Things the Media Don’t Want You to Know About Mueller’s Indictments


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Here is a little something for Trump Deranged Sufferers to chew on---to cast gross sophistries and childish fallacies at.

The Hate of the Sufferers grows with the Fear they feel, but cannot face (Cognitive Dissonance)---that the Mueller Investigation is in fact a baseless Witch Hunt. On this board, several have made complete fools of themselves in just the last 24 hours.

"The biggest lie Democrats and the media wish to spread is that the Russians actively worked to make Donald Trump president. These indictments have exposed that narrative as anti-science hogwash."

Nolte: 13 Things the Media Don't Want You to Know About Mueller's 13 Indictments


Try to respond in a way that leads one to believe that you have actually read the article. It is time for TDS victims to began to wake up to the Gross Corruption that was the Obama Administration---for your own good---so it won't all come as a complete shock to you.
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If you read that part about Mueller NOT charging these internet clowns with messing with the Election Laws because he was protcting Hillary and her crowd----here is why, just below.

"First, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make Steele a criminal: first, he is a foreign citizen; second, he tried to influence an election, which he received payments to do (including from the FBI itself); and third, he neither registered as a foreign agent nor listed his receipts and expenditures to the Federal Election Commission. Also, according to the FBI, along the way, Steele lied…a lot, while the dossier he disseminated contained its own lies based on bought-and-paid for smears from foreign sources reliant on rumors and innuendo.

Second, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make FusionGPS a criminal co-conspirator: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission."


Fifth, if Mueller’s theory is correct, three things make the Clinton Campaign a potential target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting his funding from the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its funding of payments to Steele laundered through a law firm as a “legal expense.”
Mueller is actually trying to cover for Obama and's totally obvious to anyone with a brain...
Mueller has Indicted hapless clowns....and even the clowns are laughing at him.

Stockman Blasts "Mueller's Comic Book Indictment" - How To Prosecute A Great Big Nothingburger

"We have always heard that a determined government prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and now we know it's true. After 38 years in the prosecution racket, Robert Mueller just made his biggest score ever---that is, he nailed a great big Nothingburger."


....even Mueller's indictment proves that the farm was strictly amateurville. None of the other 12 Russians charged has an intelligence background, either.


"Both were recent graduates in psychology from local universities, where Robert's 2011 thesis had been on "The Effects of Social-Support Conditions On Loneliness As Experienced By the Elderly".

We can't help but think they had not yet become hardened spies when the joined IRA in November 2013 and apparently left in October 2014. Whatever they did during their tenure at the farm, cooking up ways to help Donald Trump's not yet announced campaign was surely not among them, but still apparently enough to help fill out Mueller's indictment roster."


Another was Dzheykhun Aslanov, who was head of the "American department" and had graduated in 2012 from the Russian State Hydrometeorological University in St. Petersburg. He had studied economics and wildlife management!



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