Thirty companies paid no income tax 2008-2010: report

Maybe because companies haven't been doing so well the last 3 years. There's a recession on, ya know?
So the solution is to tax the shit out of anyone who works hard and makes money?

Now that's a good question, exactly how tough were things anyway?
Maybe because companies haven't been doing so well the last 3 years. There's a recession on, ya know?
So the solution is to tax the shit out of anyone who works hard and makes money?

So the solution is to tax the shit out of anyone who works and doesn't make money?

That’s nothing, according to a 2005 G.A.O. report 66% of corporations pay no taxes, and of course G.E. made 14 billion last year and paid nothing. They get away with it by hiding their income in overseas tax havens like the Cayman Islands, not only do our lawmakers know it, they want to give those companies a tax holiday instead of outlawing the practice and making them pay every penny they owe!

There’s just no denying that our lawmakers are bought and sold like cattle on a meat market, or maybe more like stocks on Wall Street.
I think the Tea Party just proved that astroturfing is an effective way to push an agenda.

The same could be applied to OWS somewhat as well.

A lot of so-called grassroots efforts are just special interest groups that hire people to protest. It's not hard to see why either... In an environment where jobs are hard to come by, you could make a career out of astroturfing.

I've personally attended dozens of Tea Party one paid me to go nor any of the friends and neighbors I regularly went with. I've also been to the OWS protests...again, nobody paid me for that either. I have no evidence OWS or the TP is 'astroturfing'. Do you, other than someone the spewed forth from Pelosi's pie hole?

I guess you've never heard of the Koch brothers.

I have indeed, though I've never met them personally. From what I've read, they are Libertarians that donate money to causes they support. Are there not rich folks that do the same on all sides of the political spectrum? Do you have some evidence that they did something illegal, immoral or that they're paid to make the Tea Party happen? I'd love to see it.

As I stated, I PERSONALLY was never paid to attend or show support for the Tea Party, OWS or any other protest I've attended in my lifetime. So again, where is your evidence that either protest is 'astroturf'?
OWS is protesting GE's tax breaks?

For real?

Nobody in OWS could possibly say what, exactly, OWS is "protesting."

Personally, I am thrilled to hear that companies paid no taxes.

The corporate tax rate ought to be zero point zero zero percent.

I agree.. I'm not appalled by the average marginal corporate rate being at 18% or so.. I'm appalled that for similiar companies in the SAME industry that the rate varies from 0% to 30%... It shows how desparately we need to slap the politicians on the knuckles for playing favorites..

It's NOT the cash folks.. It's the fact that there are 535 thieves in DC who are ASKING for cash in exchange for power and influence. It's like blaming the father of the kidnap victim for offering cash to get his daughter back...

Even if you're NOT begging for handouts, you still have to protect yourself from politicians who feel it's their right to cut your COMPETITOR a break... The left has cause/effect ass backwards on this one...
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

That’s nothing, according to a 2005 G.A.O. report 66% of corporations pay no taxes, and of course G.E. made 14 billion last year and paid nothing. They get away with it by hiding their income in overseas tax havens like the Cayman Islands, not only do our lawmakers know it, they want to give those companies a tax holiday instead of outlawing the practice and making them pay every penny they owe!

There’s just no denying that our lawmakers are bought and sold like cattle on a meat market, or maybe more like stocks on Wall Street.

Our lawmakers are NOT the cattle.. They are the rustlers. They ASK for the money. THey would be handing out favors if for no other reason than to prefer a Company in THEIR district over one in somebody's elses district. The MONEY is not the proximate cause. It is the fact that the clowns can get away with it..

And I'm not fan of GE sucking on the GOVT -- but they don't NEED to hide income in the Caymans. They OPENLY keep it in Russia, in Europe, in China and whereever else they have LEGITIMATE business units.. It's a reality that they are a TRUE multinational. And they are legitimately making profits in countries that tax them on those profits. Where the US has no LEGITIMATE claim to tax it again.. Just reality, that sometimes to serve the WORLD -- you have to go to them.. And there are now faster growing portions of the world economy than the United States..
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

And that is the motto of the Left: stick it those more successful than I am.
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

What would you have us stick it to them for? They were only following the letter of the law, the tax code as written. In other words, their "excuse" is they obeyed the tax code...a pretty good excuse I'd say.

Hey, if you're for a flat tax with no deductions, make your case. Good luck, it's not as easy as you think.
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

And that is the motto of the Left: stick it those more successful than I am.

The fact is Perry’s flat tax would raise taxes for 90% of Americans to lower them for 10%. How can you justify supporting a candidate who wants to raise taxes for the vast majority of citizens and turn around and scream bloody murder about making corporations pay their taxes.

The fact is two thirds of corporations pay nothing according to a 2005 G.A.O. report, and they get away with it by hiding domestic profits in overseas tax havens. Not only do conservatives know it, Sarah Palin said on national T.V. that she wanted to give them a holiday!

How can you endorse raising taxes for 90% of Americans and oppose making those companies pay some of the taxes they owe?
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

And that is the motto of the Left: stick it those more successful than I am.

The fact is Perry’s flat tax would raise taxes for 90% of Americans to lower them for 10%. How can you justify supporting a candidate who wants to raise taxes for the vast majority of citizens and turn around and scream bloody murder about making corporations pay their taxes.

The fact is two thirds of corporations pay nothing according to a 2005 G.A.O. report, and they get away with it by hiding domestic profits in overseas tax havens. Not only do conservatives know it, Sarah Palin said on national T.V. that she wanted to give them a holiday!

How can you endorse raising taxes for 90% of Americans and oppose making those companies pay some of the taxes they owe?

That's NOT a "fact." It is a mere claim. A contention.

It is not conceded to be honest or accurate.
Maybe it's time to fire the current "Jobs Czar?" How much taxes has GE paid lately? And the only jobs GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has created are Chinese jobs. So he's really China's "Jobs Czar" in the end. Lets start with getting rid of him.
Well I say its time to Stick it to those companies. I paid my taxes, what is their excuse. End all tax loopholes for all companies and make em pay and punish them to the gills if they dont. To the gills!

And that is the motto of the Left: stick it those more successful than I am.

The fact is Perry’s flat tax would raise taxes for 90% of Americans to lower them for 10%. How can you justify supporting a candidate who wants to raise taxes for the vast majority of citizens and turn around and scream bloody murder about making corporations pay their taxes.

The fact is two thirds of corporations pay nothing according to a 2005 G.A.O. report, and they get away with it by hiding domestic profits in overseas tax havens. Not only do conservatives know it, Sarah Palin said on national T.V. that she wanted to give them a holiday!

How can you endorse raising taxes for 90% of Americans and oppose making those companies pay some of the taxes they owe?

Nothing that I bolded in your quote above is true.. 2/3s of ALL CORPORATIONS? Prove that..

And they are not "HIDING" anything overseas. They have legitimately opened foreign subsidiaries that are legally paying taxes to OTHER countries. And the products produced are LARGELY to serve that foreign market segment. You can't prohibit MultiNationals from doing that without losing about 20% of OUR JOBS and tax INCOMES from FOREIGN companies doing business in the UNITED STATES.

Want to lose Toyota, Nestle, Nissan, Shell, providing goods and services into OUR economy? Are they HIDING their profits HERE in the USA? No they are not...
These companies are using the legal loopholes. Nothing they are doing is illegal. Its actually very smart on their part.

Get rid of the tax loopholes.

Do that and they will then have to pay taxes.
Why should companies pay taxes?

It only serves to raise the cost of goods and services.

The "cost" of taxing any company is always passed along to the consumers.

So when you ass-hat libbies insist on making companies pay more taxes, you are actually asking for consumers to pay higher costs.


Why do you ass-hats liberals hate American jobs?

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