This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

They don't believe in evolution. They cherry pick. They still believe god POOFED humans onto earth. Then they sort of evolved from there. That's not believing in evolution pal.

They do not believe we crawled out of the ocean and evolved into humans. Liar.
Of course Catholics believe in evolution. We aren't fundies. We don't read Genesis literally.

This is from The Phenomenon of Man. Written by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a french priest. It's a great book by the way.

Stupid thread. Useless claim based on a personal anecdote.

In reality, 30% of Americans are now "religiously unaffiliated", an all time high since we started keeping track.

And color me shocked. On Easter, he saw a lot of Catholics out and about. WOW! Breaking fucking news.

But, I will say the other day I looked it up and found that while it is true Muslims are having more babies Christians, Christians are having more babies than us atheists. So us atheists are dying off. Not replacing ourselves. We are a very selfish people. A lot of us don't have kids and don't want kids.

Luckily most atheists were raised in religious homes.
And color me shocked. On Easter, he saw a lot of Catholics out and about. WOW! Breaking fucking news.

But, I will say the other day I looked it up and found that while it is true Muslims are having more babies Christians, Christians are having more babies than us atheists. So us atheists are dying off. Not replacing ourselves. We are a very selfish people. A lot of us don't have kids and don't want kids.

Luckily most atheists were raised in religious homes.
But more brainwashed religious kids are out growing the Iron Age myths and leaving the religions.
The biggest proble I have with the church is that they protected these pedophiles for decades
Everyone followed the current psychology of the day. In the 1950s and 1960s, the psychiatric community was gung ho on curing everyone, and that punishment was not the answer for either victim or offender. They were convinced psychoanalyzing and compassionate schooling by psychiatrists were the answers to the problem.

As I noted before, during the 1970s, Catholic priests (and I am sure, others) were telling the psychiatric community their methods and their "cures" were not working.

The history before the 1950s? Goes back to the late 1930s when J. Edgar Hoover was scaring women and children about "sex fiends" (primarily homosexuals) preying on them. This witch hunt then swung into the opposite direction where love and treatment, not punishment, were seen as the solution.
Everyone followed the current psychology of the day. In the 1950s and 1960s, the psychiatric community was gung ho on curing everyone, and that punishment was not the answer for either victim or offender. They were convinced psychoanalyzing and compassionate schooling by psychiatrists were the answers to the problem.

As I noted before, during the 1970s, Catholic priests (and I am sure, others) were telling the psychiatric community their methods and their "cures" were not working.

The history before the 1950s? Goes back to the late 1930s when J. Edgar Hoover was scaring women and children about "sex fiends" (primarily homosexuals) preying on them. This witch hunt then swung into the opposite direction where love and treatment, not punishment, were seen as the solution.
No organization on the planet protected and moved around hundreds of pedophiles.....except the Catholics
No organization on the planet protected and moved around hundreds of pedophiles.....except the Catholics
How about courts and police (along with the psychiatric community) of that time? This was a societal problem, not just a Catholic Church problem. Always was.

From: Horowitz, Timeline of A Panic.pdf

In 1950, the journal Federal Probation devoted an entire issue to sex offenses.27 The introduction notes the aim was partly to promote an “informed and enlightened approach to the
preventative and treatment phases of the problem” and emphasizes that the
matter requires “rational handling of situations involving deviate sexual
behavior.”28 The articles in the issue examine the psychological origins of
most sex offenses and why treatment is superior to simply enacting punitive
laws.29 The latter argument is advanced in a piece written by a police
officer.30 A judge notes that those sentenced for sex offenses must have
access to psychiatric treatment in a “therapeutic” facility, and maintains that
the court can serve as a “balance wheel” to counteract the “near-hysteria”
fomented by J. Edgar Hoover and the media, while mitigating overly liberal
tendencies of mental health professionals.31 Another essay by a magistrate
also asserts that laws and courts fail when psychiatry is not utilized in the
criminal justice process.32 An article by a female police captain emphasizes
the need to be aware of the harm that is done to both the offender and the
victim during court proceedings and in cases covered by the media, and
emphasizes the need to seek treatment for both parties.33 She notes that the
handling of victims in the courts creates additional trauma, and expresses
sympathy for the accused, observing that even those acquitted of sex crimes
suffer humiliation and hostility.34
How about courts and police (along with the psychiatric community) of that time? This was a societal problem, not just a Catholic Church problem. Always was.

From: Horowitz, Timeline of A Panic.pdf

In 1950, the journal Federal Probation devoted an entire issue to sex offenses.27 The introduction notes the aim was partly to promote an “informed and enlightened approach to the
preventative and treatment phases of the problem” and emphasizes that the
matter requires “rational handling of situations involving deviate sexual
behavior.”28 The articles in the issue examine the psychological origins of
most sex offenses and why treatment is superior to simply enacting punitive
laws.29 The latter argument is advanced in a piece written by a police
officer.30 A judge notes that those sentenced for sex offenses must have
access to psychiatric treatment in a “therapeutic” facility, and maintains that
the court can serve as a “balance wheel” to counteract the “near-hysteria”
fomented by J. Edgar Hoover and the media, while mitigating overly liberal
tendencies of mental health professionals.31 Another essay by a magistrate
also asserts that laws and courts fail when psychiatry is not utilized in the
criminal justice process.32 An article by a female police captain emphasizes
the need to be aware of the harm that is done to both the offender and the
victim during court proceedings and in cases covered by the media, and
emphasizes the need to seek treatment for both parties.33 She notes that the
handling of victims in the courts creates additional trauma, and expresses
sympathy for the accused, observing that even those acquitted of sex crimes
suffer humiliation and hostility.34
Yeah but only the church protected pedophiles
Yeah but only the church protected pedophiles
It's like meriweather is saying, "yea but all our grandparents were racists back then".

No, it wasn't a common thing for children to be molested ever. Amazing how catholics today downplay what happened. I guess they have to. The ones that couldn't left the church.

Just remember the Catholic Church is a corporation. It has lobbyists and PR firms trying to help change/fix it's image. That's all this is. A PR nightmare for the church.

PEW has an interesting fact. about half (52%) of all U.S. adults who were raised Catholic have left the church at some point in their lives.
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will
l be with you through the end of time"
about half (52%) of all U.S. adults who were raised Catholic have left the church at some point in their lives.

The most common reason, cited by 20% of people raised Catholic who stopped attending Mass for a year or more, was: “I moved away from the church I had been attending.” The second-most common response is more theological: “I did not feel that attending church mattered.”

Nationwide Catholic membership increased between 2000 and 2017, but the number of churches declined by nearly 11% and by 2019, the number of Catholics decreased by 2 million people.
Wish that were true...but it is not.

I get that you hate the Catholic Church. I am curious as to know why. What did the Catholic Church do to you, personally?
Hey, pick any church. We will attack them with the same vigor. Just today we are picking on the Catholic Church. Why? Because someone started a thread saying they have proof people are rejecting atheism.

Stop being so sensitive. Why does the original OP hate us atheists? Snowflake.
No, it wasn't a common thing for children to be molested ever. Amazing how catholics today downplay what happened. I guess they have to. The ones that couldn't left the church.
No Catholic I know downplays it an iota. We wanted to know how it could have happened, how it could have been prevented, and have been working for decades to insure it doesn't happen again. We are there on the inside. You on the outside haven't a clue. We fix things. We stand with God and don't try to find an excuse to turn away from Him.
No Catholic I know downplays it an iota. We wanted to know how it could have happened, how it could have been prevented, and have been working for decades to insure it doesn't happen again. We are there on the inside. You on the outside haven't a clue. We fix things. We stand with God and don't try to find an excuse to turn away from Him.
You didnt fix things for decades and now we should just trust catholic leadership?
Hey, pick any church. We will attack them with the same vigor. Just today we are picking on the Catholic Church. Why? Because someone started a thread saying they have proof people are rejecting atheism.
So your purpose is to find a church or faith to attack. Lovely.

People are not rejecting atheism. That's like saying people reject their eyes. No one rejects who/what they are.
Stop being so sensitive. Why does the original OP hate us atheists?
Sensitive? I don't know who you have made up in your own mind, but it is not me. Get back to me when you are willing to meet up with me, not some creation of your own making.

I do not know what the OP has against atheists. I happen to love them. But to each his/her own. Why do you hate people of faith so much you want to attack them?

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