This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Perhaps Dimwingers should have accepted the results of the 2016 election like grown ups.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
It all started with the “Less Filling, Tastes Great” division over Miller Lite in the 1980s. We haven’t recovered.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?
Newt and Tom Delay ushered the crazy in with their contract on America, and the right wing crazies have expanded it since then.
Actually you need to go back to the 60s and 70s, many of my generation never moderated their hard left stances then got elected from dog catcher up to president though some had moderated a bit by then. Then came the outward expression of tribalism from both sides while they worked to keep the status quo as much as possible on the inside. The election of Obama energized the hard right making tribalism the norm in both parties inside and out, Trump is a direct result of all that, people were fed up and wanted an outsider to shake up the status quo, the hard right wanted him to undo everything they blamed Obama and all past presidents since Reagan for. The hard left were stunned by Trumps win as they saw all their hard won gains placed in jeopardy and have entrenched themselves even deeper into tribalism. It's a vicious cycle fueled by both sides.

Nah, tRump appeals to the racists and misogynists.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

I don't know how we are going to come together but we have to find a way.

United we stand. Divided we fall.
You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?

no, i can't. :(
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

I think it has more to do with hyper partisanship than anything else.

Here's a good read:

America Is Now the Divided Republic the Framers Feared

The big question is: Can it be fixed, or is it too late?
The author definitely put it better than I did.
Newt and Tom Delay ushered the crazy in with their contract on America, and the right wing crazies have expanded it since then.
Actually you need to go back to the 60s and 70s, many of my generation never moderated their hard left stances then got elected from dog catcher up to president though some had moderated a bit by then. Then came the outward expression of tribalism from both sides while they worked to keep the status quo as much as possible on the inside. The election of Obama energized the hard right making tribalism the norm in both parties inside and out, Trump is a direct result of all that, people were fed up and wanted an outsider to shake up the status quo, the hard right wanted him to undo everything they blamed Obama and all past presidents since Reagan for. The hard left were stunned by Trumps win as they saw all their hard won gains placed in jeopardy and have entrenched themselves even deeper into tribalism. It's a vicious cycle fueled by both sides.

Nah, tRump appeals to the racists and misogynists.
And there is tribalism raising it ugly head.
How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

Simple shit...100 million wetbacks...some illegal, most with illegal roots and riding on stolen citizenships NOT issued by We The People.
Forced diversity and multiculturalism will ruin any nation.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

I think it has more to do with hyper partisanship than anything else.

Here's a good read:

America Is Now the Divided Republic the Framers Feared

The big question is: Can it be fixed, or is it too late?

Too Late. Too many are figuratively eating the tRump industry Soylent Green.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Our nation is divided because the Oligarchy that runs everything from the government to the media to academia, wants us divided. The billionaires run the show along with a bunch of psychopathic neocons.

If the people were united, these jackasses know their toast.

^^^ THIS. They want us divided. It’s all about distracting people from what’s really happening by keeping us busy fighting each other. Divide and conquer.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

That's easy, there are too many different people with different values in it. There are Americans, and then... quarter of Mexico...

The democrats want the country to be something other than America while Americans do not agree.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

I think it has more to do with hyper partisanship than anything else.

Here's a good read:

America Is Now the Divided Republic the Framers Feared

The big question is: Can it be fixed, or is it too late?
The author definitely put it better than I did.

I could not have come close to explaining it as well as he did.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?

no, i can't. :(
And now that you have been enlightened - filled with the knowledge that believing something does not make it so - will you open your mind to the truth or just crawl back into your bubble?

With apologies to R Reagan:
It's not only that our leftists are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what the "know" just ain't so.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

let's take a look at something. it could be a coincidence, but I doubt it. Let's look at the real John Birch Society.

I pointed this out during Rumps campaign but of course, I was labeled as a kook. The similarities between his methods and the methods used by the originator of the Bircher organization in 1958 by Robert Welch JR.. What should not be surprising is, one of the founding members was Fred Trump, Donald Trumps Father. Trump was raised in a JBS household. And that is not a normal rearing. In the 60s through the 80s, the Koch Brothers heavily bankrolled the JBS but due to recent behavior, the Koch Brothers severed all ties. This is why the JBS all but died out in the late 80s. But it still was around. It infiltrated and took over the Tea Party Movement. I remember when I joined the newly minted Tea party Movement, it had some very lofty ideals. But all of a sudden, it changed to a hate organization and I couldn't support the leaders that emerged. it went from "Everyone is Welcome" and "Everyone is Equal" to a "Whites Only" group. I didn't understand it at the time but I knew I had to no longer associate with it. A lot of others couldn't either.

If you believe that the JBS is for all races, religions, colors and.... You would be wrong. It's a far right wing group that is white. On the website (I won't give you the site because I don't think they need any free advertising) it all sounds so good. But as you get into it deeper as a member,, you find that it's an all white, one religion type organization that has very narrow views. I won't say it's a cult but it sure borders on one.

I believe what we have is a version of it in Rump who was raised as a Bircher. If you think that it's odd that someone with very deep pockets would be a bircher you should understand that the founding members were pillars of the uber rich Corporate Leaders who were extremely pissed that they couldn't control Dwight D Eisenhower. They went after Ike with a vengeance. They tried to paint him as a Communist, thief and worse. But the problem was, the American People trusted Ike far more than they did the founding members of the JBS. They had already failed with the Dirty Rotten Truman and just knew the Republican would see things their way. When that failed, they formed the John Birch Society. And, as I stated, one of the founding Members was Fred Trump. And when the Father is a Bircher, all the family are birchers.

The methods you see coming from the Party of the Rump are right out of the classic JBS playbook. They have classes that teach it. Another thing they teach is how to be successful which might explain why many Birchers are so damned successful. So it's not all bad. But enough bad that most people can't abide by it.

What we have is a JBS trained President. And this influence has been trying to take over the Republican Party since about 1962. It was unsuccessful until about 1982. Oh, parts of it did get in but people like William F Buckley Jr, and a few other real Conservatives road shotgun for the GOP. When they died or stopped doing it, the JBS moved in. Trying to stop the JBS was like whackamole. The problem is, a person may be a Bircher but you may not be aware of it. They'll tell you that they are a staunch Fiscal Conservative or anything else that you wish to hear. Buckley learned that during the Goldwater campaign. Donald J Trump was raised as a John Birch Society Member and the JBS is very secretive in who is in their membership for those in power. Are you aware that Ted Cruz is one as well except he's not in real good standings lately but with the way the JBS operates, what is real and what is not.

To a Bircher, there is a Commie behind every tree. And if you aren't a Bircher, you are a Communist or at least a Socialist. The ruling class must be kept white and pure. There is more but I am not that privy to all the teachings of the Birchers. If any of this sounds familiar and similar to the current Republican Party right now, it's not a coincidence. Senator McCarthy is alive and well and running the Executive Office.
In my opinion, well researched, the Uber wealthy and corporatists want working class people attacking other working class people so in the meantime the rich can laugh all the way to the bank. They are plutocrats in a sense.
Newt and Tom Delay ushered the crazy in with their contract on America, and the right wing crazies have expanded it since then.
Actually you need to go back to the 60s and 70s, many of my generation never moderated their hard left stances then got elected from dog catcher up to president though some had moderated a bit by then. Then came the outward expression of tribalism from both sides while they worked to keep the status quo as much as possible on the inside. The election of Obama energized the hard right making tribalism the norm in both parties inside and out, Trump is a direct result of all that, people were fed up and wanted an outsider to shake up the status quo, the hard right wanted him to undo everything they blamed Obama and all past presidents since Reagan for. The hard left were stunned by Trumps win as they saw all their hard won gains placed in jeopardy and have entrenched themselves even deeper into tribalism. It's a vicious cycle fueled by both sides.

Nah, tRump appeals to the racists and misogynists.
Since when does Trump appeal to Democrats?

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