Things That Will Cost More Under Obama’s Climate Change Plan


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Does he care? that would be a big, HELL NO..but they like to crow how he's a man looking out for the people who voted for him deserve all the cost of it..
links in article at site

President Obama doesn’t “have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society.” And he probably considers you a member if you disagree with him on his crushing regulatory approach to climate change.

The heck of it is, the policies he advocates actually would not help the Earth.

Before Obama’s speech yesterday, Heritage’s Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow, Nicolas Loris, explained the President’s dilemma:

But let’s pretend we were able to stop emitting all carbon immediately. Forget the electricity to cool our homes in the summer months. Shut down the power plants. Stop driving our cars. No talking. The Science and Public Policy Institute found that the global temperature would decrease by 0.17 degrees Celsius—by 2100. These regulations are all pain no gain.

That’s what President Obama’s climate change plan would not do.

What President Obama’s climate change plan would do: increase the price of just about everything.

Whether it’s regulating appliances or eliminating coal from the nation’s energy diet, Obama’s plan has the same effect: hiking the cost of living.

Think through your day. Everything you buy, everything you eat, everything you wear… it was all produced using energy. Just a few of the things that will be more expensive under Obama’s plan:
•Heating and cooling your home
•Buying a car and driving—from your work commute to soccer practice and everywhere in between
•Turning on the lights
•Washing and drying clothes

But that’s not all. Think even bigger. What will it mean for President Obama’s war on coal to hike natural gas prices by 42 percent?

Sure, you may have a gas-powered furnace or oven. But natural gas is powering much more, as Heritage’s Loris, David Kreutzer, and Kevin Dayaratna explain:

all of it here
Things That Will Cost More Under Obama's Climate Change Plan
In Europe there is now a term for what Obama is about to give America with his climate change bullshit.

Its called "Fuel Poverty".

And they have actual statistics for it now.
In Europe there is now a term for what Obama is about to give America with his climate change bullshit.

Its called "Fuel Poverty".

And they have actual statistics for it now.

that is what he and his Progressives comrades in arms want...but his followers don't want to see we are stuck with this nightmare called a President
In Europe there is now a term for what Obama is about to give America with his climate change bullshit.

Its called "Fuel Poverty".

And they have actual statistics for it now.

that is what he and his Progressives comrades in arms want...but his followers don't want to see we are stuck with this nightmare called a President

just wait until his policies start hitting people's pocketbooks even more than it already has.
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....

naaa, we saved up on enough of that when Bush was President for eight years from you on the least he wasn't PURPOSELY TRYING to drive up the cost of everything the people needed to live on..but your little post was a amusing
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....

hey nut bar why don't you point out where the op is wrong? You doubt the price of everything wil rise? Tell us why. I bet you're too darn stupid to do it.
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....

hey nut bar why don't you point out where the op is wrong? You doubt the price of everything wil rise? Tell us why. I bet you're too darn stupid to do it.

she probably doesn't care...they figure government will subsidize them with taxpayers money if they need it..that seems to be the new thinking today
The good news is, the price of health care won't rise due to his climate change plan.
He used a different method for that.
Things That Will Cost More Under Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Everything will cost more.

He's fundamentally transforming America, just like he said he would.

We are in the vortex circling down, down, down.
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....

Only second to the way you behaved under Bush, Komrade.

And how about you address the topic, or can't you because you know the OP is correct?
The good news is, the price of health care won't rise due to his climate change plan.
He used a different method for that.

The cost of everything will rise. Hospitals run on electricity too.
More liberal regressive taxes then a government handout to make them think dems are helping them
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....

That's the way to show everyone how you don't give a fuck what happens to people as a result of your lame brained policies.

You'd make a perfect member of Hitler's SS.

what an asshole.
The song of the modern American right: 'woe is me, woe unto me, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, please form a whine circle so we can all whine together, we're lost, it's hopeless, we can't do it, we're lost, form the circle, whine and cry, woe is me, woe is me.' The American right is the largest contingency of cry babies in the history of the world. You negative nabobs of negativity are just too sad. Woe is me....


Only people on the far left come up with idea's and give zero consideration to "costs", thus, the term k00ks. And the American public gets it......Cap and Trade is as dead as a doornail so this bozo is throwing a bone to the climate crusaders nuts via executive fiat.

Nobody cares about global warming...... Global surveys show environmental concerns rank low among public concerns .....except the fringe k00ks.
Well people, everything is going to cost more, whether climate change is addressed or not. In case you have not looked, there are major agricultural areas that have had weather that has resulted in major crop losses. And there are over 7 billion humans around the globe competeing for that those crops.

Addressing the change now will not affect the cost of food for the next couple of decades, but may help prevent even worse problems after that. Failing to address the consequences of climate change will create an even worse situation after that.
Well people, everything is going to cost more, whether climate change is addressed or not. In case you have not looked, there are major agricultural areas that have had weather that has resulted in major crop losses. And there are over 7 billion humans around the globe competeing for that those crops.

Addressing the change now will not affect the cost of food for the next couple of decades, but may help prevent even worse problems after that. Failing to address the consequences of climate change will create an even worse situation after that.

It's already affecting the cost of food, dipstick. What do you think diverting 1/3 of the corn crop to ethanol production does to the cost of grain and also the cost of beef? Also, making fertilizer takes lots of energy. What do you think doubling or tripling the cost of electricity will do to the cost of fertilizer?
Obama's goal is (and has been since he first began to hate the United States) to ruin the economy and drag the country down to the level of that shit hole, Kenya where his daddy first taught him about Marxism.

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