This Broke My Heart :(

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Poor woman. This wasn't her fault as it was a complete accident. I wish I could just give her a HUGE hug right now. I was close to tears watching this and hearing her story. :(

Kids can come out of literally NOWHERE..........doesn't matter if you are driving through the country, in the city, or in the suburbs......they are hidden by parked cars, bushes, walls, fences, trees, and even shadows. They don't think when running into a street. They don't stop, they don't look. And the "law" doesn't give a damn about preventative measures.

As for Baldwin..........he's got his comeuppance finally.........unfortunately a woman had to die in order for him to get it.
Kids can come out of literally NOWHERE..........doesn't matter if you are driving through the country, in the city, or in the suburbs......they are hidden by parked cars, bushes, walls, fences, trees, and even shadows. They don't think when running into a street. They don't stop, they don't look. And the "law" doesn't give a damn about preventative measures.

As for Baldwin..........he's got his comeuppance finally.........unfortunately a woman had to die in order for him to get it.

Not sure what you mean with Baldwin as that was an accident too,.. but this more about what that poor woman has to go through. I feel SO bad for her right now, she seems like such a sweetheart. Poor thing. :(
Not sure what you mean with Baldwin as that was an accident too,.. but this more about what that poor woman has to go through. I feel SO bad for her right now, she seems like such a sweetheart. Poor thing. :(

Yes. The woman should have been told she could have made "self reparations" to the child on her own behalf by donating time to orphanages, being a foster mother, or donating money to a childrens home on a regular basis in the kids name.

It won't take away the guilt, but it would make her feel a bit less guilty, seeing as she is doing what she can for less fortunate kids.

As for Baldwin. I doubt it was an accident. He is supposed to be a "veteran actor". Veteran actors double check their props, wardrobes, and scene markers before filming. Baldwin knew better.......especially seeing as they had live ammo in stock on set, and what has happened to many other actors that have been killed or maimed by live ammo on set. He KNOWS better!!

And from what I've been reading from other on set sources to this movie, they already had some close calls and "accidents" with other weapons on set.

In the age of CGI and realistic fake weapons........there was NO reason to have REAL guns on set, much less LIVE ammunition!!
As for Baldwin. I doubt it was an accident. He is supposed to be a "veteran actor". Veteran actors double check their props, wardrobes, and scene markers before filming. Baldwin knew better.......especially seeing as they had live ammo in stock on set, and what has happened to many other actors that have been killed or maimed by live ammo on set. He KNOWS better!!

I'm not saying that he shouldn't have known better, but I still don't think he meant to kill anyone. Of course only he and God knows for sure.

I smacked a mexican with my tow mirror way back when.

Lord forgive me for laughing at this but LMAO I hope the guy was okay,.. but just the way it was said made me :laughing0301:
I'm not saying that he shouldn't have known better, but I still don't think he meant to kill anyone. Of course only he and God knows for sure.

Lord forgive me for laughing at this but LMAO I hope the guy was okay,.. but just the way it was said made me :laughing0301:

I pulled into a driveway of a business with the thought of going back and checking on him but I saw him climb out of the ditch on the side of the road and said Hell No I'm not going back to get the shit sued out of me by some illegal.
Went on to work and pulled the dent out of my door by grabbing the tow mirror and giving it a good yank.
I still wonder today how it turned out for him. At best I know his shoulder hurt like a Mofo for a few days.
This would be my worst nightmare. I come down a road with a lot of elementary school aged kids on it and a lot of cars parked on either side of the road. I always go annoyingly slow on the bottom half of the street because there are so many little ones in that stretch playing in unfenced yards you never know what might result in one of them absently minded running into the street to catch a ball or frisbee or something.
I pulled into a driveway of a business with the thought of going back and checking on him but I saw him climb out of the ditch on the side of the road and said Hell No I'm not going back to get the shit sued out of me by some illegal.
Went on to work and pulled the dent out of my door by grabbing the tow mirror and giving it a good yank.
I still wonder today how it turned out for him. At best I know his shoulder hurt like a Mofo for a few days.

Stop it, you're killing me! :laughing0301:
Kids can come out of literally NOWHERE..........doesn't matter if you are driving through the country, in the city, or in the suburbs......they are hidden by parked cars, bushes, walls, fences, trees, and even shadows. They don't think when running into a street. They don't stop, they don't look. And the "law" doesn't give a damn about preventative measures.

As for Baldwin..........he's got his comeuppance finally.........unfortunately a woman had to die in order for him to get it.

I don't understand why Baldwin is even a part of this discussion. It's certainly not part of the point.
Just click bait, I can only assume.
I don't understand why Baldwin is even a part of this discussion. It's certainly not part of the point.
Just click bait, I can only assume.

Well, I didn't do it. I was just commenting on the woman in the video and responding to what other people were saying about other incidents.
Well, I didn't do it. I was just commenting on the woman in the video and responding to what other people were saying about other incidents.

I understand. I'm not attacking you in any ways.

I was a trucker for many many years. Over 2 million paid miles under my belt. And hitting an animal always gave me a sick feeling in my gut for days. To this day, there's many of those animals that I still remembers.
I can't imagine hitting a child. That would be misery for me, for the rest of my life.
The trials and tribulations of living in a border state.
Personally I'd rather hit a mexican than a dog. At least a dog has some value.

I love doggies but yeah just the fact that you pointed out that it was a Mexican really made me LOL but now all the snowflakes are probably going to call us racists. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: If you're Mexican and you come into The United States legally then it's great to have you here with us. If not, go ahead and take 45,000 dollars and go fuck yourself. Thank you for your attention.
I love doggies but yeah just the fact that you pointed out that it was a Mexican really made me LOL but now all the snowflakes are probably going to call us racists. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: If you're Mexican and you come into The United States legally then it's great to have you here with us. If not, go ahead and take 45,000 dollars and go fuck yourself. Thank you for your attention.

Meh...I've been called worse.
And they cant call me a racist since I was engaged to an Hispanic girl way back in the day.
Of course Linda was born here and her father was in the US Navy so they say that doesn't count.....somehow.

The Wife and I had two weekend places on the S. Llano River which is about 100 miles from the border.
They used to break into our place looking for whatever they could steal. We started putting a dozen or so cans of food,a can opener and a bottle of tequila on the porch to keep em from breaking in. It worked for the most part.
I eventually moved there and the illegal mexicans would come up to the house begging for food and water.
I would tell them to go a couple of miles up the river to a house I would describe to them and he'd help you out.
It was the County Sheriff's house and he'd promptly call the border patrol to come and pick them up.
When I eventually told the local Sheriff it was me sending em them his way he laughed so hard he started crying.


I smacked a mexican with my tow mirror way back when.
It was around 5AM and I was on a two lane road heading to work,he was wearing all black and riding a bike with no reflectors.
He was lucky I saw him at the last second or he would have been a hood ornament.
I came close a while ago. Same thing: dark clothing, no reflectors, no lights...if not for my Caddy's high-power driving lights, I'd have hit him.
I came close a while ago. Same thing: dark clothing, no reflectors, no lights...if not for my Caddy's high-power driving lights, I'd have hit him.

As sad as it would have been, some people are just plain stupid. :rolleyes: (I'm talking about the other person btw, not you.)

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