This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

I am not American and do not live in America, but as a European I have the right to educate Americans when they post horsecrap about things on my Continent and about nations on my Continent that they do know have any idea what they are posting or babbling. You have 2aGuy posting gibberish from an American publication I have never heard of that is publishing gibberish about the Norwegian Healthcare System....and I repeat Norway are ranked No. 11 on the WHO list you American's are ranked No. 37, so concentrate on fixing your CRAP Healthcare System and stop posting CRAP about a nation who's Health System is ranked 26 places higher than yours.

In general I like 2aGuy and we often agree about many things, but on this issue he is 100% incorrect and I offer constructive criticism in the hope he can learn something from what I posted.

Maybe you should just STFU instead.
Why should I stfu? Because I don't want, or need, government health care?
Kiss my ass.

No darling I told you that because you said maybe I should move, as a European I have a right to correct inaccurate American ramblings about any nation on this Continent.
1st of all, I'm not your darling.
2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

"2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

What part of I am not American that I am European and live on the European Continent do you NOT understand?

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

Stupid ignorant American is telling a European who live here on the European Continent to:

"Maybe you should move."

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ Idiot is telling me to get out of my OWN Continent :lol:

Lol no wonder so many people think Americans are ignorant and stupid, you are a prime example of both, thank goodness that the Americans I know in RL are all educated and coherent and not Lower Class ignorant hogs like you.
That would be the Ugly American GOP who have gotten even worse because they're no longer the silent majority but now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...

Well I already told him I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and he responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ I mean WTF sort of low IQ idiocy is that response to my comments?
No, everyone does not start out poor. What are you talking about?

Think about it. A child can be born into wealth, but until he or she starts making their own money, they are by definition "poor."

That is one of the silliest things I've ever seen. If your daddy/mommy is paying for all your shit, and they send you to Harvard and buy you a sports car, and hook you up with all the most influential people in your industry ... you're not poor.

As opposed to the kid born to a crack whore mother and no father in a shitty, crime-ridden neighborhood. Best case scenario? He works his ass off in school, doesn't get shot, and gets a scholarship before settling into a middle class job and lifestyle. He's never going to get to hobnob with the folks at the top of the ladder like Richie Rich does. More likely, he'll drop out of school, or go to community college. Because being poor is fucking hard, and soul-crushing, and most people aren't strong enough to handle it perfectly.

I don't know you, so I could be wrong, but from the things you write it seems to me you've probably never gone hungry.

"That is one of the silliest things I've ever seen."

What more silly than SmokeALibs comments to me a European telling me to move out of America when I already told him I live here on the European Continent?

WTF the American Education System is this bad that it produces people like SmokeALib who have such terrible comprehensible skills?

I don't know. Sometimes I hope they're just trolling ... I mean, that degree of stupidity can't actually exist, right?

Then I remember my childhood and teenage years. I used to find people very confusing. Why did they say and do things that made no sense, or were just plain wrong? It wasn't until later on in my life that I realized the answer was incredibly simple; people are stupid. They were just much more stupid than I'd thought when I was young. So I lowered my expectations, and now it all makes sense.

That's not to say I'm perfect, of course. I make my fair share of mistakes. But some people ... some people make as many mistakes as I make in a week by Sunday afternoon ...
Why should I stfu? Because I don't want, or need, government health care?
Kiss my ass.

No darling I told you that because you said maybe I should move, as a European I have a right to correct inaccurate American ramblings about any nation on this Continent.
1st of all, I'm not your darling.
2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

"2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

What part of I am not American that I am European and live on the European Continent do you NOT understand?

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

Stupid ignorant American is telling a European who live here on the European Continent to:

"Maybe you should move."

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ Idiot is telling me to get out of my OWN Continent :lol:

Lol no wonder so many people think Americans are ignorant and stupid, you are a prime example of both, thank goodness that the Americans I know in RL are all educated and coherent and not Lower Class ignorant hogs like you.
That would be the Ugly American GOP who have gotten even worse because they're no longer the silent majority but now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...

Well I already told him I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and he responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ I mean WTF sort of low IQ idiocy is that response to my comments?
Brainwashed GOP voters can't argue anything very long before they say America love it or leave it or some other stupid insult. Fox News also doesn't report what they are losing under the Republican tax policies and policies which are basically still in effect since Reagan... We did get the Obamacare that's it really.
What we need to do is have a new new deal instead of going the other direction that only gets worse for us.
Why should I stfu? Because I don't want, or need, government health care?
Kiss my ass.

No darling I told you that because you said maybe I should move, as a European I have a right to correct inaccurate American ramblings about any nation on this Continent.
1st of all, I'm not your darling.
2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

"2nd off all, as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

What part of I am not American that I am European and live on the European Continent do you NOT understand?

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

Stupid ignorant American is telling a European who live here on the European Continent to:

"Maybe you should move."

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ Idiot is telling me to get out of my OWN Continent :lol:

Lol no wonder so many people think Americans are ignorant and stupid, you are a prime example of both, thank goodness that the Americans I know in RL are all educated and coherent and not Lower Class ignorant hogs like you.
That would be the Ugly American GOP who have gotten even worse because they're no longer the silent majority but now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...

Well I already told him I wasn't American and that I live on the European Continent and he responded with:

"as an American, I have the right to tell you to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

^^^^ I mean WTF sort of low IQ idiocy is that response to my comments?
I think it's the brainwashing and the fatigue lot of stress here in the good old USA LOL...
Enforce our anti-trust laws...We want competition right?
Rebuild our unions around the interest of the workers? Demand better pay and a larger portion of that pie.
Raise tariffs on all outsourcers to favor our businesses here at home.
Educate our children!!! Look at one of the top 5 educational systems on earth and adopt it.
Get them interested in science, tech and doing great things.

This is the road map to success. Rewarding the traitors that have stabbed us in the back is the last thing we should do.

Something similar to this is what we need.

There's a reason why FDR, LBJ, Kennedy and TR are our best presidents.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
Norway is sitting on top of an ocean of oil. That's the only way welfare states can pay for all the promises they make. Any other circumstance puts you on the road to bankruptcy.
Lol except that oil has nothing to do with these parameters. In fact, economic growth was specifically mentioned as not being a factor. Stop pretending you understand Norway when we all know you don’t know jack shit about it. Either way, the unemployment rate in Norway is very low. The workers don’t need welfare you doofus because their median wages are higher after taxes than the median wages here.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.

It's your only solution and our only reprieve
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
Comparing Norway to America is idiotic considering America is made up of many races and creeds, Norway, not so much.

Norway Population: 5.233 million.

America Population: 323.1 million

What is my point?

America is a lot larger in population and land size. Also America is a melting pot versus Norway which mean more races and nationalities.

So I know you will not understand those facts but bigger populated countries that are a melting pot will have more issues than a country that is small and the mostly the same ethnic group...

Exactly and that is another reason why we on the European Continent need to reject Melting Pots aka Multiculturalism, it would be interesting to see the figures of what America was like in health and general well being when you were predominantly all of European descent ie. pre-1965 Immigration, you know the one that Opened Americas Floodgates to the Third Worlders from everywhere from Mexico to Africa to Muslims from the Middle East.

View attachment 165218

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

If The Donald in some way can void the above and replace it with what you had pre-1965 that would be a positive step in the right direction for America, replace it with this again:

View attachment 165219

Emergency Quota Act - Wikipedia

Canada is a melting pot country with an emphasis on multi-culturalism and we’re No. 3 on that life, liberty and freedom list. So much for your racist arguments Lucy.

The issues that are driving down US ratings are health insurance, income inequity and distrust of government and corporations. A government more focused on doing right by corporations than its citizens is a huge problem.
One thing all third world countries have in common is the rich couple of percent have nearly all the wealth and the poor can never move upwards. That is what liberterianism and the koch brothers are doing to our country.

Wake the fuck up.

That is why we aren’t a 3rd world country. Because our poor still have electricity, food, running clean water, heat, AC and can move up the social economic ladder if they try hard.

Sent from my iPhone using
America is definitely not the most free nation on Earth, lol.

Also ...

Poor at 20, Poor for Life

Come on. This certainly isnt true. If there is one thing young couples should know is that early struggle doesnt equate to an eternity of struggle. From my experience we all struggle at 20. My wife and I struggled before we owned a home, built careers, had any savings. Now I am watching (and helping) my two oldest get started.
America is definitely not the most free nation on Earth, lol.

Also ...

Poor at 20, Poor for Life

Come on. This certainly isnt true. If there is one thing young couples should know is that early struggle doesnt equate to an eternity of struggle. From my experience we all struggle at 20. My wife and I struggled before we owned a home, built careers, had any savings. Now I am watching (and helping) my two oldest get started.

The article doesn't say you can't move up. Just that it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so.
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
You need to move.
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.

It's your only solution and our only reprieve
Listen a****** anybody can say get the f*** out of my country. Only You right-wing assholes think it's a political argument.
I don't buy into the "American Exceptionalism" myth, at least not the way the republican conservatives and religious right define it and the democratic far lefts false "diversity is a strength" mantra, has destroyed any hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The amazing thing is we are the only modern country without 5 6 week paid vacations after a year a living wage free healthcare free daycare free University... All to protect the poor Mega rich and rich people half of home want to pay more the good Democrats
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
You need to move.
You need to get a braid, brainwashed functional moron... Why are we the only country in the modern world which doesn't have 5 6 week vacations after a year, free healthcare free daycare free University good infrastructure..... All to save the rich the bloated rich... You are such a punk you would support a king you people don't deserve to have democracy stupid.
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.

Crimes is so high due arms and weapons being everywhere unlike Europe.....Some will come out and say look at Paris and look at London is horrible....No sweethearts I don't go by what your FOX channel provide you.....I visit regularly there is no comparison at all.
Except for few parts towns and cities the rest of the US looks beaten down and suffering.
I don't buy into the "American Exceptionalism" myth, at least not the way the republican conservatives and religious right define it and the democratic far lefts false "diversity is a strength" mantra, has destroyed any hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The Democrats are just fine. What's wrong with four weeks paid vacation after year free healthcare free daycare free college good infrastructure like every other modern country has?

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