This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

Amends? Tear every catholic church down brick by brick, sell off every priceless artifact and give all the money to the victims and you will just have started to make amends
There are 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide. The number abused amounts to 0.018 percent--not even close to one percent--less than a fifth of one percent. Your solution is to punish almost 1.2 billion Catholics.

Are you recommending the same thing be done to all schools? Take down every school brick-by-brick, burn all the books, give every cent of taxpayer money to children who were abused by teachers? In other words, punish the innocent and give cash to the victims. Do you truly think your suggested policy would heal the victims?

Could it be your hatred of all things Catholic is rooted much deeper than the Catholic Church being the one of lesser abusers of children? What I know: For years now, decades, the Catholic Church informs parishes when untoward behavior occurs. Do you know what some schools districts still do? That's right. Move the teacher to another school.
There are 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide. The number abused amounts to 0.018 percent--not even close to one percent--less than a fifth of one percent. Your solution is to punish almost 1.2 billion Catholics.

Are you recommending the same thing be done to all schools? Take down every school brick-by-brick, burn all the books, give every cent of taxpayer money to children who were abused by teachers? In other words, punish the innocent and give cash to the victims. Do you truly think your suggested policy would heal the victims?

Could it be your hatred of all things Catholic is rooted much deeper than the Catholic Church being the one of lesser abusers of children? What I know: For years now, decades, the Catholic Church informs parishes when untoward behavior occurs. Do you know what some schools districts still do? That's right. Move the teacher to another school.
What a horrible way to minimize the thousands and thousands of victims all over the world?

Every school that protected pedophiles for decades should be torn down brick by brick....except none exist

You have to look to the catholics for that kind of organization
There are 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide. The number abused amounts to 0.018 percent--not even close to one percent--less than a fifth of one percent. Your solution is to punish almost 1.2 billion Catholics.

Are you recommending the same thing be done to all schools? Take down every school brick-by-brick, burn all the books, give every cent of taxpayer money to children who were abused by teachers? In other words, punish the innocent and give cash to the victims. Do you truly think your suggested policy would heal the victims?

Could it be your hatred of all things Catholic is rooted much deeper than the Catholic Church being the one of lesser abusers of children? What I know: For years now, decades, the Catholic Church informs parishes when untoward behavior occurs. Do you know what some schools districts still do? That's right. Move the teacher to another school.
What a horrible way to minimize the thousands and thousands of victims all over the world?
I am not minimizing it. I am noting that children abused by a Catholic priest is less than one-fifth of one percent. I take it you did not bother to look up the number of students molested by teachers? Ten percent.
I am not minimizing it. I am noting that children abused by a Catholic priest is less than one-fifth of one percent. I take it you did not bother to look up the number of students molested by teachers? Ten percent.
Not as a percentage of priests who were around children. Then the number sky rockets.

Schools do not protect pedophiles....the church did...for decades
Not as a percentage of priests who were around children. Then the number sky rockets.

Schools do not protect pedophiles....the church did...for decades
Once again, you are not reading and researching what I put forth. I put forth the percentages. What I presented was your "sky rocket" number. Yes. Schools protected pedophiles and some are still guilty of it. Spotlight wasn't on them for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post. By the way, families are the greatest protectors of pedophiles. About the third time I have noted that as well.

Yet, I don't hear you shouting that all families and their homes should be abolished. Your sole hatred is for the Catholic Church. I am wondering why you want to destroy the lesser offender while not only giving the greater offender a pass--but letting them off the hook entirely. Just like news editors did when they broke the story on the Catholic Church alone, knowing schools were the greater offenders.

Anyway, I am through repeating myself. Hope you are able to somehow get over your great hatred. Hate is never something to be savored.
Once again, you are not reading and researching what I put forth. I put forth the percentages. What I presented was your "sky rocket" number. Yes. Schools protected pedophiles and some are still guilty of it. Spotlight wasn't on them for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post. By the way, families are the greatest protectors of pedophiles. About the third time I have noted that as well.

Yet, I don't hear you shouting that all families and their homes should be abolished. Your sole hatred is for the Catholic Church. I am wondering why you want to destroy the lesser offender while not only giving the greater offender a pass--but letting them off the hook entirely. Just like news editors did when they broke the story on the Catholic Church alone, knowing schools were the greater offenders.

Anyway, I am through repeating myself. Hope you are able to somehow get over your great hatred. Hate is never something to be savored.
I am reading empty claims from you which is why I dismiss them.

No organization in the world protected as many pedophiles all over the world as the church did. If it was a corporation we would have disbanded it and burnt its headquarters to the ground

Facts are facts
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"

The Changing Global Religious Landscape​

Babies born to Muslims will begin to outnumber Christian births by 2035​

More babies were born to Christian mothers than to members of any other religion in recent years, reflecting Christianity’s continued status as the world’s largest religious group. But this is unlikely to be the case for much longer: Less than 20 years from now, the number of babies born to Muslims is expected to modestly exceed christian births.

In the period between 2010 and 2015, births to Muslims made up an estimated 31% of all babies born around the world – far exceeding the Muslim share of people of all ages in 2015 (24%).

The world’s Christian population also has continued to grow, but more modestly. In recent years, 33% of the world’s babies were born to Christians, which is slightly greater than the Christian share of the world’s population in 2015 (31%).

In recent years, Christians have had a disproportionately large share of the world’s deaths (37%) – in large part because of the relatively advanced age of Christian populations in some places. This is especially true in Europe, where the number of deaths already is estimated to exceed the number of births among Christians. In Germany alone, for example, there were an estimated 1.4 million more Christian deaths than births between 2010 and 2015, a pattern that is expected to continue across much of Europe in the decades ahead. And I'm sure America.
Once again, you are not reading and researching what I put forth. I put forth the percentages. What I presented was your "sky rocket" number. Yes. Schools protected pedophiles and some are still guilty of it. Spotlight wasn't on them for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post. By the way, families are the greatest protectors of pedophiles. About the third time I have noted that as well.

Yet, I don't hear you shouting that all families and their homes should be abolished. Your sole hatred is for the Catholic Church. I am wondering why you want to destroy the lesser offender while not only giving the greater offender a pass--but letting them off the hook entirely. Just like news editors did when they broke the story on the Catholic Church alone, knowing schools were the greater offenders.

Anyway, I am through repeating myself. Hope you are able to somehow get over your great hatred. Hate is never something to be savored.
So when the news broke that not only were Catholic priests molesting young boys, the church was keeping it quiet. And rather than fire the pedos, they shipped them off to other parishes where you unsuspecting parents left your alter boys with these repeat pedos. And when this news broke you thought "what about public schools? They do it too?" Classic deflection. And then to attack us for "hating" this organization? Why are we so "HATEFUL?" LOL. You should have been a lawyer or politician, or priest.

What we find funny is you believe the leaders of this "church" on any matters like evolution, hell, sin, gays, what it takes to get into heaven, forgiveness, virgin births, saviors, etc. How can you believe anything they say?
Once again, you are not reading and researching what I put forth. I put forth the percentages. What I presented was your "sky rocket" number. Yes. Schools protected pedophiles and some are still guilty of it. Spotlight wasn't on them for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post. By the way, families are the greatest protectors of pedophiles. About the third time I have noted that as well.

Yet, I don't hear you shouting that all families and their homes should be abolished. Your sole hatred is for the Catholic Church. I am wondering why you want to destroy the lesser offender while not only giving the greater offender a pass--but letting them off the hook entirely. Just like news editors did when they broke the story on the Catholic Church alone, knowing schools were the greater offenders.

Anyway, I am through repeating myself. Hope you are able to somehow get over your great hatred. Hate is never something to be savored.
You keep deflecting. We are talking about the catholic church you want to talk about public schools?

This reminds me of when we tried to talk about the insurrection. Sure enough every time Republicans brought up BLM protests. It's called classic deflection

In general, deflection means that you're passing something over to someone else in an attempt to draw the attention away from yourself. It is a psychological defense in which you deflect blame to others. When you were younger, you may have deflected the blame for a negative activity by pointing out a different negative activity your sibling did. This is to avoid dealing with negative consequences. But, this behavior can be long term and can become a psychological defense mechanism. As you got older, you might have tried to pass the blame for a pedophile church by bringing up public schools.....

If a public school teacher is caught being a pedo, they don't transfer them to another school, do they? And is there a Pope who's in charge of all schools who knows about hundreds of pedo's and has covered it up and continued to let them work in the church?
So when the news broke that not only were Catholic priests molesting young boys, the church was keeping it quiet. And rather than fire the pedos, they shipped them off to other parishes where you unsuspecting parents left your alter boys with these repeat pedos. And when this news broke you thought "what about public schools? They do it too?" Classic deflection.
In fact, what I thought was basic research and news reporting. Why did the Catholic Church move priests? Traces back to the psychiatric seminars. Who else attended these seminars? Teachers. Were they moved? Yes. No one was interested in public school teachers. No one was interested in the children. The interest was focused on Catholic priests. That was the scandal, that was the story. Give the people what they want; don't give them what will not generate interest. Scandalous stories sell ads and in the news business the primary goal is to make money. Then comes reporting the news. Basic journalism. It takes, young, naive reporters to try and get the whole story printed. Guess what ended up on the cutting room floor?
If a public school teacher is caught being a pedo, they don't transfer them to another school, do they?
In fact, they did. Look you and Vegasgiants are only interested in hating the Catholic Church. Your primary focus was that. My primary focus back in the day was all the children, not just Catholic children.

I am betting yours and Vegasgiants interest isn't even in Catholic children--it is in muddying the Catholic faith. That is sad. But it explains why Vegasgiants is ducking for cover under the guise of dismissal! :badgrin:

Anyway, your interest is no greater than old time newspaper editors. The inches that sold ads involved the Catholic Church. At least we Catholics did something. That was pretty much ignored as well. Or, as Vegasgiants would say, were "dismissed".
There are 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide. The number abused amounts to 0.018 percent--not even close to one percent--less than a fifth of one percent. Your solution is to punish almost 1.2 billion Catholics.

Are you recommending the same thing be done to all schools? Take down every school brick-by-brick, burn all the books, give every cent of taxpayer money to children who were abused by teachers? In other words, punish the innocent and give cash to the victims. Do you truly think your suggested policy would heal the victims?

Could it be your hatred of all things Catholic is rooted much deeper than the Catholic Church being the one of lesser abusers of children? What I know: For years now, decades, the Catholic Church informs parishes when untoward behavior occurs. Do you know what some schools districts still do? That's right. Move the teacher to another school.
You are absolutely spot on. The RCC has done a lot to remedy the relatively few abuse cases. Their screening process has been greatly tightened since 2005. They no longer allow gays into the seminary. That has helped bring the number of new cases to a very small number. Whereas in the public schools, sexual abuse by teachers has actually gotten worse. But the atheist left doesn't care about this, nor does the leftwing media cover it. It's all about hatred of the RCC. Nothing more.

Thank you for your contribution to this thread.

If you had 20% of the market and the population grows you might have more customers but you could also have less market share so you actually lost ground in the market place and that will eventually be what matters the most because once you start losing ground in market share your business will inevitably be less profitable that it could have been

The fact is that religious affiliation is declining in the US and will continue to do so.

Yeah we've had the schools and press working against Christians for decades in the US.
But worldwide, Christianity continues to spread. China, for example, is experiencing an unprecendented boom in new Christians. Despite the fact the CCP despises Christianity and attacks Christians regularly.
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"
Good for you, I guess

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