This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

I am fine talking about it. But I am not willing to give you a pass just because you point out other places that children are molested. You are the one not wanting to talk about priests molesting children and the RCC actively working to protect them.

Child molesters are everywhere.
You can excuse the Catholic Church for having Priests who molest children.
You can’t excuse them blaming the children and sending the priests to other parishes without warning
But the atheist public schools have had more than 1000 times the sexual molestation cases which are increasing. Yet for some reason, you focus on the group that had a much smaller number, and has pretty much completely solved the problem.

Because this thread is about the RCC, not about public schools. And rather than count raw numbers, how about looking at percentages of the population to see which has a greater effect.

As for me, I want to see ALL child molesters prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
But the atheist public schools have had more than 1000 times the sexual molestation cases which are increasing. Yet for some reason, you focus on the group that had a much smaller number, and has pretty much solved the problem. Why is that?
You can’t excuse them blaming the children and sending the priests to other parishes without warning
That stopped decades ago. People conveniently forget that it was the priests who warned the psychiatric gurus of the time that this was not working. Still, knowing this themselves, bishops did have other options even then. They could have defrocked offenders. They could have sent them to monasteries that had no interaction with the outside world. Child molestation should not have happened anywhere, certainly not in the Catholic Church!

The same should be true of families, of schools, of children's organizations. Where has the most progress been made? The Catholic Church. Let's help these other places to progress as well.
That stopped decades ago. People conveniently forget that it was the priests who warned the psychiatric gurus of the time that this was not working. Still, knowing this themselves, bishops did have other options even then. They could have defrocked offenders. They could have sent them to monasteries that had no interaction with the outside world. Child molestation should not have happened anywhere, certainly not in the Catholic Church!

The same should be true of families, of schools, of children's organizations. Where has the most progress been made? The Catholic Church. Let's help these other places to progress as well.
You can excuse the Church if they found pedophile Priests and reported them to authorities

But they “fixed” them
Had them pray for forgiveness and have Jesus cure them. They were sent to a new parish without warning. Why warn when these Priests are cured.

This went on well past when the first cases were reported and much of the Church is still in denial
I doubt that, but then again, why not? Seems here there is as much denial about sex offenses occurring outside the Catholic Church, too.

Are there procedures in place to prevent Priests from being alone with children and for children to report inappropriate behavior?
Are there procedures in place to prevent Priests from being alone with children and for children to report inappropriate behavior?
Have been for decades. While the news media seemed to delight in reporting Catholics leaving the Church over this, they were strangely quiet about all the parishioners (along with the clergy) doing all of the above--right at the beginning. We went to work fixing and cleaning. Dioceses have been reporting offenses to both police and parishes for decades.

Would you consider yourself an informed person? If so, did you miss the information, or did the news media simply ignore what was happening, much the same as they chose to ignore the issues of molestation in the secular realm?
That's ridiculous. The RCC has reduced these cases to near zero, whereas they are still increasing in the atheist public schools.
We show you on a weekly basis black people being murdered by cops and you say it’s rare. What’s rare is getting it on tape.

You say child sex abuse is a national issue? Why no headlines?
Have been for decades. While the news media seemed to delight in reporting Catholics leaving the Church over this, they were strangely quiet about all the parishioners (along with the clergy) doing all of the above--right at the beginning. We went to work fixing and cleaning. Dioceses have been reporting offenses to both police and parishes for decades.

Would you consider yourself an informed person? If so, did you miss the information, or did the news media simply ignore what was happening, much the same as they chose to ignore the issues of molestation in the secular realm?

United States[edit]​

Further information: Sexual harassment in education in the United States
In the United States, "roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a public school employee from 1991 to 2000—a single decade."

A federal report estimated that in the state of California, "422,000 California public-school students would be victims before graduation".

The United States Department of Education withheld US$4 million from Chicago Public Schools "for what federal officials say is a failure to protect students from sexual abuse."[13]

The Education Department found that reports of sexual assaults at elementary, middle and high schools increased sharply between 2015 and 2018, a finding advocates say underscores the need for more schools to be prepared to handle reports of sexual violence.The Education Department found that reports of sexual violence at schools rose from about 9,600 in the 2015-2016 school year to nearly 15,000 in the 2017-2018 school year. That’s an increase of more than 50 percent

I’m sure the metoo movement played a part in people coming forward.
We show you on a weekly basis black people being murdered by cops and you say it’s rare. What’s rare is getting it on tape.

You say child sex abuse is a national issue? Why no headlines?
Excellent question. It's because blacks killed by cops is covered by the leftwing media, because it promotes the Marxist meme of 'racism'; while the notion of indicting Big Education is like the Marxists telling on themselves. See, indoctrination in the schools is one of the left's most potent tools. They can't afford to jeopardize that by shining the light on their filthy little secret of rampant massive sex abuse.
Excellent question. It's because blacks killed by cops is covered by the leftwing media, because it promotes the Marxist meme of 'racism'; while the notion of indicting Big Education is like the Marxists telling on themselves. See, indoctrination in the schools is one of the left's most potent tools. They can't afford to jeopardize that by shining the light on their filthy little secret of rampant massive sex abuse.
Fox and right wing media would post the stories if it was true. You guys are at war with public schools. Yet you don’t post these stories.

Im not saying it doesn’t happen but it’s rare. And again, we could just as easily be talking about the Catholic Church and everything you’ve said would still be true. Don’t forget you guys are deflecting. This isn’t about public schools.

The Vatican literally is a gay men’s club. You know that right?
The system allows it, apparently.
Big Education run by the leftwing is corrupt from the word 'go'.
Despite headlines about a powerful “gay lobby” within the Vatican, and a new Pope promising reform, the Catholic Church’s gay cardinals, monks, and other clergy inhabit a hidden netherworld. In Rome, the author learns how they navigate the dangerous paradox of their lives.

Worldwide, it is a trend. Growing Catholic Churches. Even in America, the number of Catholics is growing each year.
You better ask the Lord's forgiveness for your constant lies!

"Among religious groups, the decline in membership is steeper among Catholics (down 18 points, from 76% to 58%)"

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