This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

That the catholic church had the largest pedophile ring in the world? Yep
You should read the John Jay report. There were only about 200 pedophiles and they went to prison. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances.
You should read the John Jay report. There were only about 200 pedophiles and they went to prison. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances.

Even 200 all protected by the church is awful....right?
In fact, they did. Look you and Vegasgiants are only interested in hating the Catholic Church. Your primary focus was that. My primary focus back in the day was all the children, not just Catholic children.

I am betting yours and Vegasgiants interest isn't even in Catholic children--it is in muddying the Catholic faith. That is sad. But it explains why Vegasgiants is ducking for cover under the guise of dismissal! :badgrin:

Anyway, your interest is no greater than old time newspaper editors. The inches that sold ads involved the Catholic Church. At least we Catholics did something. That was pretty much ignored as well. Or, as Vegasgiants would say, were "dismissed".
You're too defensive. Rambling. Deflecting. Babbling. It's funny. Stop worrying about public schools. Two different subjects. Just think. Right now a Catholic Priest is having gay sex with another priest. Another one is diddling a little boy. Another one is raping a nun. All these things have happened. And the Pope is watching and jerking off. With a rope around his neck in a closet. It's called Auto Erotic Asphixiation. LOL.

So I don't want to see braggadocious threads from Catholics about how great they are. Better just keep quiet so you don't bring attention to yourselves and your dittling pedo priests.
You are absolutely spot on. The RCC has done a lot to remedy the relatively few abuse cases. Their screening process has been greatly tightened since 2005. They no longer allow gays into the seminary. That has helped bring the number of new cases to a very small number. Whereas in the public schools, sexual abuse by teachers has actually gotten worse. But the atheist left doesn't care about this, nor does the leftwing media cover it. It's all about hatred of the RCC. Nothing more.

Thank you for your contribution to this thread.
The Education Department found that reports of sexual violence at schools rose from about 9,600 in the 2015-2016 school year to nearly 15,000 in the 2017-2018 school year. That's an increase of more than 50 percent.

Don't forget if those accusers were accusing Trump you wouldn't believe them. Now I'm sure you believe all 15,000 of them.
You should read the John Jay report. There were only about 200 pedophiles and they went to prison. The vast majority were homosexual dalliances.

The report determined that, during the period from 1950 to 2002, a total of 10,667 individuals had made allegations of child sexual abuse. Of these, the dioceses had been able to identify 6,700 unique accusations against 4,392 clergy over that period in the USA

4400 pedo's not 200

Of the 4,392 clergy accused, 3,300 were not investigated because the cleric had already died. Of the remainder 1,021 were reported to police and of those, 384 were charged, resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; In total, out of the 109,694 priests who were surveyed, 100 were imprisoned.

So the vast majority got away with it.

The report determined that, during the period from 1950 to 2002, a total of 10,667 individuals had made allegations of child sexual abuse. Of these, the dioceses had been able to identify 6,700 unique accusations against 4,392 clergy over that period in the USA

4400 pedo's not 200

Of the 4,392 clergy accused, 3,300 were not investigated because the cleric had already died. Of the remainder 1,021 were reported to police and of those, 384 were charged, resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; In total, out of the 109,694 priests who were surveyed, 100 were imprisoned.

So the vast majority got away with it.
That's only in the US too

The report determined that, during the period from 1950 to 2002, a total of 10,667 individuals had made allegations of child sexual abuse. Of these, the dioceses had been able to identify 6,700 unique accusations against 4,392 clergy over that period in the USA

4400 pedo's not 200

Of the 4,392 clergy accused, 3,300 were not investigated because the cleric had already died. Of the remainder 1,021 were reported to police and of those, 384 were charged, resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; In total, out of the 109,694 priests who were surveyed, 100 were imprisoned.

So the vast majority got away with it.
And all but about 200 were homosexual dalliances. There were only about 200 priests that fit the profile of a sexual predator., Stop hating on gay people.

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