This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"

Deep into the 20th century, more than nine in 10 Americans said they believed in God and belonged to an organized religion, with the great majority of them calling themselves Christian. That number held steady—through the sexual-revolution ’60s, through the rootless and anxious ’70s, and through the “greed is good” ’80s.

But in the early 1990s, the historical tether between American identity and faith snapped. Religious non-affiliation in the U.S. started to rise—and rise, and rise. By the early 2000s, the share of Americans who said they didn’t associate with any established religion (also known as “nones”) had doubled. By the 2010s, this grab bag of atheists, agnostics, and spiritual dabblers had tripled in size.

Why? The religious right and catholic priests drove us away.
Except, moron, I showed where membership has increased every year in both America and the world.
Also, I will add, if you call me a profane name one more time, you will become a permanent resident of iggyland. Is that in any way unclear?
You hate being proven to be a liar, is that your problem?

There is an easy solution. Stop lying.
Except church attendance isn't declining in the Catholic church in terms of numbers. And the reason is, unlike the mainline protestant churches, the RCC has held the line on its teaching against abortion, premarital sex, gay sex, and trans. God didn't change his mind on those issues in 2012 like 0bama, Biden, Hillary, and the protestant churches did.
Why hasn't the Catholic church kicked Pelosi and Biden to the curb for their sins of supporting abortions?
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"
So basically it used to be 9 out of 10 believed and today it’s 7 ou of ten. I’d say probably more like 6 out of 10.

Then you have to ask how much do the 7 believe? Do they take the Bible literally?

Plus, how many of the 7 are Christian today? Some are muslims, Jesus and Mormons. Used to be 9 out of 10 were Christians. And not catholics btw. So you are counting a lot of people who don’t even believe your religion is real or good.
So basically it used to be 9 out of 10 believed and today it’s 7 ou of ten. I’d say probably more like 6 out of 10.

Then you have to ask how much do the 7 believe? Do they take the Bible literally?

Plus, how many of the 7 are Christian today? Some are muslims, Jesus and Mormons. Used to be 9 out of 10 were Christians. And not catholics btw. So you are counting a lot of people who don’t even believe your religion is real or good.
You don't have to take the bible literally at all times. Plenty of parables in there. I have no problem with it.
This is staggering: Concerning atheist public schools:
  • Of children in 8th through 11th grade, about 3.5 million students (nearly 7%) surveyed reported having had physical sexual contact from an adult (most often a teacher or coach). The type of physical contact ranged from unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.
You really should work on those poor reading skills. You can't even read your own links!
The problem I have is with government-sponsored atheism and the dissemination of a godless agenda by the mainstream and social media. Lots of impressionable people are being influenced. But, if you read posts from the folks in here, you'll believe what you just said, that I have something against atheists. No, it's atheISM.
Ah, the lies from your other thread resurfaces!
I’m sure the metoo movement played a part in people coming forward.
The Metoo movement was a media event. The media could have made it known at the same time they shone the spotlight only on the Catholic Church, but they did not.

It is great, and I am in favor of the media going at least that far, as sexual abuse of children should not happen anywhere. If all society could do at that point in the past was at least take care of the small percentage going on in the Catholic Church, it was a start, right? The greater abuse going on (and still going on) in the secular society is painful for these reasons.

I am Catholic; I was a journalist; I am a school teacher. All three failed me, and the sad part is that it was the Catholic Church that failed me least. I mourn decisions that were made by the media then, and that institution has descended into far worse now. I was hoping schools would at least learn from the spotlight on the Catholic Church, but they did not--at least not to the extent needed.
What will it be next week? 50 tops?
No. Catholic attend daily Mass with numbers that surpass 50 each day.

Still, Easter Sunday, standing room only. This coming Sunday, while every pew will have plenty of people, most pews will also have space for a few more.
Funny how the atheists left doesn't want ANY light shone on the MASSIVE sex abuse problem in the atheist public schools. Nosiree, that want that kept quiet.
You need to drop the "atheist" in front of public schools. That lie is simply painting you as a complete religious nut. Public schools are secular. Look that word up if you don't understand.

I have told you that I am a retired teacher. Accusing me of being an atheist is just moronic on your part!
No. Catholic attend daily Mass with numbers that surpass 50 each day.

Still, Easter Sunday, standing room only. This coming Sunday, while every pew will have plenty of people, most pews will also have space for a few more.
Yes, that is because for a city of over 100,000 people we have 1 Catholic church! We have more Methodist churches than you can shake a stick at!

I attended a Catholic church for a funeral once. Catholics were so great in turnout that my friend and I had to be pallbearers because no one besides the immediate family showed up. I helped carry my friend's grandmother to her grave even though I never met the woman.

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