This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

I know. Happened in the catholic church when they were protecting pedophiles
Actually it was liberal leadership who took in homosexual priests who lowered their standards.

But I'm glad you agree that what those homosexual priests did was wrong. They never should have become priests in the first place.
Actually it was liberal leadership who took in homosexual priests who lowered their standards.

But I'm glad you agree that what those homosexual priests did was wrong. They never should have become priests in the first place.
I'm glad you agree that the catholic church created and protected the largest pedophile ring the world has ever known
We will never know. The church swept it all under the rug. Nothing to see here.

IMO all Catholic Priests are gay. This is why the Greek Orthodox split. We wanted our priests to be heterosexuals. So our rule is you can be married, but you have to get married before you become a priest.
Actually it was liberal leadership who took in homosexual priests who lowered their standards.

But I'm glad you agree that what those homosexual priests did was wrong. They never should have become priests in the first place.
I didn't know there were liberal catholic priests.

So they are openly pro gay?
Believe in Evolution?
Pro choice?
I can lead the horse to water but I can't make him drink.
You can lead a child to the back of the church but you can't make him....actually you can and have. Not you but the men you go listen to every week and kiss their hand as you receive communion.
You left religion because I'm pleased we had 600 at our church today? I suggest you leave atheism. It's not helping you if you get angry so easily.
I know a lot of people from most every walk of life and it has long been my observation that the happiest, most contented of them all are people of religion. I've always loved working with and around them. They resonate with spiritual calm. They smile more often than those who are not of faith. It comes from an inner light, a glow I have sensed. Again, my observations only.
I know a lot of people from most every walk of life and it has long been my observation that the happiest, most contented of them all are people of religion. I've always loved working with and around them. They resonate with spiritual calm. They smile more often than those who are not of faith. It comes from an inner light, a glow I have sensed. Again, my observations only.
Funny the most miserable judgmental assholes I ever met have been the uber religious
I didn't know there were liberal catholic priests.

So they are openly pro gay?
Believe in Evolution?
Pro choice?
Openly gay? No. More like in the closet.

Believe in evolution? 100%

Pro choice? No.

They are liberal like socialists are liberal. There has always been a battle within the church between conservatism and liberalism. Always. And will probably be always. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil.
I'm glad you agree that the catholic church created and protected the largest pedophile ring the world has ever known
But I don't agree. Like I said the 200 or so priests that were actual pedophiles are in prison. But that doesn't fit your narrative so you will continue with your lies because your goal is to subordinate religion.
You can lead a child to the back of the church but you can't make him....actually you can and have. Not you but the men you go listen to every week and kiss their hand as you receive communion.
That you use the misfortune of others for your fun and games is truly disgusting.
Actually it was liberal leadership who took in homosexual priests who lowered their standards.

But I'm glad you agree that what those homosexual priests did was wrong. They never should have become priests in the first place.
Why do you just think it was homosexual priests.....girls and even nuns have been raped also.
Why do you just think it was homosexual priests.....girls and even nuns have been raped also.
Wow... you are making it rape too. You should have stopped after the first part and you wouldn't have looked so biased.

But putting that aside, yes, it was not just homosexual priests who had affairs with teen boys. There were some heterosexual priests that had affairs with teen girls too. But the vast majority were male priests with teen boys and they were one off encounters. The 200 or so priests who are in prison were predators with many victims.

If you want a serious discussion let me know. If you want to grind your ax, that'll be a different type of discussion.
Funny the most miserable judgmental assholes I ever met have been the uber religious
I suspect the extremist ( uber ) within any religious or political connotation would be in that group. I haven't met any of those but agree they DO exist. I'm talking about balanced people. Those are the ones I know personally as opposed to those appearing in clips on the news du jour.
Openly gay? No. More like in the closet.

Believe in evolution? 100%

Pro choice? No.

They are liberal like socialists are liberal. There has always been a battle within the church between conservatism and liberalism. Always. And will probably be always. It's the cosmic battle between good and evil.
They don't believe in evolution. They cherry pick. They still believe god POOFED humans onto earth. Then they sort of evolved from there. That's not believing in evolution pal.

They do not believe we crawled out of the ocean and evolved into humans. Liar.
I suspect the extremist ( uber ) within any religious or political connotation would be in that group. I haven't met any of those but agree they DO exist. I'm talking about balanced people. Those are the ones I know personally as opposed to those appearing in clips on the news du jour.
The problem (in addition to your claims being useless personal anecdotes):

You have selection bias. You keep with people like you.

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