This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

No Catholic I know downplays it an iota. We wanted to know how it could have happened, how it could have been prevented, and have been working for decades to insure it doesn't happen again. We are there on the inside. You on the outside haven't a clue. We fix things. We stand with God and don't try to find an excuse to turn away from Him.
When I go to church and watch my nephew be an alter boy I wonder how the priest could have the balls to try such a thing and think for a second he's going to get away with it.

I wouldn't trust my kid with our Preacher. He's a nice guy and all but still. Your catholic priests have ruined the image of Preacher/Priest/Reverand/Minister. Sullied the name. And I didn't like them to begin with. All this did was solidify my beliefs.
Sensitive? I don't know who you have made up in your own mind, but it is not me. Get back to me when you are willing to meet up with me, not some creation of your own making.

I do not know what the OP has against atheists. I happen to love them. But to each his/her own. Why do you hate people of faith so much you want to attack them?
It's fun? All I know is I love you. You seem like a nice person.
So your purpose is to find a church or faith to attack. Lovely.

People are not rejecting atheism. That's like saying people reject their eyes. No one rejects who/what they are.
Stop being so nice! It's hard to attack you when you're like this. LOL
Let's not pretend what the catholic church did for decades was not a horror show for kids
I think you may be the one "pretending". No one is saying that this was not a horror show for kids. Do the research, there was and society was perpetuating it. No one was exempt, not even the very organization that should have been the most exempt. How did it get so bad Catholic priests--even a small percent--were part of this horror show? That is what I wanted to know in the 70s and that is when I tracked how it began and how society perpetuated it. And instead of stepping forward, society hid behind the Catholic Church, pretending it was only a Catholic Church problem.

NO Catholic, let alone a Catholic PRIEST should ever have done such a thing. It is shameful, it is horrific. And Catholics went to work immediately to wipe this out. Catholics have had much success.

This being said, it still even more shameful is that there were a couple of Catholic Diocese who balked at the reforms being made it took years for the Conference of Catholic Bishops to get them to fall back in line. This angered the Catholics who immediately went to work. Overseas...still not the progress that was made even early on in the US.

However, this was not only a horror show for Catholic children. That is my point. We have to learn the entire history or as the saying goes, we're doomed to repeat it. Our descendants deserve better--both our non-Catholic descendants as well as our Catholic ones.

No one is pretending about the Church. No one. So let's not pretend about the other organizations either.
Here's the pertinent data from The John Jay Report. If you want to see all of the data you will have to read the report online.














I think you may be the one "pretending". No one is saying that this was not a horror show for kids. Do the research, there was and society was perpetuating it. No one was exempt, not even the very organization that should have been the most exempt. How did it get so bad Catholic priests--even a small percent--were part of this horror show? That is what I wanted to know in the 70s and that is when I tracked how it began and how society perpetuated it. And instead of stepping forward, society hid behind the Catholic Church, pretending it was only a Catholic Church problem.

NO Catholic, let alone a Catholic PRIEST should ever have done such a thing. It is shameful, it is horrific. And Catholics went to work immediately to wipe this out. Catholics have had much success.

This being said, it still even more shameful is that there were a couple of Catholic Diocese who balked at the reforms being made it took years for the Conference of Catholic Bishops to get them to fall back in line. This angered the Catholics who immediately went to work. Overseas...still not the progress that was made even early on in the US.

However, this was not only a horror show for Catholic children. That is my point. We have to learn the entire history or as the saying goes, we're doomed to repeat it. Our descendants deserve better--both our non-Catholic descendants as well as our Catholic ones.

No one is pretending about the Church. No one. So let's not pretend about the other organizations either.
Name a specific organization that his thousands of cases of pedophilia and protected hundreds of pedophiles for decades. Show the specific evidence

No one should ever trust the catholic church again.
That covers africa, south america and europe......right? LOL
I don't think it does but I don't think it would make a difference with you if it did. I posted the data for other people. People who can be objective.
I don't think it does but I don't think it would make a difference with you if it did. I posted the data for other people. People who can be objective.
Yeah I guess those kids dont matter to catholics. Screw them.....oh wait.....catholics already did
Yeah I guess those kids dont matter to catholics. Screw them.....oh wait.....catholics already did
I'm sure that's how you need to see Catholics. Says more about you than them. It might be helpful for you in the future to remember that no one is all good or all bad.

So basically what the official statistics show is
1) the offending priests in question were overwhelmingly gay
2) the Vatican policy of disallowing gays in the seminaries has reduced offenses to almost zero.

Very well done, RCC.

Now, the atheist public schools? The sex abuse and molestations are on the rise. WHERE is the media???? WHERE are the outraged leftwingers???
So basically what the official statistics show is
1) the offending priests in question were overwhelmingly gay
2) the Vatican policy of disallowing gays in the seminaries has reduced offenses to almost zero.

Very well done, RCC.

Now, the atheist public schools? The sex abuse and molestations are on the rise. WHERE is the media???? WHERE are the outraged leftwingers???
No they were straight men pedophiles that the catholic church protected for decades
I want you to keep protecting these pedophile protectors

It defines you
This is a lot like our discussion on gun control. You believe that good people should be punished for bad people's actions.
Well I have never accused you of being a pedophile. Just protecting them. Very different
Same difference to me. It's actually pretty amazing that the only person who has actually posted any data on priest abuse in the Catholic Church is being accused of protecting pedophiles.
So basically what the official statistics show is
1) the offending priests in question were overwhelmingly gay
2) the Vatican policy of disallowing gays in the seminaries has reduced offenses to almost zero.

Very well done, RCC.

Now, the atheist public schools? The sex abuse and molestations are on the rise. WHERE is the media???? WHERE are the outraged leftwingers???
I think it shows there's a little more nuance to it. I don't think your first point is exactly correct and I don't know anything about the second point so I can't say. What I can say is that there are distributions here which can only be expressed as distributions. As for your well done RCC comment. It was a systemic breakdown of the system that allowed what was going on outside of the church at the time in society to occur within the church and that there was a cover up but there is even a distribution for that. There were egregious acts that allowed pedophiles to continue and for that heads should have rolled at the top. They should have totally cleaned house for no other reason than the 200 priests that were literally predators. The rest? Should have been judged on a case by case basis. But in any event it was handled very poorly.

This is staggering: Concerning atheist public schools:
  • Of children in 8th through 11th grade, about 3.5 million students (nearly 7%) surveyed reported having had physical sexual contact from an adult (most often a teacher or coach). The type of physical contact ranged from unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.
This is staggering: Concerning atheist public schools:
  • Of children in 8th through 11th grade, about 3.5 million students (nearly 7%) surveyed reported having had physical sexual contact from an adult (most often a teacher or coach). The type of physical contact ranged from unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.
I wasn't going to go there but I would suspect the bigger problem is secular society for no other reason than the numbers. It's a disease. It's throughout society.

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