This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

I have a whole different take on this. The mafia has not magically disappeared. The MAGIC Democrats (Jack or Bobby) didn't make them go away...instead, the otherwise. The mafia has given up the penny ante rackets.for a more lucrative industry. They have infiltrated our government. When we have "sanctuary cities" forced on us without our asking or our democratic will, follow the money. Something isn't adding up.
There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

Huh! And here I thought it was you folks' fault.
Democrats / snowflakes inability to accept the 2017 election, 4 years of attempting to undo the 2016 election...

If we had tried to undo the Obama election, you'd have gotten all mad and hurt ----- but we didn't. We just put up with that weak prez till we could replace him and undo all his many errors.
I have to wonder who "WE" in we the people IS anymore. Contractors, like something out of Chinatown. They...Firestone or GM pushed out trolleys, NOW they push "Light rail" We didn't ask for or need illegal aliens on that same note, either.

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?

no, i can't. :(
And now that you have been enlightened - filled with the knowledge that believing something does not make it so - will you open your mind to the truth or just crawl back into your bubble?

With apologies to R Reagan:
It's not only that our leftists are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what the "know" just ain't so.
I'll retreat back into what i do know : that Republicans are big supporters of the prison industry as a solution to crimes caused by the poor. Poor that are kept poor by Republicans and 'the rich'.
The evidence is all over Hollywood's output.

They had a leader to


Bill Clinton, perhaps the most beloved president in urban American history, waited until his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declared her candidacy for the presidency to admit that policies passed under his presidency contributed greatly to mass incarceration, better known in urban America as the mammoth monstrosity, “jail-industrial complex.”
America now incarcerates more individuals than any other industrialized nation in the world, by far, and the charismatic Clinton is at the epicenter of that explosion in prison population, overcrowding and the plethora of problems hatched from that dilemma because of a law he passed 21 years ago.

It took over 20 years for former President Clinton to point to the “three strikes” initiative as having contributed considerably overcrowding prison in huge numbers and leading to many young, black men having lifelong affiliations with the U.S. penal system, often for nonviolent offenses, crippling their futures and further fracturing urban families.

Bill Clinton blames himself for mass incarceration, jail-industrial complex | Atlanta Daily World

What next ?how much you care about the working men and women of america ?

Left wing nazis friggin ignorance and blind hatred rules useful idiots empty heads ...pathetic embarrassments
The lot of em
If we had tried to undo the Obama election, you'd have gotten all mad and hurt ----- but we didn't. We just put up with that weak prez till we could replace him and undo all his many errors.
And that was the election that should have been undone. I will never forget how Democrats elected a Kenyan to be our president.

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?

no, i can't. :(
And now that you have been enlightened - filled with the knowledge that believing something does not make it so - will you open your mind to the truth or just crawl back into your bubble?

With apologies to R Reagan:
It's not only that our leftists are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what the "know" just ain't so.
I'll retreat back into what i do know : that Republicans are big supporters of the prison industry as a solution to crimes caused by the poor. Poor that are kept poor by Republicans and 'the rich'.
The evidence is all over Hollywood's output.

Yes, and Trump and Congress did not just pass the biggest criminal reform legislation probably in your lifetime?

What are you, an unemployed prison guard?

We had (emphasis on the word "had") a huge private prison in my state and it closed because it was too damned expensive and the crime rate dropped, so they were desperate for business. When the state had no prisoners to send them, they were closed. Other state facilities were closed. What was once a prison is now the training facilities for the state police.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

If you're talking about the divide between the voters, that's an easy one. It's called stupidity and ignorance. They're ignorant to the political facts that keeps them from making an honest and informed decision. Some are comfortable with getting their information from some talking head on a radio/TV show. Or the media (MS or Social). They've comfortable with being told what and who to believe. They've become complacent and somewhat apathetic to the information they get shoved into their brains. After all, it's just easier. And being Americans, we LOVE easy. And we like beating our chest. Especially after throwing some childish irrelevant insults, coupled with a few numbers or unsubstantiated evidence that proves (to them) that they're right.

But, if you're talking about the Federal Government, that's where it gets confusing. It's a HUGE bowl of spaghetti, with millions of stands, but very few ends. All interconnected, but impossible to find where any of it starts.
Some of the obvious clues, are the lobbyist. We all know what they are, what they do and what they're for. But not many know the exact details. Which are by far, the most important.

Luckily, the end result to all this, is that nothing is going to get so bad that we actually get into a civil war over it all. Why? Because we have snow to plow, kids to feed, oil to change. And after all that, we gotta spend our 1.75hrs beating our chest on some political forum.

I posted a great thread about a lot of this. It's long, boring and extremely informative to ONLY those who are really interested. If you click on the link and go to that thread, you'll find it's a desert. Hardly any replies.

Provide your evidence, factual, to the notion that Republicans think that the prison industry is the solution to problems caused by the suffering poor.

This evidence will detail prominent Republicans who say that the poor would not suffer like they do if they just went to prison.

When you fail to find that information, you'll be enlightened.
And what about the 'facts on the ground' factor of it all?
Not everything that's provable has to be admitted to in public by Republican officials, after all.
You made the statement. That means you have to have made it knowing that Republicans have taken this stance.

I asked you to provide your proof because anything I would provide would just be disbelieved. That is the normal M/O here. So, if you believe it, you can provide evidence of it being true, no?

no, i can't. :(
And now that you have been enlightened - filled with the knowledge that believing something does not make it so - will you open your mind to the truth or just crawl back into your bubble?

With apologies to R Reagan:
It's not only that our leftists are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what the "know" just ain't so.
I'll retreat back into what i do know : that Republicans are big supporters of the prison industry as a solution to crimes caused by the poor. Poor that are kept poor by Republicans and 'the rich'.
The evidence is all over Hollywood's output.
Yeah, I figured you'd shove your head right back up your ass and pretend your ignorance wasn't exposed by CWayne. You admitted you have no idea what you are talking about but feel obligated to stick to it anyway. Gotcha. Typical lefty:

I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Our nation is divided because the Oligarchy that runs everything from the government to the media to academia, wants us divided. The billionaires run the show along with a bunch of psychopathic neocons.

If the people were united, these jackasses know their toast.

^^^ THIS. They want us divided. It’s all about distracting people from what’s really happening by keeping us busy fighting each other. Divide and conquer.

What's really happening is that corporate America, Republicans, and tRump are throwing the American Worker under the bus.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

This nation got to this point of hanging by a thread by going against the founders who would not let the unwise vote

That is the cause of America’s destruction if not stopped NOW

The only solution is a logic test for voting before the 2020 election
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Our nation is divided because the Oligarchy that runs everything from the government to the media to academia, wants us divided. The billionaires run the show along with a bunch of psychopathic neocons.

If the people were united, these jackasses know their toast.

^^^ THIS. They want us divided. It’s all about distracting people from what’s really happening by keeping us busy fighting each other. Divide and conquer.

What's really happening is that corporate America, Republicans, and tRump are throwing the American Worker under the bus.

Wrong it’s the unwise voters electing crooks as the cause of America’s fall
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Our nation is divided because the Oligarchy that runs everything from the government to the media to academia, wants us divided. The billionaires run the show along with a bunch of psychopathic neocons.

If the people were united, these jackasses know their toast.

^^^ THIS. They want us divided. It’s all about distracting people from what’s really happening by keeping us busy fighting each other. Divide and conquer.

What's really happening is that corporate America, Republicans, and tRump are throwing the American Worker under the bus.

By using the magic wand?

Actually they are throwing the anti-American moocher out of the bus... and that's why you are pissed.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
As someone who moved here 20 years ago, and studied american history....America has some major issues and it will end up breaking into pieces. the actual United states system won't work for long.
Living in California when I visit some red states I feel as if i flew to a third world country.....don't get me wrong California has its issues as well....but far from it, there is a huge gap between what California does and offer and what most of the heartland and southern states do and offer.
You can bash all you want but most of blue states are in parallel or trying at least to stay at course with the developed world but the rest of the States are still stuck in the 17th century.
I challenge any of you to VIisit, Japan, Malaysia, Dubai, Germany and tell me if you don't feel that states Like Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, Idaho......look like third world countries.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
As someone who moved here 20 years ago, and studied american history....America has some major issues and it will end up breaking into pieces. the actual United states system won't work for long.
Living in California when I visit some red states I feel as if i flew to a third world country.....don't get me wrong California has its issues as well....but far from it, there is a huge gap between what California does and offer and what most of the heartland and southern states do and offer.
You can bash all you want but most of blue states are in parallel or trying at least to stay at course with the developed world but the rest of the States are still stuck in the 17th century.
I challenge any of you to VIisit, Japan, Malaysia, Dubai, Germany and tell me if you don't feel that states Like Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, Idaho......look like third world countries.
Ever been to SE Los Angeles? How about Englewood in Chicago? Dearborn with all the goat-lovers ? Those are third world shitholes
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Trump has nothing to do with it. Our nation is divided because the Oligarchy that runs everything from the government to the media to academia, wants us divided. The billionaires run the show along with a bunch of psychopathic neocons.

If the people were united, these jackasses know their toast.

^^^ THIS. They want us divided. It’s all about distracting people from what’s really happening by keeping us busy fighting each other. Divide and conquer.

What's really happening is that corporate America, Republicans, and tRump are throwing the American Worker under the bus.
Hopefully you also see that after 8 years of the “black mascot for Wall Street,” the D party is doing the same thing.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

the divide that truly matters isn’t remotely political and isn’t even really between left and right; it’s between the privileged and empowered and those who are not.

Ethan Couch comes to mind.
The college bribery scandals.

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