have normally voted in person voted early or voted by mail. But you guys INSISTED that their votes not be counted in advance, and now you are whining that when they were counted, they didn't go for your guy?

Here's the deal, as our Beloved President-Elect says..... People never liked Trump. He lost the popular vote in 2016, he lost Congress in 2018, and now he lost again by overwhelming numbers.

Trump lost because he failed as a president. Period. Learn to deal.
When I first joined this forum, at least you would reply with common sense, and now you're acting like you and your boyfriend are getting a divorce.
Are you upset about something ?
Care to talk about it ?

How about addressing my point. Why should I sacrifice blood and treasure to make Exxon more profitable?

Seems like a pretty straight up question to me, and you went back to your odd obsession about homosexuality.

You know, it's been scientifically proven that most homophobes are latent homosexuals.
When I first joined this forum, at least you would reply with common sense, and now you're acting like you and your boyfriend are getting a divorce.
Are you upset about something ?
Care to talk about it ?

How about addressing my point. Why should I sacrifice blood and treasure to make Exxon more profitable?

Seems like a pretty straight up question to me, and you went back to your odd obsession about homosexuality.

You know, it's been scientifically proven that most homophobes are latent homosexuals.
Every single time I call you out, and prove you wrong, you comment with twist and spin, and people on this forum are on to you.
Its really sad little Joe.
Naw,what's scary is that Trump got 71 million votes, more than he got in 2016, after he pretty much fucked up everything he touched.

You live in a different US than most of us. Pre-COVID, there was very little going wrong under Trump’s watch.

So let me get this straight. Trump fails to contain Covid, so a lot of people who would have normally voted in person voted early or voted by mail.

For starters, pretty much no country contained COVID. COVID was nothing more than a huge excuse to allow for voter fraud. Democrats aren’t staying home. They are going grocery shopping, protesting and getting about. If masks work so well, there was absolutely no reason they could not have voted in person. Democrats didn’t want it not because of COVID but because it makes it much harder for them to cheat. Also, it would require their lazy, non-working supporters to get off the sofa and go to the polling station. That is always a challenge.
Every single time I call you out, and prove you wrong, you comment with twist and spin, and people on this forum are on to you.
Its really sad little Joe.

One more time, why is it in my interest to continue to spill blood and treasure in the Middle East? It's a simple enough question.
Youre right, its not in your best interest Joe, or worth your time.. You just keep whining and crying about the country you live in, and see how far that gets you.
I guess you hope what Trump has done in the middle east fails ?
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I HAVE presented it. Read the thread, nitwit,

I said no wild claims from conspiracy kooks. So what did you give us? All wild claims from conspiracy kooks. And one doctored Biden video.

Thank you for proving my point so conclusively. You have zero evidence of any vote fraud, and the whole nation knows it. I'll let you kow when I want another point proven.
We live in reality, with truth and evidence and facts, on our side....

You live in a created right wing conspiracy media bubble filled to the rim, with fake news, no evidence, no facts, no truth....Trump World!

That is exactly the OPPOSITE of the truth and you don't know it, because you are constantly bombarded with left wing fake news, devoid of facts and truth. You guys don't know anything because you adhere to left wing OMISSION media, which shelters you away from what they don't want you to know.

I have proven this many times over with my Quiz for liberals threads.

And NO, you do NOT have truth on your side. For example, right now you are trying to put a back-stabbing TRAITOR into the White House, who has been making deals with foreign countries, thereby making him and his whole family rich, and using his office of VP to do it. That's not what the office of Vice President is for.

In addition, Biden has awful policies regarding Islam, defunding police, immigration harmful to US workers, racial discriminatory affirmative action, transitioning away from the oil/gas industry, and reversing Trump's pro-America trade policies to give China unrestricted access to our MARKET (that's what got him his mansions$$$$$), thereby continuing to flood our stores with Made in China junk, at the expense of US businesses and US workers. Biden also has terrible policies on gun rights, threatening to confiscate them, in violation of our Constitutional 2nd amendment, and re-stablishing gun-free zones, which has gotten dozens of Americans killed in mass shootings, giving green lights to killers to enact massacres.

But you guys sure do LOVE that "conspiracy" word" LOL. Anything you don't like, just label it a "conspiracy". There you go.

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. You are a Trump supporter who would believe the world was flat if Trump told you that. You are one of those supporters who Trump said would still support him if he shot someone in broad daylight. You are the ones who live in a bubble run by Donald Trump.

Biden is not a traitor. There is no evidence he has profitted from foreign deals. Biden has released his tax returns from 2016-2019. They show he has made his money from speaking fees and book deals.

There is nothing wrong with Bide4n's policies. He supports community policing whick makes a lot of sense. Jack Webb was hardly a police hater but one of the recurring themes on his revival of Dragnet was community policing. There is no evidence that immigration harms American jobs. There is nothing wrong with affirmative action and it is not racist. That shows what a racist you are. It it businesses that determine what goes in stores not the President. Biden has not advocated gun confiscation. He has callecd for a crackdown on assault weapons. Gun free zones should be up to states, local communities and businesses.
Some people need to speak. Others need to be silenced. Those who are perpetrating FRAUD.
Nope. Trying to silence the voice of Americans who have done nothing more than attempt to exercise their right to vote in our country's great elections and to eliminate the votes of some Americans who did nothing wrong while casting their votes.
It’s the voters sole obligation to assure their vote is received and recorded on Election Day. Nothing else is legally or morally needed to wait for days for them to complete their responsibility. Stop waving the “but.....but....but... the military” as there are comparatively very few of those and genuine mitigating circumstance. Covid and the fake panic need for mail ins is not genuine mitigating circumstances.

Are there? Why should there be one set of rules for one group and not for everybody? The IRS only requires that tax returns be postmarked bt April 15 to be deemed as filed. Covid is the most mitigating cir cumstance that I can think of given the disease can be spread through close contact.
If they can find evidence of that, go ahead. But a lot of their efforts are to narrow the ability for people to vote legally and sometimes have requested ballots be thrown out even though the people who cast them did nothing wrong.
NO, that is NOT their efforts, despite that favorite line sung by the fakey news media.

And the question should be why don't Dems try to narrow (or stop) ability for people to vote illegally. Well, we all know the answer.

Let us have some proof of illegal votes on a lartge scale. Our legal system is based on the fact that we would rather see a guilty person go free rather than a innocent person be jailed. That system is not perfect. Voting should be made easier. I would rather see a few illegal votes cast rather than see people who are eligible to vote be disenfranchised. When Alabama ended curbside voting, that made it more difficult for disabled people to vote. The Biden Asministration should sue Alabama under the ADA.
They are doing the same thing they did 4 years ago around this time. Referring to Mr. Trump as "President Elect". It's normal.
But Trump WAS the president elect. Biden is not. The courts will determine who is - similar to 2000 when the US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 for George Bush.

In 2000, the Supreme Court intervened only because they were bumping up against statutory deadlines.
I actually opposed the Trump impeachment.

I followed the evidence and did not see enough to overturn an election.

Just as am following the evidence now and honour the election result.
If you do and you're honest, you haven't seen the evidence. Either that, or you're pretty gullible. But let's let the evidence get presented in the courts, before talking about it. shall we ?

In 2000, Republicans gave Al Gore 37 days to present his evidence.

In 2000 Bush immediately declared himself President elect, it was the Democrats dragging out the process demanding recounts which the Supreme Court finally stated did not comport with Florida state law.

A later count of the votes by a consortium of papers found Bush did indeed win Florida, by only a few hundred votes, but he won.

In modern times no proof of systematic fraud to the tune of tens of thousands of votes has occurred and turned a Presidential election, just as there is not proof of it now.

They said nothing about Florida law. They stated that a remedy could not be completed by the statutory deadline of Dec 12 which is set by Title 3 of the United States Code (3 U.S.C.), § 5 .
If you had any actual evidence, you'd present it. You haven't. Thus, everyone correctly assumes you have no evidence, and that you're just making shit up to justify your lust for a fascist coup against American democracy.

If you want everyone to stop laughing at what a whimpering beta you are, you need to find your courage and present actual evidence for your insane claims. Not just stuff that you saw on a conspiracy blog, but actual evidence.

We'll wait.

I HAVE presented it. Read the thread, nitwit,

As of Wedsnday Nov 4, 4:00 AM (before the sudden avalanche of fabricated Biden votes got maliciously dumped in), Trump was (and still is) ahead by these numbers (first three digits zeroed just for simplification) (ABC News) >>

Michigan - 72% counted
Trump 53% (2,165K)
Biden 45% (1,857K)

Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K)

Pennsylvania -74% counted
Trump 56% (2,964K)
Biden 43% (2,286K)

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K)

North Carolina - 95% counted
Trump 50% (2,732K)
Biden 49% (2,655K)

You mean the avalanche of mail in ballots. These were legally cast votes. The reason that they were not counted earlier were Republican legislators in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania refused to allow them to count them until after the polls closed. In Georgia what happened is that the suburban counties were the last to report. These once solidly Republican areas went solidly for Biden.
Biden is not a traitor. There is no evidence he has profitted from foreign deals. Biden has released his tax returns from 2016-2019. They show he has made his money from speaking fees and book deals.

You are right. Let see.

"Specifically, Hunter Biden sat on the board of BHR while the firm jointly acquired Michigan-based Henniges Automotive with the Chinese government-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) for $600 million.

Before the Obama-Biden administration approved the acquisition, AVIC had been sanctioned five times since 1993 for military technology violations, according to a report by Seamus Bruner and John Solomon. In 2014, Obama’s Commerce Department was considering sanctions for an AVIC subsidiary."

This was pure coincidence.

Then, he is hired by a Ukrainian company just in time for his dad to be appointed the point guy to weed out corruption in the Ukraine. I also just happens that the company that hired Hunter and paid him millions was involved in said corruption but was then exonerated when Joe admitted his infamous Quid Pro Quo:

"I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t. So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired."

Yeah, another pure coincidence.

There is no way you can be dumb enough to believe these are just coincidences.

There is nothing wrong with Bide4n's policies.

They are virtually all wrong for our country. Every single one of them.

Let us have some proof of illegal votes on a lartge scale.

Ah, so now we are adding the "large scale" caveat. Look, once fraudulent activity has been determined to have occurred, an investigation needs to occur to determine just how systematic the fraud was, particularly given the HUGE turn around in vote margins after election night.
If you had any actual evidence, you'd present it. You haven't. Thus, everyone correctly assumes you have no evidence, and that you're just making shit up to justify your lust for a fascist coup against American democracy.

If you want everyone to stop laughing at what a whimpering beta you are, you need to find your courage and present actual evidence for your insane claims. Not just stuff that you saw on a conspiracy blog, but actual evidence.

We'll wait.

I HAVE presented it. Read the thread, nitwit,

As of Wedsnday Nov 4, 4:00 AM (before the sudden avalanche of fabricated Biden votes got maliciously dumped in), Trump was (and still is) ahead by these numbers (first three digits zeroed just for simplification) (ABC News) >>

Michigan - 72% counted
Trump 53% (2,165K)
Biden 45% (1,857K)

Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K)

Pennsylvania -74% counted
Trump 56% (2,964K)
Biden 43% (2,286K)

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K)

North Carolina - 95% counted
Trump 50% (2,732K)
Biden 49% (2,655K)

You mean the avalanche of mail in ballots. These were legally cast votes. The reason that they were not counted earlier were Republican legislators in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania refused to allow them to count them until after the polls closed. In Georgia what happened is that the suburban counties were the last to report. These once solidly Republican areas went solidly for Biden.

Fulton County Georgia is 45% minority and HEAVILY Democratic. They were the last to report a huge number of mail-in ballots in Biden's favor. In fact, I would bet that in every state that had late vote counting, they were from Democratic districts. Convenient for sure.
Fulton County Georgia is 45% minority and HEAVILY Democratic. They were the last to report a huge number of mail-in ballots in Biden's favor. In fact, I would bet that in every state that had late vote counting, they were from Democratic districts. Convenient for sure.

Why? It's been that way forever. The urban precincts always report last, due to having many more voters per precinct. You seem to be admitting you have no actual evidence, so you're just making crap up due to a raging case of sore-loser butthurt.

Ah, so now we are adding the "large scale" caveat. Look, once fraudulent activity has been determined to have occurred, an investigation needs to occur to determine just how systematic the fraud was, particularly given the HUGE turn around in vote margins after election night.

That's never been the standard before. Nobody ever said the few instances of Republican vote fraud invalidated Trumps 2016 win. Nobody said all the improbable glitches that all went for Trump 2016 proved election rigging, and started filing lawsuits. You're making up brand new bullshit standards.
If the over emphasis on mail ins created a backlog that did not permit the votes to be counted in the required time frame then the votes simply are not allowed to count.
Libbies don’t compete so they are unaware that the rules of the game don’t get changed to allow more time to win. The fact that you “tried” by mailing in one or two days before the election is meaningless, the rest of us don’t just sit and wait due to your poor planning.
If the over emphasis on mail ins created a backlog that did not permit the votes to be counted in the required time frame then the votes simply are not allowed to count.

The "required time frame" ISN"T EVEN HERE YET, Dumbass.

Vote counts go on for weeks. Every time. DEAL WITH IT.
If the over emphasis on mail ins created a backlog that did not permit the votes to be counted in the required time frame then the votes simply are not allowed to count.

The "required time frame" ISN"T EVEN HERE YET, Dumbass.

Vote counts go on for weeks. Every time. DEAL WITH IT.
Virtually every Presidential election ever ends on election night
Using your shenanigans as the resource of legitimation does not work
If the over emphasis on mail ins created a backlog that did not permit the votes to be counted in the required time frame then the votes simply are not allowed to count.

The "required time frame" ISN"T EVEN HERE YET, Dumbass.

Vote counts go on for weeks. Every time. DEAL WITH IT.
Virtually every Presidential election ever ends on election night
Using your shenanigans as the resource of legitimation does not work
Not officially, they don't. Even after one candidate concedes, they're still canvassing votes for up to a week or two until they release their final official tally. In every presidential election. As always, you don't know what you're talking about.

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