They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

Some people need to speak. Others need to be silenced. Those who are perpetrating FRAUD.
Nope. Trying to silence the voice of Americans who have done nothing more than attempt to exercise their right to vote in our country's great elections and to eliminate the votes of some Americans who did nothing wrong while casting their votes.
I know what you mean. I was banned by Facebook and Twitter for voicing my opinion and supporting Trump.

There are many posts on Twitter and Facebook in support of Trump. The people they ban either called for crimes to be committed, or refused to stop posting fake news after being warned.

I have no doubt you didn't just support Trump; but you also violated their rules.
The 2000 SCOTUS did not rule for George Bush. They ruled the recounts were not uniform and there was no time remaining to remedy that.

That made Bush the president because he was ahead in votes in Florida. The SCOTUS did not reverse the election. Nor did they rule there were votes that should not be counted.

As of now, Biden is ahead in votes in several states being contested by Trump. Like in 2000, there is no basis to not count all of the legally submitted ballots. There is no basis to reverse this election and hand it to Trump.

Like I said, but you're too loopy to comprehend, you're fucking senile. This proves it.

:auiqs.jpg:...... :biggrin:.......:right:.........:doubt:........:icon_rolleyes:..........:uhoh3:...........:anj_stfu:.........IMBECILE!
The 2000 SCOTUS did not rule for George Bush. They ruled the recounts were not uniform and there was no time remaining to remedy that.

That made Bush the president because he was ahead in votes in Florida. The SCOTUS did not reverse the election. Nor did they rule there were votes that should not be counted.

As of now, Biden is ahead in votes in several states being contested by Trump. Like in 2000, there is no basis to not count all of the legally submitted ballots. There is no basis to reverse this election and hand it to Trump.

Like I said, but you're too loopy to comprehend, you're fucking senile. This proves it.

:auiqs.jpg:...... :biggrin:.......:right:.........:doubt:........:icon_rolleyes:..........:uhoh3:...........:anj_stfu:.........IMBECILE!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The 2000 SCOTUS did not rule for George Bush. They ruled the recounts were not uniform and there was no time remaining to remedy that.

That made Bush the president because he was ahead in votes in Florida. The SCOTUS did not reverse the election. Nor did they rule there were votes that should not be counted.

As of now, Biden is ahead in votes in several states being contested by Trump. Like in 2000, there is no basis to not count all of the legally submitted ballots. There is no basis to reverse this election and hand it to Trump.

Like I said, but you're too loopy to comprehend, you're fucking senile. This proves it.
The 200 SCOTUS ruled for Bush by doing what you said, birdbrain.

There is nothing here to "reverse" except in your information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION media mind. You are sick, boy.

To you, the media declares a POTUS, and you think that's official. Biden hasn't won a damn thing, and if anybody has, it is Trump, since he is the one who has gotten more REAL votes (as shown in Post # 88)

You may now return to your 3rd grade classroom. :biggrin:
That's how the lib media is telling it now ?

If you had any actual evidence, you'd present it. You haven't. Thus, everyone correctly assumes you have no evidence, and that you're just making shit up to justify your lust for a fascist coup against American democracy.

If you want everyone to stop laughing at what a whimpering beta you are, you need to find your courage and present actual evidence for your insane claims. Not just stuff that you saw on a conspiracy blog, but actual evidence.

We'll wait.

None other than the media is setting up this nation for a giant explosion of anger and frustrated rage when it
consistently refers to Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential race, never once balancing out that misreporting of facts by reporting the election is being contested in court.

And they know exactly what they are doing. They are playing a deadly and dangerous game.
Biden is NOT the president and they should stop feeding that misconception.
They are acting in a similar fashion like when KTLA-TV in Los Angeles showed doctored video tapes of Rodney King PROPERLY being beaten by LA cops,

"Properly being beaten".

There just are no words.
Some of the punditry say he did that deliberately so that the day-of votes would be counted first, so he'd build up a count lead, so it would LOOK LIKE that lead was being "taken away" when the mail vote count came in. After all he told them not to use the mail and being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey" types, they did just that.

Frankly I think that assumes way too much craft on his part. I think he just wanted to suppress the mail vote period. That's what Louis deJoy was there for. It worked about as well as his casinos, his airline, the USFL and the vitamins where you mail in your pee.
The mail vote SHOULD have been suppressed, TOTALLY. There should NOT BE any such thing as mail-in voting. Hell, even deported illegal aliens could illegally vote in our elections, from hundreds of miles south of the US border, with mail-in voting. It's absurd.

We used to have only in-person voting. That's how it should be again now. I said months ago, the election was going to be chaos, because of mail-in voting. Sure enough.

There already HAS BEEN mail-in voting for decades, and not just for the military and those living abroad. So no, Twinkletoes, we have never had "ONLY" in-person voting. Fer fuxsake we have thousands of troops deployed throughout the world, WTF do you think they do, fly them all home for that one day???

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world
This much is good and true.
increasing funding to police departments,
Local city and small-town city-hall cops are overpaid and overrated. Big Oil has private security and the money to pay for it. Cops don't need to take such a large share of our tax dollars for their lifestyle, and the things they are permitted to do while they deny our civil rights.
-- which by the way apparently means Rump thinks the US postal service, best in the world, is perfectly OK to use to mail urine samples to put money in his pocket, yet is totally unreliable for something like votes. Which also means it could never be used for important stuff like, oh.... paying bills.... driver's licenses.... voter registration cards...

Colin Jost made a similar point about a different dynamic --- four years ago Rump started whining and whining that "three million illegals" came in and voted and that's the only reason he LOST the popular vote. This year he'll lose it by five million, which, by his own logic means Rump let in two million MORE illegals than O'bama did, and they voted against him too.

Nuttin' like painting yourself into the proverbial corner.
He just underestimated, that's all. It was 10 million then and now. :biggrin:

Ah, so you're saying he let in 10 million illegals and half of them voted for him.
Thanks for clearing that up.
When you elect someone that has a plan, let me know. Take your time.

We have a plan... The problem is, Big Oil won't make the obscene profits they want to.

Again, no solution when it comes to our nations security. We cant phase out oil without a plan and there is not one that doesnt jeopardize our nations strength and security. We are too large of a nation to live in a rainbow world.

Quite the contrary, if we took half the money we spend playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spent it on alternative energy and conservation measures, we'd be there.

Considering the size of our country, we are not the problem.
Do you want to remain a free country, and also remain the worlds military leader ?

Sure I want to remain a free country, that's why we have to get rid of the Orange Fascist.
As far as being the world's "military leader", um, why should that be important to us? We spend more money on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and EIGHT of them are allies. Meanwhile, our infrastructure is falling apart, our education isn't keeping up with the technical demands of the world to the point we have to import smart people from India.

I'm all for strength, but you have to have the right priorities.
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?

He was the same person 4 years ago and he defeated a stronger candidate...

There is no way Biden gets more votes than Obama...

The deaths in America will not be 200,000 more than they were in 2019...

Voter turnout in a Presidential campaign are historically 65%, we have battleground states with over 90% turnout...

Keep playing into their hand, they expect you to do exactly what you are doing...
We have a plan... The problem is, Big Oil won't make the obscene profits they want to.
That answer is no, you dont have a plan.
Quite the contrary, if we took half the money we spend playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spent it on alternative energy and conservation measures, we'd be there.
Again, you missed your calling as a world renown financial expert.
Sure I want to remain a free country, that's why we have to get rid of the Orange Fascist.
As far as being the world's "military leader", um, why should that be important to us? We spend more money on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and EIGHT of them are allies. Meanwhile, our infrastructure is falling apart, our education isn't keeping up with the technical demands of the world to the point we have to import smart people from India.

I'm all for strength, but you have to have the right priorities.
I seriously cant believe you asked why being the worlds military leader should be important to us.
This clearly shows your loyalties to others, rather than America.
The rest of your comments tell me that you should have run for president.

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