Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

No, you don't. Dumbass. Riots are NOT covered by insurance.

No, actually, they are.


The answer: Yes, standard insurance policies usually cover damage that results from rioting, looting, vandalism, and/or civil commotion. This would include damage caused by rioters as well as damage caused by the reactions of police and civil authorities during a riot.

See where it says "usually"? You would be surprised how often that usually ends up being "NO."
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."
Channeling Fidel Castro?

No, that's your schtick.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
Sniper Warfare.. The rioters will not even hear the shot that kills them. no where to hide since they have no idea where the shots came from.
All because a few gangsta thugs refused to listen the the police officer's directions.
Cheap, effective, and almost impossible to stop.

Sarajevo figured out the solution to the problem of too many people on the streets a long time ago.
See where it says "usually"? You would be surprised how often that usually ends up being "NO."

Yeah, not very... If anything, the insurance companies are probably more keen to pay out in riots, as they are more high profile.

Hah! Insurance companies are ALWAYS figuring out ways to not pay! Good luck collecting when the rioters burn you down.
When you're in the process of looting and burning private property owned by people that have ZERO to with a police shooting...don't be shocked if they don't go along with your plans! BLM rioters with Molotov cocktails aren't protesters...they're domestic terrorists. If you're IN a mob that's burning and looting then you deserve what you get!

Blah, blah, blah.

And how much attention did you pay to BLM when Colin was peacefully taking a knee? Did you say, "What a thoughtful young man you are, we should have a serious discussion about this issue!"

Hell, no. You wanted to burn him at the stake, and he hasn't played football since.

Now, I do think that TRUMP RIOTS have been exacerbated by people locked in their houses for TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION.

But the reality is, where are the police reforms Trump promised back in May when Geo. Floyd was murdered? He's really done nothing but throw gasoline on the fire, and a flareup like this was pretty much expected.

Here's the thing. Kenosha is 80% white. Blacks are only 11% of Kenosha's population. And they are STILL Having riots because even white people are sick of this shit.
You think it's the white people in Kenosha that are rioting? You're clueless as always, Joey! The white people that are rioting in Kenosha are anarchists that descend on any area they know will have protests because they know that the police will not stop them when they start looting and burning.

White people ARE sick of "this shit", Joey but it's not Police brutality that they're sick's the riots that take place whenever the next piece of shit thug gets into it with the Police and gets shot!
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
Sniper Warfare.. The rioters will not even hear the shot that kills them. no where to hide since they have no idea where the shots came from.

The rioters will do the same. The problem is they are going to be murdering innocent civilians. Once violence begins it is extremely difficult to stop it. And since it seems the Dems feel it benefits them expect to see more of the same.
I know. It's going to be a shit-show.
The reason that people NEED something other than a single shot musket (eye roll) is that when you're face with a mob you need fire power or you will be beaten to death. None of those rioters have a right to burn and loot. The have the right to peacefully assemble and protest. When they stop being peaceful then they have nobody to blame but themselves for what will eventually happen! The average citizen is getting sick and tired of BLM and their tactics. They're fighting back and ironically it's going to be the Police that BLM will call on to protect them from harm!

Hey, do you know what we are sick of... black folks being shot for simple mistakes while white people can run amok with assault rifles shooting people.

That's what a lot of us are sick of.
I've read enough of your posts to know that I really don't care if you live or die...... I sure as hell don't care what you're "sick of".

You're just noise.
The reason that people NEED something other than a single shot musket (eye roll) is that when you're face with a mob you need fire power or you will be beaten to death. None of those rioters have a right to burn and loot. The have the right to peacefully assemble and protest. When they stop being peaceful then they have nobody to blame but themselves for what will eventually happen! The average citizen is getting sick and tired of BLM and their tactics. They're fighting back and ironically it's going to be the Police that BLM will call on to protect them from harm!

Hey, do you know what we are sick of... black folks being shot for simple mistakes while white people can run amok with assault rifles shooting people.

That's what a lot of us are sick of.
I've read enough of your posts to know that I really don't care if you live or die...... I sure as hell don't care what you're "sick of".

You're just noise.

I've had JoeB131 and edthecynic on ignore for years now. Everyone now and then I peel back the hidden post to take a peek though lol.
Can't say I have any sympathy for rioters and arsonists.

Oh and I doubt the Kenosha PD gets a black eye. The rioters and arsonists might, but not the PD. In fact I'd say the citizens of Kenosha will applaud them and those militia members.
This whole thing is about narrative; they are trying to create one that serves their purposes and makes their opposition look bad.
But the time is fast approaching where no one cares anymore what they're saying, and what names they're called....... they just don't give a shit anymore. Not the cops, not the local business owners who are being burned out or looted, and not the local residents whose neighborhoods are being trashed and disrupted.

And when they no longer care what twitter trolls and CNN (same thing really) have to say about them, then they are free to deal with this shit as they feel appropriate.
You'll see endless sob stories about human filth like George Floyd and this latest fool in Kenosha who fought with cops and wound up with a bunch of slugs in his back.

But CNN or any of the other lying "journalists" will never say a word about the forty Americans who have
died in the riots so far at the hands of savage anarchist criminals.

They don't advance the lies. They don't matter.

What needs to be said.

If you kill someone during a riot, you will be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed. As you should be.

The same should happen with rogue cops who kill people because they are bullies and thugs.

Arrested. Yup. Prosecuted, maybe. Jailed? Not for this case.
When they put him in jail and it turns out he's white, which you said cannot happen, you're going to look completely ridiculous

They put him in jail the next day. NOT When he was walking down the street shooting people. And only after people checked social media and identified him by the nutty shit he put on Facebook.

so when they come to your house to burn it down, you will just walk out and let them, right? DUH

Who are they, exactly.

I can't see why a mob would want to burn my house, but if they did, I'm not going to be able to stop them with a gun. Oh, I might wound or kill one or two of them, but that'll just piss the rest of them off and then they'd REALLY want to burn my house.

And again- I have insurance.
What a pussy. (SMH)
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let's pretend i'm black

i wouldn't know what to do in order to not get shot

we blacks love America, but america doesn't love us back my friends

hey white people, just tell me what i have to do to not get shot!
let's pretend i'm black

i wouldn't know what to do in order to not get shot

we blacks love America, but america doesn't love us back my friends

hey white people, just tell me what i have to do to not get shot!
Stay home and stop looting dumb ass
I just don't have anything in my house I would consider worth killing a person over
Yeah, that would be you. You aren't worth defending either.
Joe's neighbor... neighbor-has-no-guns.jpg
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