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This country is doomed, not just because African Americans, but because the country will be minority white by 2040??????

Enjoy the ride. Payback's a bitch, ain't it.

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Say, do we get to teach kids native Indians enslaved other Indians and blacks enslaved blacks? Why not?

WTF are we supposedly not being taught, besides that? Just because you assholes are ignorant doesn't mean everyone else is. Get over yourselves. Not a one of you were former slaves.
That old tired racist shit is dead. Blacks don't commit 35 percent of the crime and 7 out of every 10 arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started in the very beginning of this country. You have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the making, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country and that includes alcohol. Whites made the most destructive drug legal so they could make their addiction to it legal and I am talking about alcohol. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of life savings to the tune of several trillion. Whites control the manufacture, shipping, sales and distribution of deadly weapons in this country. So just shut the fuck up with that 13 percent bullshit saltine.

ONE example IM2:

According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known. Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.

Imagine that IM2, blacks account for 13% of the population yet 56% of the homicides. All cuz of the white man, right IM2?
Say, do we get to teach kids native Indians enslaved other Indians and blacks enslaved blacks? Why not?

WTF are we supposedly not being taught, besides that? Just because you assholes are ignorant doesn't mean everyone else is. Get over yourselves. Not a one of you were former slaves.
Yep, you get to teach that. And the children will learn how blacks purchased their spouses, children and parents and basically freed them from slavery by using the system. You need to quit while you behind son, because you make comments and you're talking to people who know what went on.
Patriotic Americans of all races, creeds and colors play, love and work together. We have suffered racists since our inception because racism is typical around the world. The Founders overcame their own, inbred racism to create a Constitution that gave individual rights to everyone regardless of race, creed and color. Slavery was always the elephant in the room but it's ugly head emerged and caused the Civil War which, sadly, was probably inevitable given the Constitution stood opposed to slavery and racism. Is America perfect? No, however, people of all races, creeds, colors have always wanted to come here because our Constitution basically promotes individual achievement and endeavors to offer equal opportunity which is vastly superior than the guarantee of equal outcome.
ONE example IM2:

According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known. Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.

Imagine that IM2, blacks account for 13% of the population yet 56% of the homicides. All cuz of the white man, right IM2?
There are 30 categories of crime listed in the UCR. Whites lead in 27 every year. You have chosen the victimization survey and you picked one crime out of 30. So let's look at the truth.

First lets look at your cherry picked category using the 2019 FBI Expanded homicide data.


This shows that more Whites were killed by other whites than blacks who killed each other.

You really shouldn't cherrypick things because that survery doesn't tell anything.

So now let's look at arrests.


These are the categories blacks led in:


These are the categories whites led in:


It's just time to shut that 13 percent bullshit up.
Patriotic Americans of all races, creeds and colors play, love and work together. We have suffered racists since our inception because racism is typical around the world. The Founders overcame their own, inbred racism to create a Constitution that gave individual rights to everyone regardless of race, creed and color. Slavery was always the elephant in the room but it's ugly head emerged and caused the Civil War which, sadly, was probably inevitable given the Constitution stood opposed to slavery and racism. Is America perfect? No, however, people of all races, creeds, colors have always wanted to come here because our Constitution basically promotes individual achievement and endeavors to offer equal opportunity which is vastly superior than the guarantee of equal outcome.
Bullshit. The constitution had to be amended to stop 7nsuring outcomes for whites and still todays laws and policies are made to insure the best outcomes for whites. The constitution did not stand against slavery or racism since both were legal and the constitution is the supreme law of the land. The so-called founders did none of what you claimed. Half of them owned slaves and one, Robert Morris, owned a slave shipping company.
ONE example IM2:

According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known. Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.

Imagine that IM2, blacks account for 13% of the population yet 56% of the homicides. All cuz of the white man, right IM2?
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
The problem is that Moynihan was wrong. And multiple studies haven't confirmed anything. This is a false narrative racists want to believe but black poverty has consistently been at least twice that of whites since slavery ended. Even when white racists and sellouts claim blacks had traditional families the same problems existed. So that having children out of wedlock crap is garbage. Yes Lisa is way far gone and your asian ass is too. The non black commentary on the black community really needs to end if you aren't going to honetly look at the impact of CONTINUING white racism.
You have no clue what you are babbling about---blacks have always had more kids out of wedlock..since atleast the early 1900's.

This rebuttal is used to downplay black America’s outrage and it’s sad to say, the stat’s are unfairly true — what’s more concerning is that it’s unfairly used. Whether the stats are true or not, it’s insensitive to use statistics to indirectly tell a parent that the unjustifiable acts by the police against their child is justified…

Let’s quickly revisit the stats:



Number of people shot to death by the police in the US from 2017 to 2020, by race (Source: Statista.com)
  • White: 457 (2017) | 399 (2018) | 370 (2019) | 172 (2020*)
  • Black: 223 (2017) | 209 (2018) | 235 (2019) | 88 (2020*)
As the stats show, white people have been leading for 3 years straight and this makes it seem like the narrative of black lives matter is an exaggeration. However, there are 3 major problems when you use stats like this as a response to police brutality on black Americans…

Problem 1: The US population​

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the recorded US population in 2019 was 328.2 million and they’ve also stated that white people make up 60.4% while African Americans represent only 13.4%. Here’s the problem…

You can make the case that African Americans would be leading in police deaths if their population size is half of White Americans. The 2019 stats would look like this:

  • White Americans killed by police shooting: 370 (60.4% of US population)
  • Black Americans killed by police shooting: 530 (30.2% of US population)
Another statistical response is the percentage of races killed by police shootings based on their population size — the average deaths by police shooting from 2017–2020 divided by the race population size shows a higher percentage for black people. Here’s the results:

White Americans

  • Population: 198,232,800
  • Avg. killed by police: 349.5
  • Percentage: 0.00017631%
Black Americans

  • Population: 43,978,800
  • Avg. killed by police: 188.75
  • Percentage: 0.00042918%
Based on this, African Americans are 2.4x more likely to be killed by police than their white brothers and sisters.

I listened to the call. And in good right wing racist fashion, a part of what was said was cherrypicked and taken out of context. Biden was talking to black leaders and he went over a lot of things whereby he showed his support for issues in the black community.

President-elect Biden's Call with Civil Rights Leaders​

All of these are people trump refused to talk to.

What was left out of this disingenuous bullshit was Biden saying,

"If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity this country is doomed".

He said this beginning at 1hr 14minutes and 28 seconds in the video. Funny how that was left out.

And he is not saying anything I or the other blacks, Native Americans and sane non racist whites have not already said.
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Wrong. Again white females have benefitted most from these policies and stupid white women such as Lisa talk this crazy shit. Furthermore she ignores the complete continuing record of white racial preference in admission, in hiring and about everthing else.
OMG. White racial preference in admissions? It’s statistically proven that blacks are accepted into higher education programs with grades and scores SIGNIFICANTLY lower than those of whites who are rejected.
As for white racial preference in hiring, that might depend upon where you live. I live in a liberal city, and unfortunately worked in a liberal company. Blacks, gays, and Latinos were promoted above much more qualified whites to the point where the management was screwing up royally and the whites skipped over had to rescue everything.

And that’s not to say that blacks are never qualified. The man in the next office was brilliant, and he deserved his promotion. But overall, race was a big factor in determining who got promotions - much like Biden insisted he would only appoint a black as VP.
Say, do we get to teach kids native Indians enslaved other Indians and blacks enslaved blacks? Why not?

WTF are we supposedly not being taught, besides that? Just because you assholes are ignorant doesn't mean everyone else is. Get over yourselves. Not a one of you were former slaves.
Agree. This insistence on blaming whites for everything wrong in CERTAIN parts of the black community is going to get them nowhere. They need to face that the high OOW birthrate in the ghetto is perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

And I say CERTAIN because - shockers! - most blacks are lower-middle class (or better), as are most whites. But these activist blacks and self-loathing leftist whites don’t want people to know that - they want people to think blacks are all downtrodden victims being oppressed by whites. And it’s being driven by disdain and contempt, as witnessed by the oft-repeated comment that “it’s payback time” for the whites.
And here’s another racist black who admits this is all about payback to innocent whites because some other white people, totally unrelated, owned slaves 150 years ago. Shows that CRT brainwashing IS anti-white, and designed to promote hostility to white people.
Poverty hits blacks harder because they/you have higher numbers of high school and lower school drop outs, higher teen pregnancy, higher welfare, lower intelligence for your breeders, higher drug and alcohol abuse, worship criminals, having a higher rate of incarcination, worse work ethic, have a lack of family support---you have larger families that don't sacrifice like other races do for the next generation--the next generation exists for welfare and attention, and blame everyone else but yourselves when you fail. Blacks who don't do these things---have more successful families and lives just like everyone else.
Absolutely. And that’s the obvious “secret” the activist blacks and self-loathing whites want to keep hidden. All it takes is ONE generation to move out of poverty by making the right choices:

Of below-average intelligence? Just graduate high school and don’t have a baby before marriage. You won’t be middle class, but you won’t be in poverty, either.

Of average intelligence? Do the above, but then take advantage of free community college or vocational training (via Pell Grants) to learn more of a trade. You will be lower-middle class, if you choose your program wisely.

Of above-average intelligence? Ah! Now you can ace your Community college program, making sure it’s academic in nature, and win academic scholarships to the state u. Combined with Pell Grants, the majority of tuition is covered. Any remaining can be made up with a small loan. Bam. You’re middle class.

Of significantly above intelligence? Do all the above, choosing a STEM and then work for a company that has tuition reimbursement to go to grad school at night. You will spend the majority of your adult life in the upper-middle class.

it can all be done in a single generation. And due to affirmative action, blacks are given preference via the education route.
1. Of course, I do not know whether Mr. Biden's words were taken out of context.

2. But since a message board is where we ordinary folks can blow off steam (in a civil manner, of course), I feel that Mr. Biden's words were accurate.

3. I believe that it is in the best interest of all African Americans, Asian Americans, Caucasian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans (l listed them in alphabetical order!) that this nation remain a Caucasian-majority nation.

4. I realize, however, that it will NOT.

5. So I agree with those other posters who say or imply that the United States of America has a very gloomy future.
And here’s another racist black who admits this is all about payback to innocent whites because some other white people, totally unrelated, owned slaves 150 years ago. Shows that CRT brainwashing IS anti-white, and designed to promote hostility to white people.
No, that's not how it works. Whites like you exist now with the same attitude. The truth of history should be told and whites just don't get to tell everbody how they created everything and nobody else did anything. You don't know what CRT is and what we oppose are racist whites such as you.
No, that's not how it works. Whites like you exist now with the same attitude. The truth of history should be told and whites just don't get to tell everbody how they created everything and nobody else did anything. You don't know what CRT is and what we oppose are racist whites such as you.
The truth of history is being told. We all learned about slavery and Jim Crow in high school.

And you just said upthread that it’s payback time for whites. Your attitude toward whitey is racist. Unless whitey says that ALL problems in the black community, in 2021, is all due to systemic racism, and that blacks in the ghetto don’t have one iota of responsibility for their own situation, he’s considered a racist.

Say tell us again how thrilled you are that it’s payback time for whites, and then accuse other people of racism.

BTW, I knew an activist black who spouted the same stuff you are, and he was a member of Farakhann’s Nation of Islam. You too?
No, that's not how it works. Whites like you exist now with the same attitude. The truth of history should be told and whites just don't get to tell everbody how they created everything and nobody else did anything. You don't know what CRT is and what we oppose are racist whites such as you.
And P.S. What about what I just outlined above - the simple steps to get out of poverty - the ghetto for blacks - in a single generation? Unwilling to acknowledge if the poor* blacks did the most basic things - like finish high school and don’t have babies they can’t afford - they’d move out of poverty?

* Most blacks are in the middle class, something racist blacks such as yourself don’t want to admit and self-loathing liberal whites don’t even know.

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