They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

On January 20th please don't jump off a building or shoot up a high school some where.
I'll be celebrating for Trump/Pence. I'm kind of celebrating already right now.

And please don't tear down a statue, smash store windows, loot, and burn down a building. At ease.
Actually Rump got several million votes FEWER than Biden, and lost it.
But of course I'm talking Real World, not Denialist-Man Comic Books.
He got MORE, MANY MORE votes than Biden, Mr Actually. You're pretty stupid if you think all this incredibly amateurish frauding, is fooling anybody. Hey wait a minute. It looks like YOU are fooled by it. :laugh:

71,529,565 is "MORE" than 76,162,206.

214 is "MORE" than 279.

War is Peace, Up is Down. Less is more.
and of course most vitally:

Ignorance is Strength.

Denialists. SMGDFH, FUCK outta here. Go get a life and quit wasting my time. Unsubfuckingscribed.
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"Properly being beaten".

There just are no words.
"Properly being beaten" I think you heard me right. There are no words for YOU, because like a typical leftist, you have no clue when it come to law enforcement. In your tiny little leftist world of extreme ignorance , you are unaware that in some circumstances, it is proper and correct to beat on a suspect with billy clubs.

Maybe you think the correct procedure to pacify King, would have been to offer him a lollipop.

You're so f'n stupid, you probably are fully DUPED by KTLA's 1991 doctored video tape, and still think the cops in the Rodney King case engaged in police brutality.

See folks. This is why we can never allow leftist airheads to control this country. We might as well turn it over to chimps and baboons.

Once again:

"properly being beaten".
It's on the record and not going away.
"properly being beaten" OWN IT.

You mean illegally counting votes after election day is ok now? Since when?
Oh? Where was that done where it's illegal?
"properly being beaten"

Gonna follow you around like a lost puppy.
Yeah, you'll follow me around, but you won't answer my questions, apparently. So come on . Openly admit right here now, that you are THAT BRAINWASHED by leftist looney media, that you think that any time a cop beats somebody with a billy club, that is police brutality.

That's what you guys have been programmed to think, right ? Right Pogo ? Right ? right ? HA HA.

71,529,565 is "MORE" than 76,162,206.

279 is "MORE" than 214.

War is Peace, Up is Down. Less is more.
and of course most vitally:

Ignorance is Strength.

Denialists. SMGDFH, FUCK outta here. Go get a life and quit wasting my time. Unsubfuckingscribed.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.


Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K) 1,529 is more than 1,420

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K) 2,381 is more than 2,279

More of these available on request. :biggrin:
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Of course you're celebrating an Impeached Trump win ... you're senile, gramps. Even if you're too senile to know it.
Moron Democrats think they impeached somebody. Is there a doctor in the house ?


Hey Faun, do you think, like Pogo, that cops can never beat anybody with a billy club ? Maybe he thinks the billy clubs are ornaments.
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On January 20th please don't jump off a building or shoot up a high school some where.
I'll be celebrating for Trump/Pence. I'm kind of celebrating already right now. View attachment 414012

And please don't tear down a statue, smash store windows, loot, and burn down a building. At ease.
Of course you're celebrating an Impeached Trump win ... you're senile, gramps. Even if you're too senile to know it.


I actually opposed the Trump impeachment.

I followed the evidence and did not see enough to overturn an election.

Just as am following the evidence now and honour the election result.
I actually opposed the Trump impeachment.

I followed the evidence and did not see enough to overturn an election.

Just as am following the evidence now and honour the election result.
If you do and you're honest, you haven't seen the evidence. Either that, or you're pretty gullible. But let's let the evidence get presented in the courts, before talking about it. shall we ?

In 2000, Republicans gave Al Gore 37 days to present his evidence.
I actually opposed the Trump impeachment.

I followed the evidence and did not see enough to overturn an election.

Just as am following the evidence now and honour the election result.
If you do and you're honest, you haven't seen the evidence. Either that, or you're pretty gullible. But let's let the evidence get presented in the courts, before talking about it. shall we ?

In 2000, Republicans gave Al Gore 37 days to present his evidence.

In 2000 Bush immediately declared himself President elect, it was the Democrats dragging out the process demanding recounts which the Supreme Court finally stated did not comport with Florida state law.

A later count of the votes by a consortium of papers found Bush did indeed win Florida, by only a few hundred votes, but he won.

In modern times no proof of systematic fraud to the tune of tens of thousands of votes has occurred and turned a Presidential election, just as there is not proof of it now.
If you had any actual evidence, you'd present it. You haven't. Thus, everyone correctly assumes you have no evidence, and that you're just making shit up to justify your lust for a fascist coup against American democracy.

If you want everyone to stop laughing at what a whimpering beta you are, you need to find your courage and present actual evidence for your insane claims. Not just stuff that you saw on a conspiracy blog, but actual evidence.

We'll wait.

I HAVE presented it. Read the thread, nitwit,

As of Wedsnday Nov 4, 4:00 AM (before the sudden avalanche of fabricated Biden votes got maliciously dumped in), Trump was (and still is) ahead by these numbers (first three digits zeroed just for simplification) (ABC News) >>

Michigan - 72% counted
Trump 53% (2,165K)
Biden 45% (1,857K)

Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K)

Pennsylvania -74% counted
Trump 56% (2,964K)
Biden 43% (2,286K)

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K)

North Carolina - 95% counted
Trump 50% (2,732K)
Biden 49% (2,655K)
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71,529,565 is "MORE" than 76,162,206.

279 is "MORE" than 214.

War is Peace, Up is Down. Less is more.
and of course most vitally:

Ignorance is Strength.

Denialists. SMGDFH, FUCK outta here. Go get a life and quit wasting my time. Unsubfuckingscribed.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

View attachment 414027

Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K) 1,529 is more than 1,420

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K) 2,381 is more than 2,279

More of these available on request. :biggrin:
Why no link to your phony numbers, gramps?

Georgia has Biden up by 11,413 votes with 99% reporting.

Wisconsin has Biden up by 20,540 with 99% reporting.

Of course you're celebrating an Impeached Trump win ... you're senile, gramps. Even if you're too senile to know it.
Moron Democrats think they impeached somebody. Is there a doctor in the house ?

View attachment 414028

Hey Faun, do you think, like Pogo, that cops can never beat anybody with a billy club ? Maybe he thinks the billy clubs are ornaments.
"Moron Democrats think they impeached somebody. Is there a doctor in the house ?"


Moron, you may even be beyond senile. Anyone with a functioning brain knows Trump was impeached.

Presidential Impeachmento/b]

Andrew Johnson


William Jefferson Clinton


Donald John Trump

I seriously cant believe you asked why being the worlds military leader should be important to us.
This clearly shows your loyalties to others, rather than America.
The rest of your comments tell me that you should have run for president.

Why should that be important to us? What benefit do I personally get out of paying 25% of my income to support the military industrial complex?

We've been at war in the Middle East for what, 19 years now? Are we any closer to WINNING? Of course not. The Iraqis have voted to throw us out (after Trump committed a political assassination on their soil) and we are looking for a graceful exit from Afghanistan. So what did we get for the trillions of dollars and thousands of lives thrown away over there?

Yeah, green energy is the ticket. That is what your handlers keep telling you.

I'm really not sure why you are so keen to be enslaved to dirty energy.

Biden/Harris/leftist policies most closely resemble a Communist regime. Everybody knows this with the exception of you indoctrinated lefties who are quick to roll over for the federal government.

Really? I missed the part where they said confiscate all the rich people's property and then send them out to the gulag. Where are our Gulags going to be, I totally want to volunteer to be a sadistic guard at one. I'd suggest Utah.

PS: Your brain can't be much larger than a pigeon's.

Yet whenever they want to demonstrate someone is piss ignorant in a movie, they give him a southern accent.

We can all suffer together. People who voted for him are losers. Sorry, the truth hurts.

If your country has at least 76 million "losers", you've failed as a country.

You mean illegally counting votes after election day is ok now? Since when?

Guy, get real. It usually takes a week to count all the votes under normal circumstances, and due to TRUMP PLAGUE, these aren't normal times.

Usually, when a state is called on election night, it's because they can make a PROJECTION on who is going to win. Maybe they should stop doing that, and wait for each state to submit their tallies... but you'd still get the same result.

Or maybe we can do something incredibly sane, get rid of this idiotic device used to mollify slave owners 200 years ago, and actually have direct popular vote elections like every other country has.
As of Wedsnday Nov 4, 4:00 AM (before the sudden avalanche of fabricated Biden votes got maliciously dumped in), Trump was (and still is) ahead by these numbers (first three digits zeroed just for simplification) (ABC News) >>

ANd that was the point. They told you all along that the urban areas wouldn't be tabulated until the next day because these states were NOT allowed to count absentee ballots in advance.
Yet whenever they want to demonstrate someone is piss ignorant in a movie, they give him a southern accent

Do you really want to get into stereotypes?

f your country has at least 76 million "losers", you've failed as a country.

We agree on something. If Biden received 76 million legal votes in the US, we are screwed. In fact, even if recounts and lawsuits change the result, it is frightening that many people are so clueless and misinformed.

Guy, get real. It usually takes a week to count all the votes under normal circumstances, and due to TRUMP PLAGUE, these aren't normal times.

Um, you do know that poll workers in PA have said they were told to backdate ballots, right? BTW, they were also told NOT to verify signatures. Mail-in balloting on this scale was the platform for the Democrats to cheat. Without it, they would not have had a chance, even with their fake COVID, fake impeachment, fake everything.
I seriously cant believe you asked why being the worlds military leader should be important to us.
This clearly shows your loyalties to others, rather than America.
The rest of your comments tell me that you should have run for president.

Why should that be important to us? What benefit do I personally get out of paying 25% of my income to support the military industrial complex?

We've been at war in the Middle East for what, 19 years now? Are we any closer to WINNING? Of course not. The Iraqis have voted to throw us out (after Trump committed a political assassination on their soil) and we are looking for a graceful exit from Afghanistan. So what did we get for the trillions of dollars and thousands of lives thrown away over there?
When I first joined this forum, at least you would reply with some common sense, and now you're acting like you and your boyfriend are getting a divorce.
Are you upset about something ?
Care to talk about it ?
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