This country is seriously fucked

see what pumping fear as a poltical tool does?

The right wanted Americans to be driven by fear after 911.

It helped them sell wars on lies and get more republicans elected

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. We actually get attacked, several times, by Muslims and that is something you apparently do not take seriously, like Clinton did.

But GW now that gets your shorts in a knot. Simply amazing.

Like Clinton did? The way I remember it, every time he did something the Republicans screamed "wag the dog", "bombed an aspirin factory" or "killed a few camels". They were the ones that weren't serious. They were more interested in a consensual blow job. It continued into the Bush administration when in early 2001 Powell and Rice went around saying that Saddam WASN'T a threat. Boy did that tune change after 9/11, when their boss decided here was his chance to settle a score. But now we're supposed to worry about a few drone strikes after all those deaths?!?!

[ame=]Saddam had NO WMDs as stated by Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice in 2001 - YouTube[/ame]
see what pumping fear as a poltical tool does?

The right wanted Americans to be driven by fear after 911.

It helped them sell wars on lies and get more republicans elected

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. We actually get attacked, several times, by Muslims and that is something you apparently do not take seriously, like Clinton did.

But GW now that gets your shorts in a knot. Simply amazing.

You do realize that the first attack on the twin towers happened about a month into Clintons term right?

Then when He went after OBL in response the right screamed WAG THE DOG.

Your party sat on the intell that the clinton admin had gathered and ignored it, then Boom 9 months later we had 911

If clinton had kept his dick in his pants nothing could have been said.
He put himself in position to be black mailed and he lost credibility.Not a good position for a president to put himself or his country in.
Thats why character matters. But I guess for someone who has no character it's a little tough to see it.
I don't know what else to say when 45% of Americans and 44% of Democrats want to give the government the power to target American citizens with drones on American soil without any judicial review or due process at all.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....that sentiment was voiced, when BU$HCO decided they were entitled to view everyone's e-mail.

Maybe the "conservative"-response applies, here, as well......



"If you're not doing anything, wrong, what're you WORRIED-about???"

Ame®icano;6906555 said:
If there is a terrorist on U.S. soil and we know in fact that is a terrorist, why to send a drone? Why don't we use those 2700 MARP's along with 1.6 billion bullets to simply catch him?

The real reason, in my opinion, for the type of questions asked is to soften us to the use of drones. As I posted yesterday they are building, modifying, a base just for drones in California, why? It is softening us, all they need is an attack somewhere and that will be their pretext for taking us to total control. The question is, will our enlisted men fight against their own people. I am sure they are being indoctrinated right now in the threat that ex military men pose to the country.
Obama already killed Americans without intimate threat or due process, and yes, no one cared on the left.


That's what I've been waiting to hear. What's the body count?

Three for sure but I think four that we know of:

But the most controversial drone strike took place on Oct. 14, 2011, when 16-year-old Abdulrahman was killed by U.S. forces.

Family of the Denver-born teenager say he had no ties to terrorist organizations and was unjustly targeted because of his father.
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Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. We actually get attacked, several times, by Muslims and that is something you apparently do not take seriously, like Clinton did.

But GW now that gets your shorts in a knot. Simply amazing.

You do realize that the first attack on the twin towers happened about a month into Clintons term right?

Then when He went after OBL in response the right screamed WAG THE DOG.

Your party sat on the intell that the clinton admin had gathered and ignored it, then Boom 9 months later we had 911

If clinton had kept his dick in his pants nothing could have been said.
He put himself in position to be black mailed and he lost credibility.Not a good position for a president to put himself or his country in.
Thats why character matters. But I guess for someone who has no character it's a little tough to see it.

Actually while disgusting what he did with Monica in the Oval Office, it was not an impeachable offense. When he lied under oath that is what he was impeached for. He also lost his law license for 5 years and settled, lost, a huge civil suit.
You do realize that the first attack on the twin towers happened about a month into Clintons term right?

Then when He went after OBL in response the right screamed WAG THE DOG.

Your party sat on the intell that the clinton admin had gathered and ignored it, then Boom 9 months later we had 911

If clinton had kept his dick in his pants nothing could have been said.
He put himself in position to be black mailed and he lost credibility.Not a good position for a president to put himself or his country in.
Thats why character matters. But I guess for someone who has no character it's a little tough to see it.

Actually while disgusting what he did with Monica in the Oval Office, it was not an impeachable offense. When he lied under oath that is what he was impeached for. He also lost his law license for 5 years and settled, lost, a huge civil suit.

Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......
I don't know what else to say when 45% of Americans and 44% of Democrats want to give the government the power to target American citizens with drones on American soil without any judicial review or due process at all.


Sad isn't it? Guess what, it doesn't get much better if they ask if the president should have the power to do this on his own.


Sorry about the picture being so small, the full poll is here. It turns out that this entire country loves drones, and almost no one cares if it kills a few innocents because that is better, and easier, than making sure we get the right person.

80% of the republicans APPROVE OF THE DRONE KILLINGS.

Odd that your post failed to note that.

30. Do you approve or disapprove of the United States using unmanned aircraft called drones to kill a suspected terrorist in a foreign country?

...............Total.. Dem...Rep... Ind
Approve....74%. 69%... 80%.. 73%
Disapprove.22%.. 27% ..16% ..21%
(Don'tknow)4% .....3% ......3% ..6%​
If clinton had kept his dick in his pants nothing could have been said.
He put himself in position to be black mailed and he lost credibility.Not a good position for a president to put himself or his country in.
Thats why character matters. But I guess for someone who has no character it's a little tough to see it.

Actually while disgusting what he did with Monica in the Oval Office, it was not an impeachable offense. When he lied under oath that is what he was impeached for. He also lost his law license for 5 years and settled, lost, a huge civil suit.

Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......

Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.
I don't know what else to say when 45% of Americans and 44% of Democrats want to give the government the power to target American citizens with drones on American soil without any judicial review or due process at all.


Sad isn't it? Guess what, it doesn't get much better if they ask if the president should have the power to do this on his own.


Sorry about the picture being so small, the full poll is here. It turns out that this entire country loves drones, and almost no one cares if it kills a few innocents because that is better, and easier, than making sure we get the right person.

80% of the republicans APPROVE OF THE DRONE KILLINGS.

Odd that your post failed to note that.

30. Do you approve or disapprove of the United States using unmanned aircraft called drones to kill a suspected terrorist in a foreign country?

...............Total.. Dem...Rep... Ind
Approve....74%. 69%... 80%.. 73%
Disapprove.22%.. 27% ..16% ..21%
(Don'tknow)4% .....3% ......3% ..6%​

The point is AMERICAN citizens IN AMERICA and by extention Americans abroad. So try and stay on point. 41 percent of democrats said it was OK to kill Americans in America only by the say so of the POTUS, that should scare you. One day you might be standing next to a Tea Party grandma when the POTUS decides to take that threat out.

Isn't question 30 like asking if you approve of using an F16???
Actually while disgusting what he did with Monica in the Oval Office, it was not an impeachable offense. When he lied under oath that is what he was impeached for. He also lost his law license for 5 years and settled, lost, a huge civil suit.

Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......

Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.

That's hardly an excuse for the Republicans to ignore the safety of the country. What does any of that have to do with them denigrating everything Clinton did to try and stop terrorism?
Actually while disgusting what he did with Monica in the Oval Office, it was not an impeachable offense. When he lied under oath that is what he was impeached for. He also lost his law license for 5 years and settled, lost, a huge civil suit.

Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......

Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.

The sad thing is ....I miss the good ol days with clinton. Compared to obama he was genius.
And I have to admit. If I was the pres I'm not sure I could resist that temptation.
It must have been pretty heady.....:eusa_silenced:
I don't know what else to say when 45% of Americans and 44% of Democrats want to give the government the power to target American citizens with drones on American soil without any judicial review or due process at all.
BUHCO decided they were entitled to view everyone's e-mail.

Maybe the conservative response applies, here, as well

"If you're not doing anything, wrong, what're you WORRIED-about???"


Only a left wing liberal who belongs to the Democrat Party would equate reading emails to killing American citizens, in America or elsewhere.
Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......

Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.

The sad thing is ....I miss the good ol days with clinton. Compared to obama he was genius.
And I have to admit. If I was the pres I'm not sure I could resist that temptation.
It must have been pretty heady.....:eusa_silenced:

In my opinion you miss the Republican Congress. Clinton damaged this country that were unseen until now.
Technically yes,he was impeached for perjuring himself. But if he'd kept his dick in his pants he wouldn't have to lie about it. I suppose he could have just come out and admitted it. But that goes back to the character thing. Which he'd already proved to be lacking in.
And around and around it goes......

Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.

That's hardly an excuse for the Republicans to ignore the safety of the country. What does any of that have to do with them denigrating everything Clinton did to try and stop terrorism?

I am not sure what is being denigrated? He didn't do much in my opinon. Maybe 72 days of terror bombing Serbia??
Not arguing but discussing the details. Had Clinton not sexually harrasshed so many women then none of what happened would have happened. It was not Monica that brought suit she merely was the reason he was caught lying. Why his lying was important was because his past boorish behavior was in question. It was Paula Jones that brought suit and settled for a large sum of money. I am not surprised at how many democrats don't know the facts of what happened. All they keep chanting is that it was over a BJ in the Oval office, which is very far from the truth.

That's hardly an excuse for the Republicans to ignore the safety of the country. What does any of that have to do with them denigrating everything Clinton did to try and stop terrorism?

I am not sure what is being denigrated? He didn't do much in my opinon. Maybe 72 days of terror bombing Serbia??

He bombed Afghanistan, Iraq and the Sudan, too. That's what I was talking about. Serbia was another story. The action over Kosovo didn't cost a single American life. :clap2:

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