This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

How do we know the Catholic Church covers it up when it happens? If we found out about 100,000 then it's 1 million that it happened to probably.
Public schools wrote the book on covering up on sexual abuse. Nobody has ever compared to them.
So you're saying it's worse if it happens in churches. Isn't that a double standard? Isn't that hypocritical on your part? The irreligious commit many times more abuses than church people, so why doesn't that make "not want to join that group"?
Is it worse to commit a crime against an old person, a baby or a woman? I think we all know the answer is yes.

So yes, it's worse if it's happening in a place of worship. WAY worse.
Is it worse to commit a crime against an old person, a baby or a woman? I think we all know the answer is yes.

So yes, it's worse if it's happening in a place of worship. WAY worse.
That's a hypocritical double standard, letting irreligious places get a pass on sex abuse.
Public schools wrote the book on covering up on sexual abuse. Nobody has ever compared to them.
I actually had a teacher in 5th grade he molested the little girls and paddled us boys. And we know he raped Perlean. 20 years later we all talked about what we remembered and no doubt he picked on her because she came from a broken home. Sad. I can't believe the school never got wind of it. Probably just asked him to retire.

Stop deflecting. This is about Catholics and Atheists not public schools. This is like when ever Trump lies you guys bring up the one time Hillary lied about being under sniper fire.

So you think people are starting to come back to the Catholic church?

You know what? This weekend it's going to seem like there are a lot of Greek Orhodox in the USA. There aren't. We're just out celebrating Greek Easter this weekend. Our numbers are smaller than you would think based on how many of us will be running around this weekend. Got a lamb cooking in the back yard Sunday. Yummy.
No, you said when sex abuse happens in public schools, you dismiss it by saying 'shit happens'.
Just like you can't stop someone with a gun from shooting people, you can't stop a pedo from diddling kids. But what do you do when you find out? I hear the Catholic Church kept it quiet and transferred priests to other parishes where they dittled other kids. Is this true?

Why would the leaders of the church do such a thing? I would fire a principle if they did that. Did you fire your Pope? Perhaps that's why the one stepped down prematurely. He was going to get Me Too'ed?
Just like you can't stop someone with a gun from shooting people, you can't stop a pedo from diddling kids. But what do you do when you find out? I hear the Catholic Church kept it quiet and transferred priests to other parishes where they dittled other kids. Is this true?

Why would the leaders of the church do such a thing? I would fire a principle if they did that. Did you fire your Pope? Perhaps that's why the one stepped down prematurely. He was going to get Me Too'ed?
The effects of pedophilia were not well known in the 1960s. Public schools absolutely absolutely transferred teachers over that. Yet for some reason, that doesn't bother you. Very selective outrage.
The effects of pedophilia were not well known in the 1960s. Public schools absolutely absolutely transferred teachers over that. Yet for some reason, that doesn't bother you. Very selective outrage.
No it bothers me. But this thread isabout Easter and rejecting atheism and the catholic church being alive and well. Never forget. We won't.
That's a hypocritical double standard, letting irreligious places get a pass on sex abuse.

Except no one is giving them a pass. They are fired, teaching credentials revoked and sent to jail. The priests who do it are the ones given the pass by the catholic church.
Except no one is giving them a pass. They are fired, teaching credentials revoked and sent to jail. The priests who do it are the ones given the pass by the catholic church.
That's ridiculous. The RCC has reduced these cases to near zero, whereas they are still increasing in the atheist public schools.
That's ridiculous. The RCC has reduced these cases to near zero, whereas they are still increasing in the atheist public schools.

Earlier in this thread you claimed we didn't know how bad pedophilia was in the 1960s. And that teachers were just transfered.

Funny that you go back 60 years for public school molestations, and then claim the RCC has eliminated it in priests.
I don't. This thread has nothing to do with public schools. You're deflecting.
Funny how the atheists left doesn't want ANY light shone on the MASSIVE sex abuse problem in the atheist public schools. Nosiree, that want that kept quiet.
Earlier in this thread you claimed we didn't know how bad pedophilia was in the 1960s. And that teachers were just transfered.

Funny that you go back 60 years for public school molestations, and then claim the RCC has eliminated it in priests.
You don't have to go back 60 years for public school molestations. They are happening now and INCREASING. Yet somehow you atheists don't want to talk about that.
You don't have to go back 60 years for public school molestations. They are happening now and INCREASING. Yet somehow you atheists don't want to talk about that.

I am fine talking about it. But I am not willing to give you a pass just because you point out other places that children are molested. You are the one not wanting to talk about priests molesting children and the RCC actively working to protect them.
You are the one not wanting to talk about priests molesting children and the RCC actively working to protect them.
Why is it the Catholic Church takes the blame for this when courts agreed that pedophilia should not be punished, but cured. All offenders, not just priests, were put through the psychological seminars and placed in new locations. Why? Because in the late 1930s J. Edgar Hoover started a witch hunt, ironically, aimed mostly at punishing homosexuals, but including every other sexual offense as well.

Seems like someone had the bright idea to switch the witch hunt solely to Catholics.

As a nation of goats, we conveniently forget/ignore all our own history, satisfied when a single scapegoat can be found to take the blame for all.
I am fine talking about it. But I am not willing to give you a pass just because you point out other places that children are molested. You are the one not wanting to talk about priests molesting children and the RCC actively working to protect them.
But the atheist public schools have had more than 1000 times the sexual molestation cases which are increasing. Yet for some reason, you focus on the group that had a much smaller number, and has pretty much solved the problem. Why is that?

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