Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

Looks like the citizens in Kenosha are fighting back...

The first guy he shot, was threatening property, I doubt you can kill over property in WI. The other guy he killed and the other guy he shot, was clearly self-defense, he should be good on those two, could be in real trouble on the first one.

“We Will NOT Stand for Looting, Arson, Violence and Lawlessness” – President Trump to Send Law Enforcement – National Guard to Kenosha
Actually, the guy that shot the video says that even the first shooting was because he was being attacked by a mob.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.

^^^ In my opinion, one of the best replies on this thread! :clap::clap::clap:

I second, third, and fourth this! Patriots who have ears to hear, let him hear.:thup:
Looks like the citizens in Kenosha are fighting back...

The first guy he shot, was threatening property, I doubt you can kill over property in WI. The other guy he killed and the other guy he shot, was clearly self-defense, he should be good on those two, could be in real trouble on the first one.

“We Will NOT Stand for Looting, Arson, Violence and Lawlessness” – President Trump to Send Law Enforcement – National Guard to Kenosha
He committed two crimes initially ... illegally possession of a firearm and murder. Others then tried to stop him, which was within their right, though not a good idea. Wisconsin law does not apply self defense to those in the commission of a crime. So I don't see him being able to rely on self defense for any of his shootings.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
I agree, there are some people who are a bit too giddy about shooting and killing people. Come on folks, this is not what its supposed to be about. I fully support the defense of property and your life, but we shouldn't be celebrating anyone losing their lives. This should be a somber occasion and a reminder of just how badly the system has broken down.

Having said that, to those who perpetrate the destruction and violence, you are not blameless. You had to know this was going to happen. People are only going to for so long, especially since it appears the protests have, in some areas, moved into the suburbs.

I don't understand this. You want to cause chaos for a bunch of normal people who had nothing to do with the death of any of these black men. Your beef is with the police and with the local government. Your grievances lie with them, and with them, it should be made known, peacefully!

Nobody should want death and pain, for anyone, but geez, you're not giving them much of a choice. Many of these people have put their lives, and everything they have into these businesses, and because of all the destruction, have lost everything. Insurance may not cover all of it. You have people who have seen what has happened in other cities, and when it comes to theirs, they are going to say "no way, its not going to happen to me".

You may think you have a right, but remember, the business you destroy is someone's means to feed and house their families.

We should all take a step back, and cool down.
Happy to...…. but are they?
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.

^^^ In my opinion, one of the best replies on this thread! :clap::clap::clap:

I second, third, and fourth this! Patriots who have ears to hear, let him hear.:thup:

like this

There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
I don't think you are at all qualified to decide that. I know you will anyway, and that's why we created professional law enforcement. Because otherwise, ignorant folks like you decided who got hung.

Cops don't protect us from criminals they protect the people who are accused of being criminals from the rest of us.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
You talk about murder but you have never killed anyone.

You are ignorant. And you are proving it, on this thread and others.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
Sniper Warfare.. The rioters will not even hear the shot that kills them. no where to hide since they have no idea where the shots came from.

The rioters will do the same. The problem is they are going to be murdering innocent civilians. Once violence begins it is extremely difficult to stop it. And since it seems the Dems feel it benefits them expect to see more of the same.
Interestingly Don Lemon on CNN told Cuomo that the looting and rioting must stop as it is causing them to lose the battle ground states.. He was pleading for the violence to stop... I think they just did the math and found they are losing the house of represenaives beacuse of the seats that those major cites hold that are now going to republicans...
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
I don't think you are at all qualified to decide that. I know you will anyway, and that's why we created professional law enforcement. Because otherwise, ignorant folks like you decided who got hung.
Again, so you say.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
You talk about murder but you have never killed anyone.

You are ignorant. And you are proving it, on this thread and others.
Dumbfuck, no one has to kill anyone to recognize murder when they see it. That's just retarded.

There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
You say that as though protesters and rioters won't show up armed next time.
So what if they do?

Remember the DC sniper? Maybe read up on the siege of Sarajevo?
If they can't tell where it came from, what are they going to do? Protest harder? Chant louder?
Why wouldn't the visibly armed ones in the mob be the best targets? As well as the ones looting? Or the ones setting fires?
If shot at, protesters and rioters will be able to shoot back.
At what?
If they don't know where the shot came from, what are they going to shoot back AT?

(You have never been shot at in your life, have you?)
Well like last night, somebody could have taken out that teen murderer before he had the chance to murder a second person.
Could have.....

Didn't though.

I see you have already decided he's guilty.
I've seen the videos and have not seen anything showing he's not guilty.
You talk about murder but you have never killed anyone.

You are ignorant. And you are proving it, on this thread and others.
Dumbfuck, no one has to kill anyone to recognize murder when they see it. That's just retarded.

Do you know when a killing is justified versus when it's murder or manslaughter?

If so, explain..... go ahead, break it down for me what elements must be in evidence.

I'll wait.
A calm rational Democrat chimes in
thats your educational systems and establishment medias end product ....great job idiots

Giving out bottled water to the shooter
Lets do this ?

OK if ya really want to I have a choice ? Get on the box car ?

They really dont see what is coming or know what they are asking for
God help us all

Twats like this volunteer to be "Community Social Workers” which will probably morph into their vigilante death squads...

Minneapolis is exploding again tonight over democrats and peacful protesters calling a suicide a police shooting

When the state doesn't act it delegitimizes itself

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